// This file sets the default values of parameters
// in such a way that they can be overridden using
// certain options at the command line
default_var("RunName","none") // Name of simulation run
default_var("UID","0") // Unique ID for this simulation run
default_var("Stimulation","spontaneous") // Filename of the stimulation protocol used to stimulate the network
default_var("Connectivity","try_all_repeatstim") // Filename of the connection protocol used to connect the cells of the network
default_var("Scale",1) // Network scale (1:Scale)
default_var("SimDuration",5000) // Duration of time simulated, in milliseconds
default_var("RandomSeeds",1500000) // Method used to assign seeds to random processors
default_var("Positioning","") // Algorithm used to position the cells
default_var("PrintVoltage",1) // Flag for recording and printing intracellular voltage traces for select cells
default_var("PrintTerminal",1) // Level of printouts to screen (affects run time) 0: minimal, 1: some, 2: max printouts
default_var("PrintConnDetails",0) // Flag for printing the detailed connection matrix
default_var("PrintCellPositions",1) // Flag for printing the cell positions
default_var("PrintConnSummary",1) // Flag for printing the summary connection matrix
default_var("TransverseLength",1000) // Length of the network subfield in the transverse direction in microns
default_var("LongitudinalLength",6000) // Length of the network subfield in the longitudinal direction in microns
default_var("LayerHeights","4;100;50;200;100;") // Vector of heights of each network subfield layer in microns (from basal to molecular layer)
default_var("SpatialResolution",100) // Spatial discretization method or resolution
default_var("ConnData",193) // Number of the connection dataset to use
default_var("SynData",116) // Number of the synapse kinetics dataset that was used to prepare the cell definition files
default_var("NumData",109) // Number of the cells dataset to use
default_var("TemporalResolution",0.05) // Temporal resolution of the simulation (in ms)
default_var("NumTraces",40) // The maximum number of cells to record intracellularly, for each cell type
default_var("FracTraces",100) // The percent of cells to record intracellularly, for each cell type
default_var("DegreeStim",1.81) // Degree of stimulation; meaning depends on Stimulation type
default_var("Onint",0.215) // Duration of burst (in ms) when burst stimulation is used
default_var("Offint",0.125) // Duration of rest interval between bursts (in ms) when burst stimulation is used
default_var("PercentCellDeath",0) // Percent of cells that are killed (removed), for cell types flagged for cell death
default_var("PercentAxonSprouting",0) // Probability of connection between granule cells, given as a percent of connections to make out of all possible granule cell connections
default_var("RipStim",0.38) // Degree of ripple CA3 stimulation; Higher=more
default_var("CatFlag",0) // Whether to concatenate and remove trace connection files
default_var("JobNumber",0) // Job number assigned by supercomputer
default_var("TopProc","nrniv") // NEURON process name
default_var("RandomSeedsConn",1500000) // Starting highIndex used by connectivity streams
default_var("RandomSeedsStim",1500000) // Starting highIndex used by stimulation streams
default_var("AxConVel",0) // Axonal conduction velocity, leave at 0 for a the distance-independent, constant value
default_var("StepBy",100) // Every StepBy ms into the simulation, check the remaining time and print a status line
default_var("JobHours",12) // How many hours we gave the job to run (for supercomputing jobs)
default_var("EstWriteTime",660) // How much real time we expect the computer to require for writing results