function GSYN = gsyn_template(primary_loop_count, folder, suffix, ...
time_loop, time_loop_counts, epscBUFFER, synTEMPLATE)
% Function to compute in advance the values for the nicotinic synaptic
% conductance for a given segmental integration time. Each template
% segment is written to a binary file. The first segment contains a
% header with information about the parameters used to compute the
% template. The header consists of 12 values each saved in IEEE
% floating point (single, 4 bytes) with big-endian byte ordering: the
% temporal resolution of the template (saveSTEP), the threshold
% synaptic condtuctance (thresholdGSYN), the maximum synaptic
% conductance for the primaries and secondaries (gsynBAR(1:2)), the
% initial settling time before firing (pulseSTART), the final
% settling time after firing (pulseEND), the amplitude of the
% presynaptic frequency modulation (f_oscAMPLITUDE(1)), the rate of
% the presynaptic frequency modulation (f_oscRATE), the phase of the
% presynaptic frequency modulation for primaries and secondaries
% (gvars.f_oscPHASE(1:2)), the number of secondary synapses
% (numSECONDARIES), the calculated mean presynaptic firing frequency
% for the current template, and the full temporal length of the
% template (integTIMES).
% by Diek W. Wheeler, Ph.D.
% Last change 02/01/02
% 06/27/02 added pulseEND as a parameter to be written out to the header
% 07/02/02 was not properly accomodating the addition of the final settling
% time in terms of the length of the template - added 3 cases which
% depend on the relative lengths of the final settling time to a
% single synaptic event template
% 07/19/02 removed pulseEND from being written to template header and added
% back in a sixth junk variable
% 08/12/02 added afterDELAY to template header
% 08/15/02 increased template header size to 512-bytes, or 128 single floats
% 08/19/02 replaced all global variables with 'gvars.' structure
% 08/21/02 removed epscBUFFER and synTEMPLATE from the gvars structure so they
% are now passed through the function call
% added lenTEMPLATE to the gvars structure
% 09/16/02 modified code to account for condition when there are no
% pulses generated for the template for one of the synapses
% 10/01/02 added variable headerSIZE to the formation of the
% template header
% 05/15/03 started to add facilitaton
% 05/16/03 finished adding facilitation
% 10/31/03 removed suffix from gtm filename
global gvars % Definitions are located in global_defs.m
% Set up local variables for code readability
xFactor = gvars.facilitationFactor;
decayRate = gvars.facilitationDecayRateMsec;
if (gvars.templateFLAG == 1) % menu options
len_buffer = length(epscBUFFER); % Assign variable so don't have to
% keep calling the function length()
len_template = gvars.lenTEMPLATE - 1;
% Length of template not counting the starting point
len_final = gvars.pulseEND / gvars.saveSTEP;
if (len_template > len_final)
len_end = len_template - len_final;
elseif (len_final > len_template)
len_end = len_final - len_template;
len_end = len_template;
%len_gsyn = gvars.numPOINTS+len_template; % if the last synaptic event starts at
len_gsyn = gvars.numPOINTS+len_end; % if the last synaptic event starts at
% at the final point in the
% gvars.numPOINTS array, then the
% full length of the synaptic
% template must accomodate the
% overflow
clear GSYN;
GSYN = zeros(len_gsyn,2); % allocate time and conductance arrays for the
% synaptic template
%GSYN(:,1) = [gvars.startTIME:gvars.saveSTEP:...
% gvars.integrationTIME+((len_template)*gvars.saveSTEP)]';
GSYN(:,1) = [gvars.startTIME:gvars.saveSTEP:...
