%From "A biophysical model of striatal microcircuits suggests delta/theta-rhythmically interleaved gamma and beta
% oscillations mediate periodicity in motor control"
%Julia A. K. Chartove, Michelle M. McCarthy, Benjamin R. Pittman-Polletta, Nancy J. Kopell
%Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Boston University, Boston, MA
%Fig 1. Behavior of single model FSI over a range of applied currents and D-current
%(A) i. A single model FSI with low tonic excitation (Iapp = 8muA=cm2) spikes at a low gamma
%frequency nested in slow bursting, while a single model FSI with high tonic excitation
%(Iapp = 20muA=cm2) spikes at a high gamma nested in slow bursting.
%(A) ii. Power spectral density of voltage traces in (A)i, comparing low and high levels of tonic excitation.
%(B) Plot of the minimal firing rate within a burst of a single model FSI with zero and nonzero D
%current conductance gD. Note that the cell does not fire below 40 Hz when the D-current is present.
%(C) Plot of the maximal inter-burst (delta) frequency and intraburst (gamma) firing rate of a single model FSI as tauD,
%the time constant of inactivation of the D current, is increased.
%(D) Three-dimensional false-color plot demonstrating the dependence of the bursting regime on gd and Iapp.
%(E) Three-dimensional false-color plot demonstrating the dependence of firing rate on gd and Iapp.
X1 = iapp;
X2 = taub;
YMatrix1(:,1) = hz_no_gd;
YMatrix1(:,2) = hz_gd;
Y2 = burst_taub;
%(A) i. A single model FSI with low tonic excitation (Iapp = 8muA=cm2) spikes at a low gamma
%frequency nested in slow bursting
subplot1 = subplot(6,2,1);
ylabel('Voltage (mV)');
%(A) ii. Power spectral density of voltage traces in (A)i, comparing low and high levels of tonic excitation.
subplot2 = subplot(6,2,[2,4]);
p1 = plot(sim9_spectrum, 'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','I_{app} = 8 \mu A / cm^2');
hold on;
p2 = plot(sim21_spectrum, 'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','I_{app} = 20 \mu A / cm^2');
ylabel('Spectral Power (a.u.)');
legend1 = legend([p1 p2]);
xlim([0 100]);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
%(A) i. A single model FSI with high tonic excitation (Iapp = 20muA=cm2) spikes at a high gamma nested in slow bursting.
subplot3 = subplot(6,2,3);
xlabel('Time (ms)');
%(B) Plot of the minimal firing rate within a burst of a single model FSI with zero and nonzero D
%current conductance gD. Note that the cell does not fire below 40 Hz when the D-current is present.
subplot4 = subplot(6,2,[5,7]);
default_red = lines(2);
default_red = default_red(2,:);
plot1 = plot(X1,YMatrix1,'LineWidth',3);
set(plot1(1),'DisplayName','g_d = 0 mS');
set(plot1(2),'DisplayName','g_d = 6 mS');
legend2 = legend([plot1]);
hold on;
ylabel('Firing rate within burst (Hz)');
xlabel('I_{app} (mA/cm^2)');
%(C) Plot of the maximal inter-burst (delta) frequency and intraburst (gamma) firing rate of a single model FSI as tauD,
%the time constant of inactivation of the D current, is increased.
subplot5 = subplot(6,2,[6,8]);
p4 = plot(X2,Y2,'LineWidth',3,'DisplayName','Burst freq.');
ylabel('Burst frequency (Hz)');
xlabel('\tau_{D} (ms)');
yyaxis right
plot(X2, hz_taub,'LineWidth',3,'DisplayName','Firing freq.');
ylabel('Firing rate within burst (hz)');
ylim([0 90]);
%(D) Three-dimensional false-color plot demonstrating the dependence of the bursting regime on gd and Iapp.
subplot6 = subplot(6,2,[9,11]);
axis xy
title('Burst frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('D current conductance g_d (mS)')
xlabel('Tonic input level I_{app} (\mu A / cm^2)')
pos = get(gca, 'Position');
pos(2) = pos(2) -0.05;
pos(3) = pos(3) +0.1;
set(gca, 'Position', pos)
%(E) Three-dimensional false-color plot demonstrating the dependence of firing rate on gd and Iapp.
subplot7 = subplot(6,2,[10,12]);
axis xy
title('Intraburst spike frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('D current conductance g_d (mS)')
xlabel('Tonic input level I_{app} (\mu A / cm^2)')
pos = get(gca, 'Position');
pos(2) = pos(2) -0.05;
pos(3) = pos(3) +0.1;
set(gca, 'Position', pos)