function [menu_flag, Synapse, Neuron, Iclamp] = menu(Synapse, Neuron, Iclamp)
% This function allows users to establish parameter settings for the
% simulation.
% The value returned by the function call is used to either cease
% execution of the program immediately or let the simulation
% continue. The key code that signals cessation of the program is
% known only to the programmer and is hidden to the user.
% menu_flag == 1: continue execution of the program when control
% returns to the function neurosim.
% menu_flag == 0: discontinue execution of the program when control
% returns to the function neurosim.
% Function files called by this function: none
% by Diek W. Wheeler, Ph.D.
% Last change 04/16/02
% when the number of secondaries is changed by user input, the total
% number of synapses remains at 2, it is not changed to n+1.
% 06/14/02 added RC-circuit option to cell choices
% 06/27/02 added pulseEND to main menu selection, pulse_end_menu,
% template_submenu, parameter_submenu, and save_menu
% 07/03/02 added gRCleakBAR and E_RCleak so the RC-circuit leak can be more
% easily controlled by the user
% 07/23/02 removed pulseEND from being read in from a saved template file
% 07/24/02 removed pulseEND from menu selection
% put random seed selection back at top of menu list
% 08/12/02 added afterDELAY to the main menu selection, to the parameter
% read-in function, and to the parameter write-out function
% added cell_type_submenu function to allow the user to modify the
% parameters describing the standard cell types
% 08/14/02 added mSCALE to allow user control over activation rate of Na
% 08/15/02 increased template header size to 512-bytes, or 128 single floats
% 08/19/02 replaced all global variables with 'gvars.' structure
% 08/20/02 rand_stateFILE was only being written out and read in as an array of
% length 20 instead of length 42 to match up with the length of
% blank_array, which caused problems when the number of primaryFREQS
% was increased and the program attempted to add another copy of
% blank_array to rand_stateFILE
% 08/21/02 added rounding function float to read-in of saveSTEP
% value during read-in of a template from file
% 08/23/02 modified the functions that control the saving and
% loading of parameters so that now the global structure
% gvars is loaded and saved all at once rather than one
% variable at a time
% 09/30/02 added headerSIZE to the menu selection along with header_size_menu
% 11/22/02 added threshold-gsyn value to main menu when displaying
% gsyn values
% added window of summation template mode, when it is
% active only two conductance pulse are generated, it
% works only in the steady rhythmic firing mode
% 03/11/03 changed display of thresholdGSYN and gsynBAR from 2
% decimal places to 3
% 04/04/03 rearranged menu list in order of frequency of use and to better
% group template-only selections
% 04/07/03 switched the list order of parameter saving and loading
% and template loading
% rearranged the functions called from the main menu so
% they are coded in the order that they are listed
% corrected extra code that updated both hostFLAG and
% hostNUMBER so only hostNUMBER remains and corrected
% machine number allocations
% deleted all code related to afterDELAY, but the
% parameter still exists in other functions
% 04/23/03 added selection for modulator of the presynaptic
% frequency: sine wave or step function
% 05/15/03 started to add facilitaton and individual secondary synapses
% Synapse.frequencyHz, Synapse.gsynThresholdNsiemen, and
% Misc.avgInterEventIntervalMsec are no longer arrays and
% are now the same for both primary and secondary synapses
% 05/16/03 finished adding facilitation and multiple secondaries
% 05/26/03 added update_integration_times function to update the
% number of integration times whenever the number of
% primary frequencies is potentially changed
% 05/30/03 added bootstrap parameters to menu
% 09/04/03 rearranged current clamp menu selections
% 09/12/03 replaced structure variable Cell with Neuron
% 11/01/03 changed cell_type to neuron_type
% 11/14/03 added menu item for initial V, m, h, n, and w values
% 11/15/03 removed host computer selection from the menu
% 11/17/03 removed header size selection from the menu, now set
% permanently to 128, combined cation conductance
% parameters into a single menu selection
% 12/11/24 added A-type potassium current
global gvars DEBUG % Definitions are located in global_defs.m
% Initialize the flag to be returned by the function menu. The value
% returned by the function call is used to either cease execution of
% the program immediately or let the simulation continue. The key
% code that signals cessation of the program is known only to the
% programmer and is hidden to the user.
% 1 == continue execution of the program
% 0 == discontinue execution of the program
menu_flag = 1;
blank_array = ' ';
gvars.rand_stateFILE = repmat(blank_array, 20, 1);
gvars.parameterFILE = repmat(blank_array, 20, 1);
gvars.saveFILE = repmat(blank_array, 20, 1);
% 3-D text array for strings describing the source of seed for random
% number generator.
gvars.rand_seedSOURCE = ['system clock ';
'user input ';
'read from file'];
iclamp_mode = ['inactive';
'step ';
'ramp ';
'ZAP ';
fpre_modulator = ['sine wave ';
'step function ';
'summed sine waves'];
% 2-D text array for strings describing the source of dynamics code.
gvars.dynamicsSOURCE = ['Yamada ';
'Hermann & Boris'];
% 2-D text array for strings describing the source of the nicotinic
% synaptic conductance template.