% establish time array for synaptic template
GSYN(1:len_buffer,2) = GSYN(1:len_buffer,2) + epscBUFFER;
epscBUFFER = 0;
for n = 1:gvars.numSYN
index2 = len_gsyn;
if (gvars.pulseCOUNTER(n) > 0)
for i = gvars.pulse_loopSTART(n):gvars.pulseCOUNTER(n)
index1 = round((gvars.pulseTIMES(i,n)-gvars.startTIME)/gvars.saveSTEP);
if (index1 > 0)
% gvars.numPOINTS is the number of points in the current integration
% time segment, and if the end of the segment is reached then
% gvars.pulse_loopSTART is updated to the current value of i in the
% i-loop so that the proper pulse number will be started on during the
% next integration time segment.
if (index1 > gvars.numPOINTS)
gvars.pulse_loopSTART(n) = i;
break; % Break out of i loop.
%index2 = index1 + len_template;
index2 = index1 + len_end;
if (index2 > len_gsyn)
index2 = len_gsyn;
index_delta = index2 - index1 + 1;
facilitation = 1;
if (gvars.isFacilitationActive)
for iFactor = (i-1):-1:1
deltaT = gvars.pulseTIMES(i,n)-gvars.pulseTIMES(iFactor,n);
facilitation = facilitation + ...
scaledTemplate = facilitation*synTEMPLATE;
GSYN(index1:index2,2) = GSYN(index1:index2,2) + ...
end % if (index1 > 0)
end % i loop
end % if (gvars.pulseCOUNTER(n) > 0)
epscBUFFER = GSYN(gvars.numPOINTS:index2,2);
end % n loop
if (time_loop == time_loop_counts)
;%GSYN(len_gsyn-(gvars.pulseEND/gvars.saveSTEP+len_template)+1:len_gsyn,2) = 0;
else % binary file
GSYN = zeros(gvars.numPOINTS,2); % allocate time and conductance arrays
% for the synaptic template
GSYN(:,1) = [gvars.startTIME:gvars.saveSTEP:...
% establish time array for synaptic template
GSYN(:,1) = round(GSYN(:,1)*10000); % Clean up values
GSYN(:,1) = GSYN(:,1)/10000; % in two step process
template_fid = fopen(gvars.templateFILE, 'r', 'b');
fseek(template_fid, gvars.gsyn_fileMARK, -1);
GSYN(:,2) = fread(template_fid, gvars.numPOINTS, 'single');
gvars.gsyn_fileMARK = ftell(template_fid);
status = fclose(template_fid);
end % if (gvars.templateFLAG == 1)
% Write template data to file.
gsyn_file = sprintf('%s/gsyn.gtm', folder);
if (time_loop == 1)
gsyn_fid = fopen(gsyn_file, 'w', 'ieee-be');
fwrite(gsyn_fid, GSYN(2,1), 'single'); % time step size
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.thresholdGSYN, 'single');
% threshold synaptic conductance
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.gsynBAR(1), 'single');% primary synaptic conductance
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.gsynBAR(2), 'single');
% secondary synaptic conductance
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.pulseSTART, 'single'); % initial settling time
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.f_oscAMPLITUDE(1), 'single');% amplitude of fpre mod
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.f_oscRATE, 'single'); % rate of fpre modulation
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.f_oscPHASE(1:2), 'single');
% phases of fpre modulation
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.numSECONDARIES, 'single'); % number of secondaries
if (gvars.templateFLAG == 1) % from menu options
f_pre = gvars.pulseCOUNTER(1) * ...
(1000 / gvars.integTIMES(primary_loop_count));
fwrite(gsyn_fid, f_pre, 'single'); % synaptic firing frequency
else % gvars.templateFLAG == 2 from binary file
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.primaryFREQS(1), 'single');
% synaptic firing frequency
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.integTIMES(primary_loop_count), 'single');
% integration time
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.baseTIME, 'single'); % integration segment size
fwrite(gsyn_fid, gvars.afterDELAY, 'single');
% after-template delay
fwrite(gsyn_fid, zeros((gvars.headerSIZE-14),1), 'single');
% junk to fill 512-byte
% (128 single floats) header
% Do nothing to gsyn_file. Do not write out header to segments > 1.
gsyn_fid = fopen(gsyn_file, 'a', 'ieee-be');
fwrite(gsyn_fid, full(GSYN(1:gvars.numPOINTS,2)), 'single');
status = fclose(gsyn_fid);