from brian import *
import numpy
default_params = {
### Cell parameters ###
'tau_m' : 20. * ms, # Membrane time constant
'c_m' : 0.2 * nF, # Capacitance
'tau_exc' : 3. * ms, # Synaptic time constant (excitatory)
'tau_inh' : 7. * ms, # Synaptic time constant (inhibitory)
'tau_ref' : 5. * ms, # Refractory period
'El' : -80 * mV, # Leak potential
'Ee' : 0. * mV, # Reversal potential (excitation)
'Ei' : -70.* mV, # Reversal potential (inhibition)
'Vt_init' : -50 * mV, # Spike Threhold
'Vr' : -60 * mV, # Spike Reset
'Ca_tau' : 10 * msecond, #tau for Ca decay
'nNOS_tau': 100 * msecond, #tau for nNOS activation from Ca conc.
'ca_spike': 1.0, #Ca influx after spike
### Hill function (nNOS = hillfunction(Ca)) coefficients ###
'hill_K' : 1.0,
'hill_n' : 3.0,
## range for modulation of threshold
'Vt_min' : - 52.0 *mV,
'Vt_max' : - 42.0 *mV,
'bounded_Vt': True,
'Vt_init_nomod' : -47.8 * mV,
'mod_tau' : 100, #50 # should depend on dt_modulation [mod_tau( in ms) = dt_modulation*mod_tau]
'weight_dist' : 'uniform', ### 'uniform, lognormal, seperate_groups_uniform'
'modulate_only_input_groups' : False,
'single_group' : False,
'main_group_input_type' : 'uniform', ###!!normal doesn't work yet!!! #types: uniform, normal [add lognormal option?]
'NO_monitor' : True,
'diffusing': True ,
'modulating' : True ,
'NO_mod' : True,
'no_groupsize' : True,
'centre_group_and_ring' : True,
'mod_targetNOconc' : False ,
'init_homogenous_inputs' : False,
'restore_inputs': False,
'reconfigure_inputs': False,
'n_cells' : 300, #12500 # Total number of cells
#if remote:
# n_cells : 12500,
'n_exc_ratio' : 0.8 , # 4:1 ratio for exc/inh
'size' : 1.0, # Size of the network - in mm (roughly... it is a torus)
#ds : min(0.0025*size,0.01) # spatial resolution of network (needed for saving NO concentrations at each point)
'ds' : 0.0025,
'sampletime' : 1500 * ms, # Simulation time
'NOsettletime' : 500 * ms,
'settletime' : 500 * ms,
'autothresh_time': 2000 *ms,
'sim_step' : 500 * ms , # Display snapshots every sim_step ms
'epsilon' : 0.02 , # Probability density
'C' : 1000 , # mean number of synaptic inputs per neuron (makes epsilon redundant) [possibly way too higher for small networks (N<=1000)]
'use_C_over_epsilon': True,
's_lat' : 1.0 , # Spread of the lateral connections
'g_exc' : 4. * nS ,#4. # Excitatory conductance
'g_inh' : 64.0 * nS , #64. # Inhibitory conductance
'g_cov' : 0.5 ,
'g_ext' : 80 * nS, #200. # External drive
'velocity' : 0.3 * mm/ms, # velocity
'ext_rate' : 0.0 * Hz, #200 * Hz # Rate of the external source
'ext_mean' : 3.5 ,
'ext_std' : 2.5 ,
'dt_diffusion' : 1*ms , #was 50 ms
'NO_diff' : 0.1 , # diffusion constant for NO
'NOdecay_rate' : 10.0 , # decay rate for NO (due to e.g. oxidisation etc.) -> should result in half-life of ~ 5s for free NO according to philippedes
'local_NOdecay_factor': 5.0,
'dt_modulation' : 5*ms,
'target_NO' : 6e-9,
'maxthresh_NO_auto': True,
'NOthresh_scaling': 1.5,
'scale_to_mean': True,
'scale_to_rate': True,
'Nsample_rate_scale': 20,
'maxthresh_NO' : 3e-7, #value for NO concentration at which Vt -> Vt_max
'nNOS_inhibitory_only': False,
'nNOS_ampa_activated': False,
'global_NOreadout': False,
'neighbour_readout': False,
'k_neighbours': 1,
'num_input_groups' : 2,
'input_group_size' : 0.2, # 2.0
'input_group_pop' : 100, #50
'input_rates' : [10*Hz,0.0*Hz],
'ind_ext_input': True,
'tau_OU': 1*ms,
'sigma_OU': 1*mV,
'nu_ext': 2*mV,
'no_input_change_autothresh': False,
'connect_groups_after_settle': False,
'connect_group_settletime': 10000*ms,
'connection_group_strength_factor': 2.0,
'dynamic_connectivity': False,
'present_new_input_stats': False,
'get_network_dynamic_range': False,
'do_orientation_tasks': False,
#### STDP params (originally taken from brian example, Adapted from Song, Miller and Abbott (2000), Song and Abbott (2001)
#and van Rossum et al (2000).