gvars.templateSOURCE = ['menu options';
'binary file '];
gvars.parameterSOURCE = ['menu options ';
'parameter file'];
if (gvars.executionMODE == 3)
template_params_only = 1;
template_params_only = 0;
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please enter a selection from the menu below ');
strng = sprintf('%s(current values in parentheses): \n', strng);
strng = sprintf(' 1) Presynaptic firing frequency {favg} ([');
Synapse.nFrequency = length(gvars.primaryFREQS);
nFreqs = Synapse.nFrequency;
for i = 1:nFreqs
strng = sprintf('%s%.2f ', strng, gvars.primaryFREQS(i));
end % i loop
strng = sprintf('%s] Hz) ', deblank(strng));
strng = sprintf(' 2) Total numerical integration time {integTIMES} ([');
for i = 1:nFreqs
strng = sprintf('%s%.2f ', strng, gvars.integTIMES(i));
end % i loop
strng = sprintf('%s] ms) ', deblank(strng));
strng = sprintf(' 3) Number of secondary synapses ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%d) ', strng, gvars.numSECONDARIES);
strng = sprintf(' 4) Maximum synaptic conductance levels {gsyn} ');
strng = sprintf('%s([%.3f]', strng, gvars.gsynBAR(1));
strng = sprintf('%s %.3f*[', strng, gvars.thresholdGSYN);
for i = 2:gvars.numSYN
strng = sprintf('%s%.3f', strng, gvars.gsynBAR(i));
if (i < gvars.numSYN)
strng = sprintf('%s ', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s])', strng);
strng = sprintf(' 5) Random seed source (');
dim = length(gvars.primaryFREQS);
for i = 1:dim
strng = sprintf('%s%s', strng, ...
if (gvars.rand_stateFLAG(i) < 3)
strng = sprintf('%s: %d', strng, gvars.randSTATE(1,i));
strng = sprintf('%s: %s', strng, deblank(gvars.rand_stateFILE(i,:)));
if (i < dim)
strng = sprintf('%s, ', strng);
end % i loop
strng = sprintf('%s)', strng);
strng = sprintf(' 6) Firing modes ([%d][', gvars.fireMODE(1));
for i = 2:gvars.numSYN
strng = sprintf('%s%d ', strng, gvars.fireMODE(i));
strng = sprintf('%s])', deblank(strng));
strng = sprintf(' 7) Temporal resolution for saving data ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.5f ms) ', strng, gvars.saveSTEP);
strng = sprintf(' 8) Duration of settling time at start of run ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.1f ms) ', strng, gvars.pulseSTART);
strng = sprintf(' 9) Tsum template mode (');
if (gvars.tsumMODE == 1) % parameters not saved to file
strng = sprintf('%sactive (mode 1))', strng);
elseif (gvars.tsumMODE == 2) % parameters not saved to file
strng = sprintf('%sactive (mode 2))', strng);
else % parameters saved to a binary file
strng = sprintf('%sinactive)', strng);
strng = sprintf(' 10) Amplitude of modulation of the firing frequency ');
strng = sprintf('%s{fosc} (%.2f Hz) ', strng, gvars.f_oscAMPLITUDE);
strng = sprintf(' 11) Rate of modulation of the firing frequency ');
strng = sprintf('%s{fHR} (%.2f Hz) ', strng, gvars.f_oscRATE);
strng = sprintf(' 12) Phase of modulation of the firing frequencies ');
strng = sprintf('%s([%.2f] [', strng, gvars.f_oscPHASE(1));
if (length(gvars.f_oscPHASE) < gvars.numSYN)
gvars.f_oscPHASE(3:gvars.numSYN) = gvars.f_oscPHASE(2);
for i = 2:gvars.numSYN
strng = sprintf('%s%.2f ', strng, gvars.f_oscPHASE(i));
strng = sprintf('%s] radians)', deblank(strng));
strng = sprintf(' 13) Neuron type (%s)', gvars.cellTYPE);
strng = sprintf(' 14) Segmental integration time');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms) ', strng, gvars.baseTIME);
if (~template_params_only)
strng = sprintf(' 15) Sodium current parameters');
strng = sprintf('%s (gNa_bar=%.1f nS;', strng, gvars.gNaBAR);
strng = sprintf('%s E_Na=%.1f mV;', strng, gvars.E_Na);
strng = sprintf('%s mSCALE=%.3f)', strng, gvars.mSCALE);
strng = sprintf(' 16) Potassium current parameters');
strng = sprintf('%s (gK_bar=%.1f nS;', strng, gvars.gKBAR);
strng = sprintf('%s E_K=%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_K);
strng = sprintf(' 17) Maximum M-current conductance {gM} ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.1f : %.1f : ', strng, gvars.gmSTART, gvars.gmSTEP);
strng = sprintf('%s%.1f nS)', strng, gvars.gmEND);
strng = sprintf(' 18) Leak current parameters');
strng = sprintf('%s (gLeak_bar=%.1f nS;', strng, gvars.gleakBAR);
strng = sprintf('%s E_Leak=%.1f mV;', strng, gvars.E_leak);
strng = sprintf('%s gRcLeak_bar=%.1f nS;', strng, gvars.gRCleakBAR);
strng = sprintf('%s E_RcLeak=%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_RCleak);
strng = sprintf(' 19) Cation current parameters');
strng = sprintf('%s (gCat_bar=%.2f', strng, gvars.gcatSTART);
strng = sprintf('%s:%.2f', strng, gvars.gcatSTEP);
strng = sprintf('%s:%.2f nS;', strng, gvars.gcatEND);
strng = sprintf('%s E_cat=%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_cat);
strng = sprintf(' 20) Nernst potential for nicotinic synaptic');
strng = sprintf('%s current (E_syn=%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_syn);
strng = sprintf(' 21) A current parameters');
strng = sprintf('%s (gA_bar=%.1f nS;', strng, gvars.gABAR);
strng = sprintf('%s E_A=%.1f mV; ', strng, gvars.E_A);
strng = sprintf('%s actTauScale=%.1f)', strng, gvars.aActTauScaleFactor);
strng = sprintf(' 22) Membrane capacitance (C=%.1f pF)', gvars.C);
strng = sprintf([' 23) Initial V (%.2f mV), m (%.8f), ' ...
