[DAQmx] MajorVersion = 8 MinorVersion = 0 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Vcomm div10] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 100.000000 AO.Min = -100.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Vcomm div10 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Im fixed output] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 50000.000000 AI.Min = -50000.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Im fixed output ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai10 [DAQmxChannel Axopatch 200B Icomm b1] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 20000.000000 AO.Min = -20000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = Axopatch 200B Icomm b1 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Vcomm div50] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 200.000000 AO.Min = -200.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Vcomm div50 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel Axopatch 200B Telegraph RecMode] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 5.000000 AI.Min = 1.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = Axopatch 200B Mode ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai13 [DAQmxChannel AxoClamp 2B Icomm] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 10000.000000 AO.Min = -10000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = AxoClamp 2B Icomm ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel AxoPatch 200B Telegraph Cmembrane b01] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 1000.000000 AI.Min = -1000.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = AxoPatch 200B Cmembrane b01 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai15 [DAQmxChannel AxoPatch 200B Telegraph FilterFreq] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 100.000000 AI.Min = 1.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = AxoPatch 200B FilterFreq ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai12 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Icomm High div50] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 2000.000000 AO.Min = -2000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Icomm High div50 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Telegraph VGain in Iclamp] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 101.000000 AI.Min = 0.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Telegraph VGain in Iclamp ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai14 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Telegraph FilterFreq] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 20.000000 AI.Min = 0.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Telegraph FilterFreq ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai12 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Icomm Low div10] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 100000.000000 AO.Min = -100000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Icomm Low div10 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel AxoClamp 2B Vcomm] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 200.000000 AO.Min = -200.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = AxoClamp 2B Vcomm ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Icomm Low div50] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 20000.000000 AO.Min = -20000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Icomm Low div50 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Telegraph RecMode] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 7.000000 AI.Min = 0.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Telegraph RecMode ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai13 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Telegraph Cmembrane] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 100.000000 AI.Min = 0.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Telegraph Cmembrane ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai15 [DAQmxChannel AxoPatch 200B Telegraph Cmembrane b1] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 100.000000 AI.Min = -100.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = AxoPatch 200B Cmembrane b1 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai15 [DAQmxChannel AxoClamp 2B AO0 Dummy] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Telegraph IGain in Vclamp] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 5000.000000 AI.Min = 0.010000 AI.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Telegraph IGain in Vclamp ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai14 [DAQmxChannel Axopatch 200B Icomm b01] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 200000.000000 AO.Min = -200000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = Axopatch 200B Icomm b01 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel Axopatch 200B VGainIclamp b01] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 50.000000 AI.Min = 0.