'tau_pre': 20 * ms,
'tau_post': 20 *ms,
'gmax': 20.0 *nS,
'dA_pre': .01,
'dA_post': -.01 * 20*ms / 20*ms * 2.5,
# 'ring_r2' : input_group_size/2*1.0,
# 'ring_r1' : input_group_size/2*0.8,
'size_display_group' : 25,
'sample_neurons_N': 5,
'record_pop_rate': False,
'log': True,
'remote': False,
'interactive_plotting': True,
'savefig_id': False,
'dump_each_simstep': False,
'flush_after_dump': True,
'save_raster_spikes': False,
'reload_sim': False,
'reload_sim_from_dir': False,
'sim_id': '',
'logdir': 'output/'
runsim_test = {
'n_cells': 1000,
'input_group_pop': 100,
'sim_step': 1000 *ms,
'sampletime': 25000 *ms,
'NOsettletime': 50000 *ms,
'NOthresh_scaling': 1.0,
'autothresh_time': 60000 *ms,
'settletime': 500 *ms,
'maxthresh_NO_auto': True,
'scale_to_mean': True,
'scale_to_rate': True,
'Nsample_rate_scale': 20,
'sample_neurons_N': 0,
'record_pop_rate': True,
'mod_targetNOconc': True,
'init_homogenous_inputs': False,
'single_group': True,
'main_group_input_type': 'normal',
'num_input_groups': 0,
'interactive_plotting': False,
'log': False,
'input_rates' : [10*Hz,5*Hz],
'ext_rate': 2.5 * Hz,
'ext_mean': 10.0,
'ext_std': 5.0,
'g_ext': 80.0 * nS, ## originally 80.0 * nS
'g_exc': 4.0 * nS,
'g_inh': 90.0 * nS,
'C': 50,
# 'epsilon': 0.02,
'NO_diff': 0.1,
'NOdecay_rate': 10.0,
'local_NOdecay_factor': 5.0,
'ds': 0.0020,
'maxthresh_NO': 4.0e-6,
'Vt_init_nomod' : -50.0 * mV,
'Vt_min': -58.0 *mV,
'Vt_max': -40.0 *mV,
'bounded_Vt': True,
's_lat': 0.1,
'weight_dist': 'uniform',
'centre_group_and_ring': False,
'savefig_id': True,
'diffusing': True,
'mod_tau': 250,
'modulating': True,
'nNOS_inhibitory_only': False,
'nNOS_ampa_activated': False,
'global_NOreadout': False,
'restore_inputs': False,
'reconfigure_inputs': False,
'ind_ext_input': True,
'tau_OU': 1*ms,
'sigma_OU': 1.0*mV,
'nu_ext': 1.0*mV,
'size': 1.0,
'use_C_over_epsilon': True,
'variable_targets': False,
'target_variance': 3.3,
'decay_weights': False,
'do_scaling': False,
'only_stdp_first': False,
'only_stdp_second': True,
'stdp_only_time': 30000*ms,
'homeostasis_only_first': False,
'homeostasis_only_second': False,
'weight_sample_time': 10000*ms,
'get_transfer_funs': False,
'N_transf_presentations': 100,
't_transf_presentation': 5000*ms,
'do_discrim_task': False,
'get_pattern_responses': False,
't_discrim_presentation': 1000*ms,
'N_discrim_presentations': 200,
'discrim_stim_difference': 0.1,
'N_discrim_stim': 50,
'discrim_pattern_size': 25,
'subgroup_presentations_during_homeostasis': False
runsim_test.update({'diffusing':False,'main_group_input_type':'normal', 'target_NO': 0.00040, 'mod_tau':5000})
runsim_test.update({'global_NOreadout': False})
runsim_test.update({'gmax':200.0*nS, 'autothresh_time':80000*ms,'mod_tau':1000, 'ext_rate':10.0*Hz, 'C':20})
runsim_test.update({'NO_diff':0.025, 'size':0.5,'ds':0.00045})
sequence_params = {
'N_seq': 2,
'L_seq': 5,
'seq_ISI': 10 *ms,
'g_seq_ext': 20*nS,
'g_seq_exc': 10*nS,
'N_training_per': 250,
'N_test_per': 15,
'C': 20,
'dA_pre': 0.001,
'dA_post': -.0025,
'gmax': 20.0*nS,
'n_cells': 100,
'mod_tau': 100,
'interactive_plotting': True,
'weight_sample_time': 1000*ms,
'perturb_sample_weights': False,
'manual_STDP_weight_dist': False,
'combo_readout': True,
'alpha': 0.0
pattern_params = {
### should have target rate pretty high in order to get good information from spike counts over exposure time
'homeostasis_only_first': True,
'modulating': True,
'plasticity': True,
'freeze_recall_homeostasis': False,