'h (%.8f), n (%.8f), w (%.8f), mA (%.8f), ' ...
'hA (%.8f)'], ...
Neuron.initialValuesArray(1), ...
Neuron.initialValuesArray(2), ...
Neuron.initialValuesArray(3), ...
Neuron.initialValuesArray(4), ...
Neuron.initialValuesArray(5), ...
Neuron.initialValuesArray(6), ...
strng = sprintf(' 24) Current clamp mode: ');
strng = sprintf('%s%s', strng, ...
strng = sprintf(' 25) Dynamics code source (');
strng = sprintf('%s%s)', strng, ...
end % if (~template_params_only)
strng = sprintf(' 26) Save simulation parameters (');
if (gvars.saveFLAG == 1) % parameters not saved to file
strng = sprintf('%snone)', strng);
else % parameters saved to a binary file
strng = sprintf('%s%s)', strng, gvars.saveFILE);
strng = sprintf(' 27) Source of the parameters (');
strng = sprintf('%s%s', strng, ...
deblank(gvars.parameterSOURCE(gvars.parameterFLAG, :)));
if (gvars.parameterFLAG == 2) % Parameter File
strng = sprintf('%s: %s', strng, gvars.parameterFILE);
strng = sprintf('%s)', strng);
strng = sprintf(' 28) Synaptic conductance template source (');
strng = sprintf('%s%s', strng, ...
if (gvars.templateFLAG == 2) % Binary File
strng = sprintf('%s: %s', strng, gvars.templateFILE);
strng = sprintf('%s)', strng);
strng = sprintf(' 29) Synaptic frequency modulator: ');
strng = sprintf('%s%s', strng, ...
strng = sprintf(' 30) Facilitation:');
if (gvars.isFacilitationActive)
strng = sprintf('%s active', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s (xFactor = %.2f, decay rate = %.2f ms)', strng, ...
gvars.facilitationFactor, ...
strng = sprintf('%s inactive', strng);
strng = sprintf(' 31) Number of bootstrap cycles (%d)',gvars.nBootStrap);
disp(' z) Run');
reply = 'z';
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
len_rs = length(gvars.randSTATE(1,:));
len_freqs = length(gvars.primaryFREQS);
if (len_rs < len_freqs)
for i = ((len_rs+1):len_freqs)
gvars.randSTATE(:,i) = round(sum(100*clock));
gvars.rand_stateFLAG(i) = 1;
gvars.rand_stateFILE(i,:) = blank_array;
end % i loop
elseif (len_freqs < len_rs)
rand_state = gvars.randSTATE(:,1:len_freqs);
gvars.randSTATE = rand_state;
gvars.rand_stateFLAG(len_freqs+1:len_rs) = 1;
rand_state_file = gvars.rand_stateFILE(1:len_freqs,:);
gvars.rand_stateFILE = rand_state_file;
reply = [];
case '2'
reply = [];
case '3'
reply = [];
case '4'
reply = [];
case '5'
reply = [];
case '6'
reply = [];
case '7'
reply = [];
case '8'
reply = [];
case '9'
reply = [];
case '10'
reply = [];
case '11'
reply = [];
case '12'
reply = [];
case '13'
[Synapse, Neuron] = neuron_type_menu(Synapse, Neuron);
reply = [];
case '14'
reply = [];
case '15'
reply = [];
case '16'
reply = [];
case '17'
reply = [];
case '18'
reply = [];
case '19'
reply = [];
case '20'
reply = [];
case '21'
reply = [];
case '22'
reply = [];
case '23'
Neuron = initial_values_menu(Neuron);
reply = [];
case '24'
[Synapse, Neuron, Iclamp] = current_clamp_menu(Synapse, ...
Neuron, Iclamp);
reply = [];
case '25'
reply = [];
case '26'
reply = [];
case '27'
reply = [];
case '28'
reply = [];
case '29'
reply = [];
case '30'
reply = [];
case '31'
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % run program
case '!'
