function getnums(directory,datatype_range)
datadir = [directory, '*data.mat'];
datafiles = dir(datadir);
txtfile = strcat(directory,'nums.csv');
txtfile = strrep(txtfile,'/','-')
formatSpec = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \r\n';
fileID = fopen(txtfile,'at+');
fprintf(fileID,formatSpec, ...
'Filename, AVerage firing rate, Total power, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Low gamma, High gamma, HFO, Low freq peak, Beta peak, Low gamma peak, High gamma peak, HFO peak, Gamma peak, High peak, Checksum, \r\n');
for file = datafiles'
filename = strsplit(,'.m');
filename = filename{1};
mods = simulator_options.modifications;
for datatype = datatype_range
if datatype == 1
data = soma_V;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_FSI')
elseif datatype == 2
data = D1_V;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_D1')
elseif datatype == 3
data = D1_soma_somaMSNiSYN_s;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_FSID1syn')
elseif datatype == 4
data = D1_mCurrentMSN_m;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_D1mcurr')
elseif datatype == 5
data = D1_D1_gabaRecInputMSN_s;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_D1syn')
elseif datatype == 6
data = D2_V;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_D2')
elseif datatype == 7
data = D2_soma_somaMSNiSYN_s;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_FSID2syn')
elseif datatype == 8
data = D2_mCurrentMSN_m;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_D2mcurr')
elseif datatype == 9
data = D2_D2_gabaRecInputMSN_s;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_D2syn')
elseif datatype == 10
data = FSI_V;
filenew = strcat(filename, '_FSIsc')
T_total = size(data,1)-1;
T_start = T_total*0.25;
numcells = size(data,2);
%%%%%%%%image generation
time = zeros(1,size(data,1));
for j = 1:T_total + 1;
time(j) = (j-1)*10*simulator_options.dt; %factor of 10 for decimation reasons
V_new = data(T_start:T_total,:);
T_short = length(V_new)-1;
if numcells > 1
lfp = mean(V_new');
lfp = V_new';
spike_indicator = zeros(numcells,T_short);
synch_indicator = zeros(numcells, numcells, T_short);
spikes = zeros(1,numcells);
for t = 1:T_short
spike_indicator(:,t) = (V_new(t,:)<0) & (V_new(t+1,:) >= 0);
s = (V_new(t,:)<0) & (V_new(t+1,:) >= 0);
spikes = spikes + s;
dt = 0.1; %this is not the real dt it's the decimated dt
T_in_sec = (T_short)*simulator_options.dt/100; %this is 100 for decimation reasons
aVgfr = mean(spikes)/T_in_sec;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% spectra
m = mean(lfp);
signal = lfp - m; %zero-center
signal = double(detrend(signal));
[y,f] = pmtm(signal',[],[0:150],1000/dt);
totalp = sum(y(1:150)); %total power. below: eeg bands
dp = sum(y(1:3));
thp = sum(y(4:7));
ap = sum(y(8:12));
%for the broader peaks, also find peak location
[~,lowpeak] = max(y(1:12));
bp = sum(y(13:35));
[~,bpeak] = max(y(13:35));
bpeak = bpeak + 12;
gplow = sum(y(36:65));
[~,glopeak] = max(y(36:65));
glopeak = glopeak + 35;
gphigh = sum(y(66:100));
[~,ghipeak] = max(y(66:100));
ghipeak = ghipeak + 65;
hfop = sum(y(101:150));
[~,hfopeak] = max(y(101:150));
hfopeak = hfopeak + 100;
[~,gpeak] = max(y(36:100));
gpeak = gpeak + 35;
[~,hipeak] = max(y(66:150));
hipeak = hipeak + 65;
output = {strcat(filename,',') strcat(num2str(aVgfr),',') ...
strcat(num2str(totalp),',') strcat(num2str(dp),',') strcat(num2str(thp),',') strcat(num2str(ap),',') ...
strcat(num2str(bp),',') strcat(num2str(gplow),',') strcat(num2str(gphigh),',') strcat(num2str(hfop),',') ...
strcat(num2str(lowpeak),',') strcat(num2str(bpeak),',') strcat(num2str(glopeak),',') strcat(num2str(ghipeak),',') ...
strcat(num2str(hfopeak),',') strcat(num2str(gpeak),',') strcat(num2str(hipeak),',') ...
strcat(strjoin(mods(:,1)'),',') strcat(strjoin(mods(:,2)'),',') num2str(cell2mat(mods(:,3)')) }
%the following absolutely should be in a loop and i'm a bad programmer
if numcells > 1
m = mean(sum(spike_indicator));
signal = sum(spike_indicator) - m; %zero-center
signal = double(detrend(signal));
[y,f] = pmtm(signal',[],[0:150],1000/dt);
totalp = sum(y(1:150)); %total power. below: eeg bands
dp = sum(y(1:3));
thp = sum(y(4:7));
ap = sum(y(8:12));
%for the broader peaks, also find peak location
[~,lowpeak] = max(y(1:12));
bp = sum(y(13:35));
[~,bpeak] = max(y(13:35));
bpeak = bpeak + 12;
gplow = sum(y(36:65));
[~,glopeak] = max(y(36:65));
glopeak = glopeak + 35;
gphigh = sum(y(66:100));
[~,ghipeak] = max(y(66:100));
ghipeak = ghipeak + 65;
hfop = sum(y(101:150));
[~,hfopeak] = max(y(101:150));
hfopeak = hfopeak + 100;
[~,gpeak] = max(y(36:100));
gpeak = gpeak + 35;
[~,hipeak] = max(y(66:150));
hipeak = hipeak + 65;
output = {strcat(filename,'_spikes,') strcat(num2str(aVgfr),',') ...
strcat(num2str(totalp),',') strcat(num2str(dp),',') strcat(num2str(thp),',') strcat(num2str(ap),',') ...
strcat(num2str(bp),',') strcat(num2str(gplow),',') strcat(num2str(gphigh),',') strcat(num2str(hfop),',') ...
strcat(num2str(lowpeak),',') strcat(num2str(bpeak),',') strcat(num2str(glopeak),',') strcat(num2str(ghipeak),',') ...
strcat(num2str(hfopeak),',') strcat(num2str(gpeak),',') strcat(num2str(hipeak),',') ...
strcat(strjoin(mods(:,1)'),',') strcat(strjoin(mods(:,2)'),',') num2str(cell2mat(mods(:,3)')) }
close all