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = Axopatch 200B VGainIclamp b01 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai14 [DAQmxChannel Axopatch 200B Vcomm] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 200.000000 AO.Min = -200.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = Axopatch 200B Vcomm ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel Axopatch 200B VGainIclamp b1 and IGainVclamp] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 500.000000 AI.Min = 0.000000 AI.CustomScaleName = Axopatch 200B VGainIclamp b1 and IGainVclamp ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai14 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 Icomm High div10] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 10000.000000 AO.Min = -10000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = Model 2400 Icomm High div10 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 200pAV/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 2000.000000 AO.Min = -2000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 200pAV ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 200pAV/VoltageOut0] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Vclamp/Voltage1] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai1 [DAQmxChannel Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Vclamp/Voltage0] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai0 [DAQmxChannel Axopatch 200B AO Icomm b01/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Iclamp/Voltage0] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai8 [DAQmxChannel Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Iclamp/Voltage1] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai10 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 40pAV/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 400.000000 AO.Min = -400.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 40pAV ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 40pAV/VoltageOut0] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 AO Icomm Low div10/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 400pAV/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 4000.000000 AO.Min = -4000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 400pAV ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 400pAV/VoltageOut0] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 100mVV/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 1000.000000 AO.Min = -1000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 100mVV ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 100mVV/VoltageOut0] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 AO Vcomm div10/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Analog-In Model 2400 Vclamp Ch9 Ch8/Voltage0] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai9 [DAQmxChannel Analog-In Model 2400 Vclamp Ch9 Ch8/Voltage] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai8 [DAQmxChannel Axopatch 200B AO Icomm b1/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Vclamp/Voltage1] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai9 [DAQmxChannel Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Vclamp/Voltage0] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai8 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 2nAV/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 20000.000000 AO.Min = -20000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 2nAV ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 2nAV/VoltageOut0] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 20mVV/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 200.000000 AO.Min = -200.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 20mVV ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 20mVV/VoltageOut0] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 20nAV/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 200000.000000 AO.Min = -200000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 20nAV ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 20nAV/VoltageOut0] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Analog-In Model 2400 Iclamp Ch8 Ch10/Voltage0] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai8 [DAQmxChannel Analog-In Model 2400 Iclamp Ch8 Ch10/Voltage1] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai10 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 AO Icomm High div10/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Iclamp/Voltage0] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai0 [DAQmxChannel Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Iclamp/Voltage1] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai1 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 AO Icomm High div50/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 AO Icomm Low div50/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 4nAV/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = From Custom Scale AO.Max = 40000.000000 AO.Min = -40000.000000 AO.CustomScaleName = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 4nAV ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao0 [DAQmxChannel MultiClamp 700B Icomm 4nAV/VoltageOut0] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Axopatch 200B AO Vcomm/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Model 2400 AO Vcomm div50/VoltageOut] AO.OutputType = Voltage AO.Voltage.Units = Volts AO.Max = 10.000000 AO.