menu_flag = 0; % terminate program
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
Neuron.type = gvars.cellTYPE;
Synapse.gsynRiseTimeMsec = gvars.riseTIME;
Synapse.gsynFallTimeMsecArray = [gvars.fallTIME; gvars.fallTIME2];
Synapse.gsynThresholdNsiemen = gvars.thresholdGSYN;
Synapse.gsynScaling = gvars.gsynSCALING;
% end function menu()
function presynaptic_frequency_menu
global gvars
if (length(gvars.primaryFREQS) == 1)
strng = sprintf('The frequency at which primaries fire is [');
strng = sprintf('The frequencies at which primaries fire are [');
dim = length(gvars.primaryFREQS);
for i = 1:dim
strng = sprintf('%s%.2f', strng, gvars.primaryFREQS(i));
if (i < dim)
strng = sprintf('%s ', strng);
end % i loop
strng = sprintf('%s] Hz.', strng);
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit <RETURN>: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.primaryFREQS;
presynaptic_freqs = str2num(reply);
if isempty(presynaptic_freqs)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.primaryFREQS = presynaptic_freqs;
end % isempty(presynaptic_freqs)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function integration_time_menu
global gvars
if (length(gvars.primaryFREQS) == 1)
strng = sprintf('The total numerical integration time is [');
strng = sprintf('The total numerical integration times are [');
dim = length(gvars.primaryFREQS);
for i = 1:dim
strng = sprintf('%s%.1f', strng, gvars.integTIMES(i));
if (i < dim)
strng = sprintf('%s ', strng);
end % i loop
strng = sprintf('%s] ms.', strng);
strng = sprintf('\nEnter a single negative number to have times ');
strng = sprintf('automatically computed based on 400 primary synaptic firings.');
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit <RETURN>: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.integTIMES;
integ_times = str2num(reply);
if isempty(integ_times)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
elseif (integ_times(1) < 0)
for i = 1:length(gvars.primaryFREQS)
if (gvars.primaryFREQS(i) < 0.3)
gvars.integTIMES(i) = ceil(200 * (1000 / gvars.primaryFREQS(i)));
gvars.integTIMES(i) = ceil(400 * (1000 / gvars.primaryFREQS(i)));
gvars.integTIMES = integ_times;
end % isempty(integ_times)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function num_2nds_menu
global gvars
strng = sprintf('The number of secondary synapses is');
strng = sprintf('%s [%d].', strng, gvars.numSECONDARIES);
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit <RETURN>: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.numSECONDARIES;
num_2nds = str2num(reply(1));
if isempty(num_2nds)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.numSECONDARIES = num_2nds;
gvars.numSYN = gvars.numSECONDARIES + 1;
% Set the total number of synapses
% to be simulated by the N+1 Rule,
% where there is 1 primary synapse
% and N secondaries.
len = length(gvars.fireMODE);
if (gvars.numSYN > len)
for i = (len+1):gvars.numSYN
gvars.fireMODE(i) = gvars.fireMODE(len);
gvars.gsynBAR(i) = gvars.gsynBAR(len);
end % isempty(num_2nds)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function gsyn_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
disp('Please select a synaptic conductance to modify: ');
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Maximum absolute primary conductance ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.3f nS)', strng, gvars.gsynBAR(1));
strng = sprintf(' 2) Maximum relative to a secondary conductance of');
strng = sprintf('%s %.3f nS ([', strng, gvars.thresholdGSYN);
for i = 2:gvars.numSYN
strng = sprintf('%s%.3f', strng, gvars.gsynBAR(i));
if (i < gvars.numSYN)
strng = sprintf('%s ', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s])', strng);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the maximum absolute ');
prompt = sprintf('%sprimary conductance or hit <RETURN>: ', prompt);
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
conductance = gvars.gsynBAR(1);
elseif (conductance < 0)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gsynBAR(1) = conductance;
reply = [];
case '2'
% gsyn_secondary_menu;
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the maximum relative ');
prompt = sprintf('%ssecondary conductance: ', prompt);
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
conductance(:) = gvars.gsynBAR(2:gvars.numSYN);
elseif (conductance < 0)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
len = length(conductance)
cc = conductance
gvars.gsynBAR(2:(len+1)) = conductance(1:len);
if (len < gvars.numSECONDARIES)
gvars.gsynBAR((len+2):gvars.numSYN) = conductance(len);
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function gsyn_secondary_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
disp('Please select a method for assigning synaptic conductance values');
disp('%s to the secondaries:');
strng = sprintf('\n 1) user defined ');
strng = sprintf(' 2) random ');
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the maximum absolute ');
prompt = sprintf('%sprimary conductance: ', prompt);
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gsynBAR(1) = conductance;
reply = [];
case '2'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the maximum relative ');
prompt = sprintf('%ssecondary conductance: ', prompt);
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gsynBAR(2) = conductance;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function random_seed_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
disp('To modify a random seed source, please select from the menu below:');
disp(' ');
for i = 1:length(gvars.primaryFREQS)
strng = sprintf(' %d) %s', i, ...
