function [Abasis, Abasisi, Asubs] = dsGetLinearIndependentDs(data,ignore_constant_shift,varargin)
% [Asubs, Abasis, Abasisi] = getLinearIndependentDs(data,ignore_constant_shift,varargin)
% Purpose: Takes in DynaSim Data structure and identifies
% subsets varied parameters that are linearly dependent upon each other.
% This is a wrapper for getLinearIndependent (see documentation for
% getLinearIndependentCell for full explanation).
% Usage:
% [Asubs, Abasis, Abasisi] = getLinearIndependentDs(data)
% [Asubs, Abasis, Abasisi] = getLinearIndependentDs(data,ignore_constant_shift)
% Inputs:
% data: DynaSim data structure
% Inputs (Optional):
% ignore_constant_shift: Flag (true / false [default]) for ignoring a
% constant term in determining independence.
% Outputs:
% Abasis: A subset data.varied values that are linearly independent
% across simulations
% Abasisi: Corresponding index locations in data(1).varied of varied
% values given in Abasis.
% Asub: Index locations in data(1).varied of clusters of linearly
% dependent (e.g. covaried) varied parameters. (One cluster for each
% basis vector in Abasis)
% Examples:
% See documentation for getLinearIndependentCell.
% Submodules: getLinearIndependent, getLinearIndependentCell uniqueCellGeneralized, iscellnum
% Author: David Stanley, Boston University, 2017
% See also: getLinearIndependent, getLinearIndependentCell, rref, unique
%% auto_gen_test_data_flag argin
options = dsCheckOptions(varargin,{'auto_gen_test_data_flag',0,{0,1}},false);
if options.auto_gen_test_data_flag
varargs = varargin;
varargs{find(strcmp(varargs, 'auto_gen_test_data_flag'))+1} = 0;
varargs(end+1:end+2) = {'unit_test_flag',1};
argin = [{vary_lengths}, {data_length}, varargs]; % specific to this function
if nargin < 2; ignore_constant_shift = false; end
N = length(data);
vary_labels = data(1).varied; % data(1).simulator_options.vary;
Nlabels = length(vary_labels);
% Get varied list
for i = 1:N
for j = 1:Nlabels
vary_params{i,j} = data(i).(vary_labels{j});
[Abasis, Abasisi, Asubs] = getLinearIndependentCell(vary_params,ignore_constant_shift);
%% auto_gen_test_data_flag argout
if options.auto_gen_test_data_flag
argout = {linked_indices, non_linked_indices}; % specific to this function
dsUnitSaveAutoGenTestDataLocalFn(argin, argout); % localfn