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Output PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ao1 [DAQmxChannel Analog-In AxoClamp 2B Ch0 Ch1/Voltage0] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai0 [DAQmxChannel Analog-In AxoClamp 2B Ch0 Ch1/Voltage1] AI.MeasType = Voltage AI.Voltage.Units = Volts AI.TermCfg = RSE AI.Max = 10.000000 AI.Min = -10.000000 ChanType = Analog Input PhysicalChanName = Dev1/ai1 [DAQmxTask Axopatch 200B Telegraph Step1 b01] Channels = Axopatch 200B Telegraph RecMode, AxoPatch 200B Telegraph FilterFreq, AxoPatch 200B Telegraph Cmembrane b01 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Model 2400 Telegraph Step2 - VGain in Iclamp] Channels = Model 2400 Telegraph VGain in Iclamp SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask MultiClamp 700B Icomm 200pAV] Channels = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 200pAV/VoltageOut, MultiClamp 700B Icomm 200pAV/VoltageOut0 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Vclamp] Channels = Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Vclamp/Voltage1, Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Vclamp/Voltage0 SampQuant.SampMode = Hardware Timed Single Point SampClk.ActiveEdge = Rising SampQuant.SampPerChan = 1 SampClk.Rate = 1000.000000 SampTimingType = Sample Clock SampClk.Src = [DAQmxTask Axopatch 200B AO Icomm b01] Channels = Axopatch 200B Icomm b01, Axopatch 200B AO Icomm b01/VoltageOut SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask AxoClamp 2B AO Vcomm] Channels = AxoClamp 2B Vcomm SampQuant.SampMode = Finite Samples SampClk.ActiveEdge = Rising SampQuant.SampPerChan = 100 SampClk.Rate = 1000.000000 SampTimingType = Sample Clock SampClk.Src = [DAQmxTask Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Iclamp] Channels = Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Iclamp/Voltage0, Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Iclamp/Voltage1 SampQuant.SampMode = Hardware Timed Single Point SampClk.ActiveEdge = Rising SampQuant.SampPerChan = 1 SampClk.Rate = 1000.000000 SampTimingType = Sample Clock SampClk.Src = [DAQmxTask MultiClamp 700B Icomm 40pAV] Channels = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 40pAV/VoltageOut, MultiClamp 700B Icomm 40pAV/VoltageOut0 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Model 2400 AO Icomm Low div10] Channels = Model 2400 Icomm Low div10, Model 2400 AO Icomm Low div10/VoltageOut SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Model 2400 Telegraph Step2 - IGain in Vclamp] Channels = Model 2400 Telegraph IGain in Vclamp SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask MultiClamp 700B Icomm 400pAV] Channels = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 400pAV/VoltageOut, MultiClamp 700B Icomm 400pAV/VoltageOut0 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 100mVV] Channels = MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 100mVV/VoltageOut, MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 100mVV/VoltageOut0 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Model 2400 AO Vcomm div10] Channels = Model 2400 Vcomm div10, Model 2400 AO Vcomm div10/VoltageOut SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Axopatch 200B Telegraph Step1 b1] Channels = Axopatch 200B Telegraph RecMode, AxoPatch 200B Telegraph FilterFreq, AxoPatch 200B Telegraph Cmembrane b1 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Analog-In Model 2400 Vclamp Ch9 Ch8] Channels = Analog-In Model 2400 Vclamp Ch9 Ch8/Voltage0, Analog-In Model 2400 Vclamp Ch9 Ch8/Voltage SampQuant.SampMode = Hardware Timed Single Point SampClk.ActiveEdge = Rising SampQuant.SampPerChan = 1 SampClk.Rate = 1000.000000 SampTimingType = Sample Clock SampClk.Src = [DAQmxTask Axopatch 200B AO Icomm b1] Channels = Axopatch 200B Icomm b1, Axopatch 200B AO Icomm b1/VoltageOut SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Vclamp] Channels = Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Vclamp/Voltage1, Analog-in AxoPatch 200B Vclamp/Voltage0 SampQuant.SampMode = Hardware Timed Single Point SampClk.ActiveEdge = Rising SampQuant.SampPerChan = 1 SampClk.Rate = 1000.000000 SampTimingType = Sample Clock SampClk.Src = [DAQmxTask MultiClamp 700B Icomm 2nAV] Channels = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 2nAV/VoltageOut, MultiClamp 700B Icomm 2nAV/VoltageOut0 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 20mVV] Channels = MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 20mVV/VoltageOut, MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 20mVV/VoltageOut0 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Axopatch 200B Telegraph Step2 b1] Channels = Axopatch 200B VGainIclamp b1 and IGainVclamp SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask MultiClamp 700B Icomm 20nAV] Channels = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 20nAV/VoltageOut, MultiClamp 700B Icomm 20nAV/VoltageOut0 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Model 2400 Telegraph Step1] Channels = Model 2400 Telegraph RecMode, Model 2400 Telegraph FilterFreq, Model 2400 Telegraph Cmembrane SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask AxoClamp 2B AO Icomm] Channels = AxoClamp 2B Icomm SampQuant.SampMode = Finite Samples SampClk.ActiveEdge = Rising SampQuant.SampPerChan = 100 SampClk.Rate = 1000.000000 SampTimingType = Sample Clock SampClk.Src = [DAQmxTask Axopatch 200B Telegraph Step2 b01] Channels = Axopatch 200B VGainIclamp b01 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Analog-In Model 2400 Iclamp Ch8 Ch10] Channels = Analog-In Model 2400 Iclamp Ch8 Ch10/Voltage0, Analog-In Model 2400 Iclamp Ch8 Ch10/Voltage1 SampQuant.SampMode = Hardware Timed Single Point SampClk.ActiveEdge = Rising SampQuant.SampPerChan = 1 SampClk.Rate = 1000.000000 SampTimingType = Sample Clock SampClk.Src = [DAQmxTask Model 2400 AO Icomm High div10] Channels = Model 2400 Icomm High div10, Model 2400 AO Icomm High div10/VoltageOut SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Iclamp] Channels = Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Iclamp/Voltage0, Analog-in MultiClamp 700B Iclamp/Voltage1 SampQuant.SampMode = Hardware Timed Single Point SampClk.ActiveEdge = Rising SampQuant.SampPerChan = 1 SampClk.Rate = 1000.000000 SampTimingType = Sample Clock SampClk.Src = [DAQmxTask Model 2400 AO Icomm High div50] Channels = Model 2400 Icomm High div50, Model 2400 AO Icomm High div50/VoltageOut SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Model 2400 AO Icomm Low div50] Channels = Model 2400 Icomm Low div50, Model 2400 AO Icomm Low div50/VoltageOut SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask MultiClamp 700B Icomm 4nAV] Channels = MultiClamp 700B Icomm 4nAV/VoltageOut, MultiClamp 700B Icomm 4nAV/VoltageOut0 SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Axopatch 200B AO Vcomm] Channels = Axopatch 200B Vcomm, Axopatch 200B AO Vcomm/VoltageOut SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Model 2400 AO Vcomm div50] Channels = Model 2400 Vcomm div50, Model 2400 AO Vcomm div50/VoltageOut SampTimingType = On Demand [DAQmxTask Analog-In AxoClamp 2B Ch0 Ch1] Channels = Analog-In AxoClamp 2B Ch0 Ch1/Voltage0, Analog-In AxoClamp 2B Ch0 Ch1/Voltage1 SampQuant.SampMode = Hardware Timed Single Point SampClk.ActiveEdge = Rising SampQuant.SampPerChan = 1 SampClk.Rate = 1000.000000 SampTimingType = Sample Clock SampClk.Src = [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Vcomm div10] Lin.Slope = 100.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Im fixed output] Lin.Slope = 5000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Axopatch 200B Icomm b1] Lin.Slope = 2000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Vcomm div50] Lin.Slope = 20.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale MultiClamp 700B Icomm 200pAV] Lin.Slope = 200.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale AxoPatch 200B Cmembrane b01] Lin.Slope = 100.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pF ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale AxoClamp 2B Icomm] Lin.Slope = 1000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale MultiClamp 700B Icomm 40pAV] Lin.Slope = 40.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Axopatch 200B Mode] Table.ScaledVals = 5.000000, 5.000000, 4.000000, 4.000000, 3.000000, 3.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000 Table.PreScaledVals = 0.000000, 1.500000, 1.510000, 2.500000, 2.510000, 3.500000, 3.510000, 5.000000, 5.010000, 7.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = RecMode ScaleType = Table [DAQmxScale AxoPatch 200B Cmembrane b1] Lin.Slope = 10.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pF ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale MultiClamp 700B Icomm 400pAV] Lin.Slope = 400.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 100mVV] Lin.Slope = 100.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Icomm High div50] Lin.Slope = 200.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Telegraph VGain in Iclamp] Table.ScaledVals = 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 5.000000, 5.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, 20.000000, 20.000000, 50.000000, 50.000000, 100.000000, 100.000000, 101.000000, 101.000000 Table.PreScaledVals = 0.000000, 2.550000, 2.560000, 3.050000, 3.550000, 3.560000, 4.050000, 4.060000, 4.550000, 4.560000, 5.050000, 5.060000, 5.550000, 5.560000, 6.050000, 6.060000, 10.