if (gvars.rand_stateFLAG(i) < 3)
strng = sprintf('%s: %d', strng, gvars.randSTATE(1,i));
strng = sprintf('%s: %s', strng, deblank(gvars.rand_stateFILE(i,:)));
end % i loop
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
sub_menu_flag = 0;
for i = 1:length(gvars.primaryFREQS)
% if (reply == num2str(i))
if (str2num(reply) == i)
reply = [];
sub_menu_flag = 1;
end % i loop
if ~sub_menu_flag
switch reply
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % if ~sub_menu_flag
end % while loop
function random_seed_submenu(n)
global gvars
blank_array = ' ';
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a source for random seed ');
strng = sprintf('%s#%d from the menu below:\n', strng, n);
disp(' 1) System clock');
disp(' 2) User input');
disp(' 3) Read in from file');
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
gvars.randSTATE(1,n) = round(sum(100*clock));
gvars.rand_stateFLAG(n) = str2num(reply);
case '2'
rand_state = [];
while (isempty(rand_state))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a number to initialize the state ');
prompt = sprintf('%sof the random\nnumber generator ', prompt);
prompt = sprintf('%s(will be rounded to nearest integer): ', prompt);
rand_state = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(rand_state)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
gvars.randSTATE(1,n) = round(rand_state);
end % isempty(rand_state)
end % while loop
gvars.rand_stateFLAG(n) = str2num(reply);
case '3'
rand_state_fid = -1;
brk = 0;
while (rand_state_fid == -1)
strng = sprintf('rand_state%.1f.dat', gvars.primaryFREQS(n));
prompt = sprintf('\nName of file (default=%s)', strng);
prompt = sprintf('%s(type @ to abort): ', prompt);
rand_state_file = input(prompt, 's');
if (isempty(rand_state_file))
rand_state_file = blank_array;
rand_state_file = strng;
elseif (rand_state_file(1) == ['@']) % Abort
reply = [];
rand_state_fid = 1;
brk = 1;
rand_state_file = rand_state_file;
if (~brk)
rand_state_fid = fopen(deblank(rand_state_file), 'r');
if (rand_state_fid == -1)
disp(' ');
disp('****File not found. Please try again****');
rand_state = fscanf(rand_state_fid, '%f', inf);
status = fclose(rand_state_fid);
if (length(rand_state) ~= 35)
strng = sprintf('\n****File contained an invalid state');
strng = sprintf('%s vector. Please try again.****\n', strng);
rand_state_fid = -1;
gvars.rand_stateFILE(n,:) = ...
gvars.rand_stateFILE(n,1:length(rand_state_file)) = ...
gvars.randSTATE(:,n) = rand_state;
end % if (rand_state_fid == -1)
end % if (~brk)
end % while (rand_state_fid == -1)
if ~isempty(reply)
gvars.rand_stateFLAG(n) = str2num(reply);
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
function firing_mode_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
disp('Stochastic firing == +1');
disp('No firing == 0');
disp('Steady firing == -1');
disp(' ');
disp('Please select a firing mode to modify: ');
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Firing mode for primaries ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%d)', strng, gvars.fireMODE(1));
strng = sprintf(' 2) Firing mode for secondaries ([');
for i = 2:gvars.numSYN
strng = sprintf('%s%d ', strng, gvars.fireMODE(i));
strng = sprintf('%s])', deblank(strng));
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
mode = [];
while (isempty(mode))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the firing mode for ');
prompt = sprintf('%sprimaries or hit <RETURN>: ', prompt);
mode = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if (isempty(mode))
mode = gvars.fireMODE(1);
elseif (isempty(find(mode == [1; 0; -1]) > 0))
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
mode = [];
end % isempty(mode)
end % while loop
gvars.fireMODE(1) = mode;
reply = [];
case '2'
mode = [];
while (isempty(mode))
prompt = sprintf(['\nPlease enter values for the firing' ...
' modes for the secondaries or' ...
' hit <RETURN>: ']);
mode = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if (isempty(mode))
mode(1:(gvars.numSYN-1)) = gvars.fireMODE(2:gvars.numSYN);
lenMode = length(mode);
for i = 1:lenMode
if (isempty(find(mode(i) == [1; 0; -1]) > 0))
disp(' ');
strng = sprintf(['****You entered at least one ' ...
'invalid number. Please try ' ...
mode = [];
if ((gvars.numSYN-1) > lenMode)
mode((lenMode+1):gvars.numSYN) = mode(lenMode);
end % isempty(mode)
end % while loop
gvars.fireMODE(2:gvars.numSYN) = mode(1:(gvars.numSYN-1));
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function secondary_firing_mode_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
disp('Stochastic firing == +1');
disp('No firing == 0');
disp('Steady firing == -1');
disp(' ');
disp('Please select a firing mode to modify: ');
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Firing mode for primaries ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%d)', strng, gvars.fireMODE(1));
strng = sprintf(' 2) Firing mode for secondaries ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%d)', strng, gvars.fireMODE(2));
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
mode = [];
while (isempty(mode))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the firing mode for ');
prompt = sprintf('%sprimaries or hit <RETURN>: ', prompt);
mode = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if (isempty(mode))
mode = gvars.fireMODE(1);
elseif (isempty(find(mode == [1; 0; -1]) > 0))
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
mode = [];
end % isempty(mode)
end % while loop
gvars.fireMODE(1) = mode;
reply = [];
case '2'
mode = [];
while (isempty(mode))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the firing mode for ');
prompt = sprintf('%ssecondaries or hit <RETURN>: ', prompt);
mode = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if (isempty(mode))
mode = gvars.fireMODE(2);
elseif (isempty(find(mode == [1; 0; -1]) > 0))
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
mode = [];
end % isempty(mode)
end % while loop
gvars.fireMODE(2) = mode;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function save_step_menu
global gvars
strng = sprintf('Currently data will be saved');
strng = sprintf('%s every %.5f ms.', strng, gvars.saveSTEP);
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit <RETURN>: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.saveSTEP;