'ext_mean': 25.0,
'C': 50,
'n_cells': 200,
'dA_post': -.012,
'N_patterns': 4,
'pattern_group_size': 32,
'N_random_test_patterns': 3,
'N_groups_per_pattern': 2,
'presentations_per_epoch': 10,
'N_epoch_no_stdp': 50,
'one_shot_learning': True,
'N_epoch': 100,
'pattern_exposure_time': 2500*ms,
'pattern_response_time': 250*ms,
'sequential_pattern_learning': False
test_params = {
'homeostasis_only_first': False,
'ext_mean': 10.0,
'nu_ext': 1.0*mV ,
'sigma_OU': 2.0*mV ,
'dt_diffusion': 10*ms,
'N_discrim_presentations': 20,
'discrim_stim_difference': 0.1,
'N_discrim_stim': 2
discrim_params = {
'NOsettletime': 100000*ms,
'ds': 0.0015,
'size': 1.0,
'n_cells': 2500,
'g_exc': 5.5*nS,
'bounded_Vt': True,
'epsilon': 0.02,
'ext_std': 10,
'ext_rate': 5.0*Hz,
'n_cells': 2500,
'NO_diff': 0.1,
'use_C_over_epsilon': False,
'reconfigure_inputs': False,
rate_distribution_params = {
'NOsettletime': 100000*ms,
'ds': 0.002,
'size': 1.0,
'n_cells': 5000,
'bounded_Vt': True,
'epsilon': 0.02,
'ext_std': 10,
'ext_rate': 5.0*Hz,
'use_C_over_epsilon': False,
'reconfigure_inputs': True,
'g_exc': 5.5*nS,
reconf_params = {
'NOsettletime': 100000*ms,
'ds': 0.002,
'size': 1.0,
'n_cells': 2500,
'g_exc': 5.5*nS,
'bounded_Vt': True,
'epsilon': 0.02,
'ext_std': 10,
'ext_rate': 5.0*Hz,
'use_C_over_epsilon': False,
'reconfigure_inputs': True
new_input_stats_params = {
'present_new_input_stats': True,
'scale_current_input_stats': True, ### conserves rank of distribution
'new_main_group_input_type': 'normal',
'new_ext_std': 10.0,
'new_ext_mean': 30.0,
'NOsettletime': 1000*ms
get_network_dynamic_range_params = {
'get_network_dynamic_range': True,
'dynamic_range_sampletime': 2000*ms,
'sim_step': 1000*ms,
'network_input_range': range(0,100,1),
'NOsettletime': 1000*ms,
'sampletime': 1000*ms,
'just_save_dynamic_range': True
comb_pars_reconf_exp = []
#comb_pars_reconf_exp.append({'diffusing':True, 'ds':0.002})
comb_pars_reconf_exp.append({'diffusing':True, 'ds':0.0015})
reconf_exp_plasticity = {
'reconfigure_inputs': True,
'g_exc': 5.5*nS,
'ext_std': 10.0,
'homeostasis_only_first': False,
'only_stdp_first': False,
'only_stdp_second': False,
'homeostasis_only_second': False,
'mod_tau': 2500
input_group_exp = {
'reconfigure_inputs': False,
'n_cells': 2500,
'input_group_pop': 250,
'single_group': False,
'main_group_input_type': 'uniform',
'num_input_groups': 2,
'input_rates': [10*Hz,5*Hz],
'ext_rate': 2.5*Hz,
'NOsettletime': 400000*ms,
'autothresh_time': 100000*ms,
'sampletime': 50000*ms,
'ind_ext_input': False,
'use_C_over_epsilon': True,
'C': 100,
'sim_step': 1000*ms,
'g_exc': 5.5*nS,
toy_network = {
'n_cells': 50,
'epsilon': 0.4,
'weight_sample_time': 100*ms,
'connect_groups': False,
'N_connection_groups': 1,
'connection_group_size': 20,
'connection_group_strength': 15.0*nS,
'NOsettletime': 10000000*ms,
'autothresh_time': 20000*ms,
'sampletime': 20000*ms,
'sample_neurons_N': 40,
'dynamic_connectivity': True,
'reconfigure_inputs': False,
'ind_ext_input': False,
'maxthresh_NO_auto': True,
'dump_each_simstep': True
orientation_task_pars = {
'do_orientation_tasks': True,
'just_save_orientation_responses': False,
'sim_step': 1000*ms,
'NOsettletime': 300000*ms,
'sampletime': 1000*ms,
'orientation_width': 0.025,
'N_discrim_stim': 100,
'subgroup_pattern_mag': 2.5,
'no_orient_pref_bias': 00.0,
't_discrim_presentation': 1000*ms
STDP_net_2500 = {
'n_cells': 2500,
'epsilon': 0.1,
'bounded_Vt': False,
'mod_tau': 15000*ms