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV/mV ScaleType = Table [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Telegraph FilterFreq] Table.ScaledVals = 0.500000, 0.500000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 5.000000, 5.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, 20.000000, 20.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 Table.PreScaledVals = -1.000000, 1.090000, 1.100000, 2.290000, 2.300000, 3.490000, 3.500000, 4.590000, 4.600000, 5.690000, 5.700000, 6.890000, 6.900000, 10.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = kHz ScaleType = Table [DAQmxScale MultiClamp 700B Icomm 2nAV] Lin.Slope = 2000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Icomm Low div10] Lin.Slope = 10000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale AxoClamp 2B Vcomm] Lin.Slope = 20.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Icomm Low div50] Lin.Slope = 2000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale MultiClamp 700B Vcomm 20mVV] Lin.Slope = 20.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Telegraph RecMode] Table.ScaledVals = 1.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 3.000000, 3.000000, 4.000000, 4.000000, 5.000000, 5.000000, 6.000000, 6.000000, 7.000000, 7.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 Table.PreScaledVals = 0.000000, 0.490000, 0.500000, 1.490000, 1.500000, 2.490000, 2.500000, 3.490000, 3.500000, 4.390000, 4.400000, 5.390000, 5.400000, 6.490000, 6.500000, 10.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = RecMode ScaleType = Table [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Telegraph Cmembrane] Lin.Slope = 10.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pF ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale MultiClamp 700B Icomm 20nAV] Lin.Slope = 20000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Telegraph IGain in Vclamp] Table.ScaledVals = 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.200000, 0.200000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 5.000000, 5.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, 20.000000, 20.000000, 50.000000, 50.000000, 100.000000, 100.000000, 200.000000, 200.000000, 500.000000, 500.000000, 1000.000000, 1000.000000, 2000.000000, 2000.000000, 5000.000000, 5000.000000 Table.PreScaledVals = -0.150000, 0.150000, 0.160000, 0.550000, 0.560000, 1.050000, 1.060000, 1.550000, 1.560000, 2.050000, 2.060000, 2.550000, 2.560000, 3.050000, 3.060000, 3.550000, 3.560000, 4.050000, 4.060000, 4.550000, 4.560000, 5.050000, 5.060000, 5.550000, 5.560000, 6.050000, 6.060000, 6.550000, 6.560000, 7.050000, 7.060000, 7.800000, 7.810000, 8.550000, 8.560000, 10.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV/pA ScaleType = Table [DAQmxScale Axopatch 200B Icomm b01] Lin.Slope = 20000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Axopatch 200B VGainIclamp b01] Table.ScaledVals = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.200000, 0.200000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 5.000000, 5.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, 20.000000, 20.000000, 50.000000, 50.000000 Table.PreScaledVals = 0.000000, 0.250000, 0.260000, 0.750000, 0.760000, 1.250000, 1.260000, 1.750000, 1.760000, 2.250000, 2.260000, 2.750000, 2.760000, 3.250000, 3.260000, 3.750000, 3.760000, 4.250000, 4.260000, 4.750000, 4.760000, 5.250000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV/mV ScaleType = Table [DAQmxScale Axopatch 200B Vcomm] Lin.Slope = 20.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale MultiClamp 700B Icomm 4nAV] Lin.Slope = 4000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear [DAQmxScale Axopatch 200B VGainIclamp b1 and IGainVclamp] Table.ScaledVals = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 5.000000, 5.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, 20.000000, 20.000000, 50.000000, 50.000000, 100.000000, 100.000000, 200.000000, 200.000000, 500.000000, 500.000000 Table.PreScaledVals = 0.000000, 1.750000, 1.760000, 2.250000, 2.260000, 2.750000, 2.760000, 3.250000, 3.260000, 3.750000, 3.760000, 4.250000, 4.260000, 4.750000, 4.760000, 5.250000, 5.260000, 5.750000, 5.760000, 6.250000, 6.260000, 6.750000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = mV/mV or mV/pA ScaleType = Table [DAQmxScale AxoPatch 200B FilterFreq] Table.ScaledVals = 1.000000, 1.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 5.000000, 5.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, 100.000000, 100.000000 Table.PreScaledVals = 1.000000, 3.000000, 3.010000, 5.000000, 5.010000, 7.000000, 7.010000, 9.000000, 9.010000, 10.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = kHz ScaleType = Table [DAQmxScale Model 2400 Icomm High div10] Lin.Slope = 1000.000000 Lin.YIntercept = 0.000000 PreScaledUnits = Volts ScaledUnits = pA ScaleType = Linear