step_size = str2num(reply);
if isempty(step_size)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.saveSTEP = step_size;
end % isempty(step_size)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function pulse_start_menu
global gvars
strng = sprintf('Current value for the duration of the settling time is ');
strng = sprintf('%s%.1f ms.', strng, gvars.pulseSTART);
strng = sprintf('\nThis time allows the system to reach equilibrium ');
strng = sprintf('%sbefore the synaptic firing begins.', strng);
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit <RETURN>: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.pulseSTART;
settle_time = str2num(reply);
if isempty(settle_time)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.pulseSTART = settle_time;
end % isempty(settle_time)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function pulse_end_menu
global gvars
strng = sprintf('** WARNING! This variable is no longer included in the');
strng = sprintf('%s template header. **', strng);
strng = sprintf('** If gvars.pulseEND is non-zero,');
strng = sprintf('%s it may affect firing rate calculations. **\n', strng);
strng = sprintf('Current value for the duration of the post-settling time');
strng = sprintf('%s is %.1f ms.', strng, gvars.pulseEND);
strng = sprintf('\nThis time allows the system to reach equilibrium ');
strng = sprintf('%safter the synaptic firing has ended.', strng);
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit return: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.pulseEND;
settle_time = str2num(reply);
if isempty(settle_time)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
elseif (settle_time < 0)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is a negative value. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.pulseEND = settle_time;
end % isempty(settle_time)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function tsum_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('The tsum template mode is currently');
if (gvars.tsumMODE == 1)
strng = sprintf('%s active (mode 1).', strng);
elseif (gvars.tsumMODE == 2)
strng = sprintf('%s active (mode 2).', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s inactive.', strng);
strng =sprintf('%s Please make a selection from the menu below:\n',strng);
disp(' 1) Make the tsum template mode active (2 primary pulses)');
strng = sprintf(' 2) Make the tsum template mode active');
strng = sprintf('%s (1 primary & 1 secondary pulse)', strng);
disp(' 3) Make the tsum template mode inactive');
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
gvars.tsumMODE = 1;
case '2'
gvars.tsumMODE = 2;
case '3'
gvars.tsumMODE = 0;
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
function f_osc_amplitude_menu
global gvars
strng = sprintf('The amplitude of the firing frequency oscillations ');
strng = sprintf('%s(fosc) is %.1f Hz.', strng, gvars.f_oscAMPLITUDE);
strng = sprintf('\nThis parameter is used to sinusoidally modulate the ');
strng = sprintf('%ssynaptic\nfiring frequency through a range of ', strng);
strng = sprintf('%svalues.', strng);
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit <RETURN>: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.f_oscAMPLITUDE;
osc_amp = str2num(reply);
if isempty(osc_amp)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.f_oscAMPLITUDE = osc_amp;
end % isempty(osc_amp)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function f_osc_rate_menu
global gvars
strng = sprintf('The rate of the firing frequency oscillations ');
strng = sprintf('%s(fHR) is %.1f Hz.', strng, gvars.f_oscRATE);
strng = sprintf('\nThis parameter is used to sinusoidally modulate the ');
strng = sprintf('%ssynaptic\nfiring frequency through a range of ', strng);
strng = sprintf('%svalues.', strng);
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit <RETURN>: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.f_oscRATE;
osc_rate = str2num(reply);
if isempty(osc_rate)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.f_oscRATE = osc_rate;
end % isempty(osc_rate)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function f_osc_phase_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
disp('Please select a frequency phase shift to modify: ');
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Phase shift of primaries'' firing frequency ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.2f rad)', strng, gvars.f_oscPHASE(1));
strng = sprintf([' 2) Phase shifts of secondaries'' firing' ...
' frequency ([']);
for i= 2:gvars.numSYN
strng = sprintf('%s%.2f ', strng, gvars.f_oscPHASE(i));
strng = sprintf('%s] rad)', deblank(strng));
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
phase = [];
while (isempty(phase))
prompt = sprintf('\nPositive values correspond to a delay or right');
prompt = sprintf('%s shift,\nnegative values to an', prompt);
prompt = sprintf('%s advancement or left shift.', prompt);
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the primaries'' phase');
prompt = sprintf('%s shift or hit <RETURN>: ', prompt);
phase = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(phase)
phase = gvars.f_oscPHASE(1);
end % isempty(phase)
end % while loop
gvars.f_oscPHASE(1) = phase;
reply = [];
case '2'
phase = [];
while (isempty(phase))
prompt = sprintf('\nPositive values correspond to a delay or right');
prompt = sprintf('%s shift,\nnegative values to an', prompt);
prompt = sprintf('%s advancement or left shift.', prompt);
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the secondaries''');
prompt = sprintf('%s phase shift or hit <RETURN>: ', prompt);
phase = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(phase)
phase(1:(gvars.numSYN-1)) = gvars.f_oscPHASE(2:gvars.numSYN);
lenPhase = length(phase);
if ((gvars.numSYN-1) > lenPhase)
phase((lenPhase+1):gvars.numSYN) = phase(lenPhase);
end % isempty(phase)
end % while loop
gvars.f_oscPHASE(2:gvars.numSYN) = phase(1:(gvars.numSYN-1));
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function [Synapse, Neuron] = neuron_type_menu(Synapse, Neuron)
% Set the parameters that control the cell dynamics.
% Risetime == the time constant for the rising portion of the
% nicotinic synaptic conductance dynamics (ms).
