import numpy as np
import math
import sys
from random import randrange as randr
import steps.geom as stetmesh
import steps.rng as srng
import steps.solver as ssolver
import ip3r_model_nodeshaft
# Set simulation parameters
T_END = 30
DT = 0.001
POINTS = int(T_END / DT)
tpnts = np.arange(0.0, T_END, DT)
ntpnts = tpnts.shape[0]
# Import model
mdl = ip3r_model_nodeshaft.getModel()
# Create random number generator
seed = int(sys.argv[1])
r = srng.create('mt19937', 512)
# Import geometry
name_mesh_file = str(sys.argv[2])
mesh, central_tets, cyt_tris, er_tris, central_tris, cyto_tets, er_area, cyto_area = ip3r_model_nodeshaft.gen_geom(
# Calculate nb of IP3R on ER membrane
# density: 50 IP3R molecules on 1.76243263552e-13 m2 (denizot et al, PLOS CB, 2019)
nb_ip3r = int(er_area * 50 / (1.76243263552e-13))
# get time interval between successive stimuli
ip3_inf = 50
# get probability that node stimulation fails proba_fail
proba_fail = float(sys.argv[3])
# Create solver object
sim = ssolver.Tetexact(mdl, mesh, r)
######## ISOLATE NODES ########
min_xcoord = mesh.getBoundMin()[0]
max_xcoord = mesh.getBoundMax()[0]
sphere_rad = 189.5 * math.pow(10, -9)
# define the barycenters of each node
spheres_centers = [min_xcoord + sphere_rad, (min_xcoord + sphere_rad) / 2, 0, (max_xcoord - sphere_rad) / 2,
max_xcoord - sphere_rad]
# list of tetrahedra of each node
nodes_tets_table = [[] for i in range(len(spheres_centers))]
for t in cyto_tets:
coords = mesh.getTetBarycenter(t)
for i in range(len(spheres_centers)):
if coords[0] < spheres_centers[i] + sphere_rad and coords[0] > spheres_centers[i] - sphere_rad:
# Same method to create list of triangles of ER membrane in each node
sphere_rad_er = 85 * math.pow(10, -9)
nodes_tris_table = [[] for i in range(len(spheres_centers))]
for t in er_tris:
coords = mesh.getTriBarycenter(t)
for i in range(len(spheres_centers)):
if coords[0] < spheres_centers[i] + sphere_rad_er and coords[0] > spheres_centers[i] - sphere_rad_er:
# create ROIs corresponding to each node and each ER triangles corresponding to the given node
for i in range(len(spheres_centers)):
mesh.addROI('node_' + str(i), stetmesh.ELEM_TET, nodes_tets_table[i])
mesh.addROI('node_surf_' + str(i), stetmesh.ELEM_TRI, nodes_tris_table[i])
# Run the simulation and record data #
# Reset the simulation object
# Set initial conditions
sim.setCompConc('cyto', 'ca', 120e-9)
sim.setCompConc('cyto', 'ip3', 120e-9)
nb_plc = int(cyto_area * 1696 / 6.88566421434e-13)
sim.setPatchCount('cyto_patch', 'plc', nb_plc)
sim.setCompConc('cyto', 'GCaMP6s', 9.9e-6)
sim.setCompConc('cyto', 'ca_GCaMP6s', 0.1e-6)
sim.setPatchCount('er_patch', 'unb_IP3R', nb_ip3r)
# time of stimulation of 1st Node
t0 = 5000
# set inter-stimulation time interval, tau_ip3
T = int(sys.argv[4])
# set stimulation count to 0
count = 0
# set file name
fna = 'out.' + str(name_mesh_file) + '.T=' + str(T) + '.pfail=' + str(proba_fail) + '.' + str(seed)
f = open(fna, "w")
# run the simulation
for i in range(ntpnts):[i])
##### Node stimulation: IP3 infusion in the node, following protocol described in Fig2 ######
if (i - t0) % T == 0 and i < t0 + 4 * T + 2 and i >= t0:
ROI_name = 'node_' + str(count)
init_ip3 = sim.getROICount(ROI_name, 'ip3')
proba_inf = 1 - proba_fail
# ip3 infusion occurs with proba 1-proba_fail
if i != t0:
rd = random.uniform(0, 1)
rd = 1
if rd <= proba_inf:
sim.setROICount(ROI_name, 'ip3', init_ip3 + ip3_inf)
count += 1
ROI_name = 'node_4'
ROI_surf_name = 'node_surf_4'
f.write("%d %d %d\n" % (sim.getROICount(ROI_name, 'ca_GCaMP6s'), sim.getROICount(ROI_name, 'ip3'),
sim.getROICount(ROI_surf_name, 'open_IP3R')))