function xp = dsImg2mdd(data_img,merge_covaried_axes,merge_sparse_axes,varargin)
if nargin < 2
merge_covaried_axes = true;
if nargin < 3
merge_sparse_axes = true;
if isempty(data_img)
error('Input data_img is empty');
if ~isstruct(data_img)
error('Input data_img must be a struct');
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Merge data varied statements if necessary % % % % %
if merge_covaried_axes && isfield(data_img(1),'varied')
% Remove any data in data(1...N) that is empty (e.g. skipped by
% the simulator)
% (Not relevant for xp_img!!)
% Identified covaried axes (note; this will fail if
[Abasis,Abasisi, Asubs] = dsGetLinearIndependentDs(data_img);
gt1 = cellfun(@(x) length(x) > 1, Asubs); % Identified all linked indices with at least 2 varieds
Asubs = Asubs(gt1); % Only perform the merge if there are at least 2 varieds to merge!
% Merge eached linked_ind into a single varied statement
vary_labels = data_img(1).varied; % data(1).simulator_options.vary;
Nlinked = length(Asubs);
variedname_merged = cell(1,Nlinked);
varied_vals = cell(1,Nlinked);
for j = 1:Nlinked
[data_img, variedname_merged{j}, varied_vals{j} ] = dsMergeVarieds(data_img,vary_labels(Asubs{j}));
% Automerge any additional dimensions based on analysis of
% sparseness
if merge_sparse_axes && isfield(data_img(1),'varied')
[data_img, variedname_merged, varied_vals ] = dsAutoMergeVarieds(data_img);
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Merging is complete % % % % % % % %
% Load into DynaSim structure
[data_table,column_titles] = dsDataField2Table (data_img,'plot_files');
% The entries in the first column contain the paths to the figure files.
% There can be multiple figures associated with each simulation, which is
% why these are cell arrays of strings.
% Import the linear data into an MDD object
xp = MDD;
X = data_table{1}; axislabels = data_table(2:end);
xp = xp.importDataTable(X, axislabels);
xp = xp.importAxisNames(column_titles(2:end));
% Squeeze out any empty dims that might have been introduced by the
% above operations. This is necessary if xp was originally 2x1 (e.g.
% varied1 x Dim 1) and then added populations and variables onto this
% after Dim 1
xp = xp.squeezeRegexp('Dim');
% Set up metadata
% Store metadata info (putting random info in here for time being)
meta = struct;
meta.datainfo(1:2) = MDDAxis;
meta.datainfo(1).name = 'time(ms)';
meta.datainfo(1).values = 1:10;
meta.datainfo(2).name = 'cells';
cell_names = [1:5];
cell_names_str = cellfunu(@(s) ['Cell ' num2str(s)], num2cell(cell_names));
if isfield(data_img(1),'varied')
meta.dynasim.varied = data_img(1).varied;
% For case when nothing varied, insert some dummy data
meta.dynasim.varied = {'Varied1'};
xp.meta = meta;