% Falltime == the time constant for the falling portion of the
% nicotnic synaptic conductance dynamics (ms).
% Thresholdgsyn == the threshold nicotinic synaptic conductance for
% primaries and secondaries for firing an action
% potential.
% Epscscaling == the scaling parameter which keeps the maximum of
% the summed exponentials describing the nicotinic
% synaptic conductance dynamics scaled to unity.
global gvars
default = 0;
isInvalidNeuronType = 1;
while (isInvalidNeuronType)
prompt = sprintf('The current cell type is %s.\n', ...
prompt = sprintf('Select a new cell type to be modeled');
prompt = sprintf('%s (B/C/D/E/M/R/S) or hit <RETURN>: ', prompt);
reply = input(prompt, 's');
if (isempty(reply)) % Default response
default = 1;
isInvalidNeuronType = 0; % Do nothing. Just proceed to submenu.
elseif (find(reply(1) == ['B'; 'b']) > 0) % B cell type
gvars.cellTYPE = 'B';
gvars.riseTIME = 1;
gvars.fallTIME = 5;
gvars.fallTIME2 = 0;
gvars.thresholdGSYN = 10.68;
gvars.gsynSCALING = 0.534985;
isInvalidNeuronType = 0;
elseif (find(reply(1) == ['C'; 'c']) > 0) % C cell type
gvars.cellTYPE = 'C';
gvars.riseTIME = 1;
gvars.fallTIME = 10;
gvars.fallTIME2 = 0;
gvars.thresholdGSYN = 8.29;
gvars.gsynSCALING = 0.696835;
isInvalidNeuronType = 0;
elseif (find(reply(1) == ['D'; 'd']) > 0) % D cell type (double B)
gvars.cellTYPE = 'D';
gvars.riseTIME = 1;
gvars.fallTIME = 5;
gvars.fallTIME2 = 35;
gvars.thresholdGSYN = 7.28;
gvars.gsynSCALING = 1.374379754;
isInvalidNeuronType = 0;
elseif (find(reply(1) == ['E'; 'e']) > 0) % E cell type (double B)
gvars.cellTYPE = 'E';
gvars.riseTIME = 1;
gvars.fallTIME = 5;
gvars.fallTIME2 = 50;
gvars.thresholdGSYN = 7.22;
gvars.gsynSCALING = 1.395769358;
isInvalidNeuronType = 0;
elseif (find(reply(1) == ['M'; 'm']) > 0) % M cell type (medium decay)
gvars.cellTYPE = 'M';
gvars.riseTIME = 1;
gvars.fallTIME = 25;
gvars.fallTIME2 = 0;
gvars.thresholdGSYN = 6.50;
gvars.gsynSCALING = 0.8394993544;
isInvalidNeuronType = 0;
elseif (find(reply(1) == ['R'; 'r']) > 0) % R cell type (RC-circuit
gvars.cellTYPE = 'R'; % and B cell)
gvars.riseTIME = 1;
gvars.fallTIME = 5;
gvars.fallTIME2 = 0;
gvars.thresholdGSYN = 6.63;
gvars.gsynSCALING = 0.534985;
isInvalidNeuronType = 0;
elseif (find(reply(1) == ['S'; 's']) > 0) % S cell type (slow)
gvars.cellTYPE = 'S';
gvars.riseTIME = 1;
gvars.fallTIME = 50;
gvars.fallTIME2 = 0;
gvars.thresholdGSYN = 5.81;
gvars.gsynSCALING = 0.9048007131;
isInvalidNeuronType = 0;
else % Invalid cell type
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid cell type. Please try again****');
disp(' ');
end % while loop
Neuron.type = gvars.cellTYPE;
Synapse.gsynRiseTimeMsec = gvars.riseTIME;
Synapse.gsynFallTimeMsecArray = [gvars.fallTIME; gvars.fallTIME2];
Synapse.gsynThresholdNsiemen = gvars.thresholdGSYN;
Synapse.gsynScaling = gvars.gsynSCALING;
if (default)
% Do nothing. Return to main menu.
