function data_out = dsRearrangeStudies2Neurons(data,varargin)
%REARRANGESTUDIES2NEURONS - Takes a DynaSim data structure that is the result of a parameter sweep and rearranges it into a single (1D) data structure.
% Each "neuron" in this new data structure corresponds to a simulation in the
% original sim study.
% If there is more than one cell in a population, each trace will represent the
% averaged activity across neurons.
% This is useful when you want to run multiple simulations and see how
% the averaged responses of populations vary. It is also useful when running
% the same simulation multiple times (with different) seed values and then
% observing the variance across these sims.
% Usage:
% data_out = RearrangeStudies2Cells(data,'option',value)
% Inputs:
% - data: DynaSim data structure array (see dsCheckData). Length(data) should
% be greater than 1.
% Outputs:
% - data_out: data structure of length 1.
% Example:
% data = RearrangeStudies2Cells(data)
% dsPlot(data)
% See also: dsCalcAverages, dsAnalyzeStudy, dsSimulate, dsCheckData, dsSelectVariables
%% 1.0 Check inputs
data = dsCheckData(data, varargin{:});
% note: calling dsCheckData() at beginning enables analysis function to
% accept data matrix [time x cells] in addition to DynaSim data structure.
%% Average all cells together if necessary
data = dsCalcAverages(data, varargin{:});
%% Compress data structure array into a single structure
% Identify all fields in data containing simulated output
labels = data(1).labels;
labels = labels(~strcmp(labels,'time'));
% Initialize data_out
data_out.labels = data(1).labels;
data_out.model = data(1).model;
data_out.simulator_options = data(1).simulator_options;
if isfield(data(1),'time')
data_out.time = data(1).time;
% Initialize other fields to empty matrices.
for j = 1:length(labels)
data_out.(labels{j}) = [];
% Move the averages from data into data_out
for i = 1:length(data)
for j = 1:length(labels)
% Add ith simulation result for as a new neuron for label(j);
data_out(1).(labels{j}) = cat(2,data_out(1).(labels{j}), data(i).(labels{j}));
% Update number of cells in each population to correspond to the total number of
% sims in the original SimStudy parameter sweep
for i = 1:length(data_out.model.specification.populations)
data_out.model.specification.populations(i).size = length(data);