proc rrun(){ // Run the network simulation and write out the results
pnm.want_all_spikes() // Record all spikes of all cells on this machine into the
// vectors pnm.spikevec (spiketimes) and pnm.idvec (gids)
local_minimum_delay = pc.set_maxstep(maxstepval) // Set every machine's max step size to minimum delay of
// all netcons created on pc using pc.gid_connect, but
// not larger than 10
stdinit() // Call the init fcn (which is redefined in this code) and
// then make other standard calls
runstart = startsw() // Get the start time of the simulation
pc.psolve(tstop) // Equivalent to calling cvode.solve(tstop) but for parallel NEURON;
// solve will be broken into steps determined by the result of
// set_maxstep
runtime = startsw() - runstart // Calculate the time taken to run the simulation
// Compute the load balance of the simulation
writestart = startsw() // Record the time at which the program started writing results
comptime = pc.step_time // Every processor reports its computation time into comptime
avgcomp = pc.allreduce(comptime, 1)/pc.nhost // allreduce with argument 1 returns the average comptime value from all processors
maxcomp = pc.allreduce(comptime, 2) // allreduce with argument 2 returns the maximum comptime value from all processors
if (maxcomp>0) { // Print a summary message to screen
if ( == 0) { printf("load_balance = %.3f\n", avgcomp/maxcomp)} // Compute and print the load balance
if ( == 0) { printf("exchange_time = %.2f ms\n", runtime - maxcomp) } // Compute and print the spike exchange time (all time not spent on computation)
} else {
if ( == 0) { printf("no load balance info available\nno spike exchange info available\n")}
spikeoutfast() // Each processor writes out a file "spikeraster_#.dat" where # is the processor. The file contains the spike times (in ms) and spiking cells (by gid) into a file called "spikeraster.dat"
timeout() // Write out a file "runtimes.dat" of run times for each code section
highIndexout() // Write a file "MaxHighIndex.dat" how much of the random streams this run used, for a statistically independent run,
// start the next run with random seeds that are greater than the maximum number reported in this file
if (strcmp(Stimulation, "clampthetagamma")==0) {currentout()} // Write out any currents that were recorded during simulation
if (PrintVoltage>0) {voltageout()} // Write out any voltages that were recorded during simulation
sumnumout(runtime) // Write out the file "sumnumout.dat" with the total number of cells, spikes, and connections in the network
writetime = startsw() - writestart // Calculate write time of program
totaltime = startsw() - loadstart // Calculate total time taken by whole program
allottedtime = JobHours*3600 // Calculate total time allotted to program in seconds
// Print a summary message of the time taken for each part of the code, as well as the name of the run
if ( == 0) {printf("****\nTIME SUMMARY for host 0\nset up in %g seconds\ncreated cells in %g seconds\nconnected cells in %g seconds\nran simulation in %g seconds\nwrote results in %g seconds\nTOTAL TIME = %g seconds\nALLOTTED TIME = %g seconds\n************\nThis run is called: %s\n************\n", loadtime, createtime, connecttime, runtime, writetime, totaltime, allottedtime, RunName)}
objref fihw
fihw = new FInitializeHandler(2, "midbal()")
walltime = startsw()
strdef cmd, cmdo
newtstop = tstop
proc midbal() {local wt, thisstep
wt = startsw()
if (t>0) {
thisstep = wt - walltime
simleft = tstop - t
compleft = JobHours*3600 - (startsw() - loadstart)
if (warningflag==0 && (simleft/StepBy*thisstep+EstWriteTime)>compleft && == 0) {
newtstop = int((compleft-EstWriteTime)/thisstep)*StepBy + t
print "Not enough time to complete ", tstop, " ms simulation, simulation will likely stop around ", newtstop, " ms"
if ( == 0) { printf("%g ms interval at t=%g ms was %g s\n", StepBy, t, thisstep) }
if ((thisstep+EstWriteTime)>compleft && t<tstop) { // not enough time for another step, end now
sprint(cmd,"cat results/%s/runreceipt.txt | sed -e 's/^SimDuration = [^ ]*/SimDuration = %g;/' > x ; mv x results/%s/runreceipt.txt", RunName, t, RunName)
if ( == 0) { {system(cmd,cmdo)} }
if ( == 0) { print "simulation stopped early at t=", t, " ms"}
tstop = t
walltime = wt
cvode.event(t+StepBy, "midbal(0)")