Synapse = neuron_type_submenu(Synapse);
% end neuron_type_menu()
function Synapse = neuron_type_submenu(Synapse)
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a %s-cell parameter', gvars.cellTYPE);
strng = sprintf('%s to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Rise-time constant for the nicotinic synaptic');
strng = sprintf('%s conductance pulse (%.2f) ms', strng, gvars.riseTIME);
strng = sprintf(' 2) First fall-time constant for the nicotinic');
strng = sprintf('%s synaptic conductance pulse', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s (%.2f) ms', strng, gvars.fallTIME);
strng = sprintf(' 3) Second fall-time constant for the nicotinic');
strng = sprintf('%s synaptic conductance pulse', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s (%.2f) ms', strng, gvars.fallTIME2);
strng = sprintf(' 4) Threshold nicotinic synaptic conductance');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.3f)', strng, gvars.thresholdGSYN);
strng = sprintf(' 5) Nicotinic synaptic conductance pulse scaling');
strng = sprintf('%s constant (%.10f)', strng, gvars.gsynSCALING);
disp(' z) Return to main menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
neuron_param = [];
while (isempty(neuron_param))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the rise-time constant: ');
neuron_param = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(neuron_param)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(neuron_param)
end % while loop
gvars.riseTIME = neuron_param;
Synapse.gsynRiseTimeMsec = neuron_param;
reply = [];
case '2'
neuron_param = [];
while (isempty(neuron_param))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the first fall-time constant: ');
neuron_param = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(neuron_param)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(neuron_param)
end % while loop
gvars.fallTIME = neuron_param;
Synapse.gsynFallTimeMsecArray(1) = neuron_param;
reply = [];
case '3'
neuron_param = [];
while (isempty(neuron_param))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the second fall-time constant: ');
neuron_param = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(neuron_param)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(neuron_param)
end % while loop
gvars.fallTIME2 = neuron_param;
Synapse.gsynFallTimeMsecArray(2) = neuron_param;
reply = [];
case '4'
neuron_param = [];
while (isempty(neuron_param))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the threshold conductance: ');
neuron_param = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(neuron_param)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(neuron_param)
end % while loop
gvars.thresholdGSYN = neuron_param;
Synapse.gsynThresholdNsiemen = neuron_param;
reply = [];
case '5'
neuron_param = [];
while (isempty(neuron_param))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the scaling constant: ');
neuron_param = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(neuron_param)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(neuron_param)
end % while loop
gvars.gsynSCALING = neuron_param;
Synapse.gsynScaling = neuron_param;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
% end neuron_type_submenu()
function base_time_menu
global gvars
strng = sprintf('Current value for the segmental integration time is ');
strng = sprintf('%s%.1f ms.', strng, gvars.baseTIME);
strng = sprintf('\nThis parameter is used to break up long integrations ');
strng = sprintf('%sinto more manageable segments.', strng);
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit <RETURN>: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.baseTIME;
seg_time = str2num(reply);
if isempty(seg_time)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.baseTIME = seg_time;
end % isempty(seg_time)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function sodium_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the fast, inactivating,');
strng = sprintf('voltage-dependent sodium current to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Maximum conductance {gNa_bar}');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f nS)', strng, gvars.gNaBAR);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Nernst potential {E_Na}');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_Na);
strng = sprintf(' 3) Scaling factor for the activation variable');
strng = sprintf('%s kinetics {mSCALE} (%.3f)', strng, gvars.mSCALE);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the maximum conductance of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s sodium current: ', prompt);
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gNaBAR = conductance;
reply = [];
case '2'
potential = [];
while (isempty(potential))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the Nernst potential of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s sodium current: ', prompt);
potential = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(potential)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(potential)
end % while loop
gvars.E_Na = potential;
reply = [];
case '3'
scale_factor = [];
while (isempty(scale_factor))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the scaling factor of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s sodium activation variable kinetics: ', prompt);
scale_factor = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(scale_factor)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(scale_factor)
end % while loop
gvars.mSCALE = scale_factor;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function potassium_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the delayed-recifying');
strng = sprintf('potassium current to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Maximum conductance {gK_bar}');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f nS)', strng, gvars.gKBAR);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Nernst potential {E_K}');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_K);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the maximum conductance of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s potassium current: ', prompt);
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gKBAR = conductance;
reply = [];
case '2'
potential = [];
while (isempty(potential))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the Nernst potential of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s potassium current: ', prompt);
potential = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(potential)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(potential)
end % while loop
gvars.E_K = potential;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function gm_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
disp('Please select a parameter of the M-current conductance to modify: ');
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Starting value for gM_bar ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.2f)', strng, gvars.gmSTART);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Stepping value for gM_bar ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.2f)', strng, gvars.gmSTEP);
strng = sprintf(' 3) Ending value for gM_bar ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.2f)', strng, gvars.gmEND);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the starting value for gM_bar: ');
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gmSTART = conductance;
reply = [];
case '2'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the stepping value for gM_bar: ');
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gmSTEP = conductance;
reply = [];
case '3'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the ending value for gM_bar: ');
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gmEND = conductance;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function leak_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the voltage-independent');
strng = sprintf('leak currents to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Maximum conductance {gleak_bar}');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f nS)', strng, gvars.gleakBAR);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Nernst potential {E_leak}');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_leak);
strng = sprintf(' 3) Maximum conductance of the RC-circuit leak');
strng = sprintf('%s {gleak_bar} (%.1f nS)', strng, gvars.gRCleakBAR);
strng = sprintf(' 4) Nernst potential of the RC-circuit leak');
strng = sprintf('%s {E_RCleak} (%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_RCleak);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the maximum conductance of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s leak current: ', prompt);
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gleakBAR = conductance;
reply = [];
case '2'
potential = [];
while (isempty(potential))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the Nernst potential of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s leak current: ', prompt);
potential = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(potential)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(potential)
end % while loop
gvars.E_leak = potential;
reply = [];
case '3'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the maximum conductance of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s RC-circuit leak current: ', prompt);
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gRCleakBAR = conductance;
reply = [];
case '4'
potential = [];
while (isempty(potential))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the Nernst potential of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s RC-circuit leak current: ', prompt);
potential = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(potential)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(potential)
end % while loop
gvars.E_RCleak = potential;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function gcat_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the cation current ');
strng = sprintf('%sconductance to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Starting value for gCNG_bar ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.2f)', strng, gvars.gcatSTART);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Stepping value for gCNG_bar ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.2f)', strng, gvars.gcatSTEP);
strng = sprintf(' 3) Ending value for gCNG_bar ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.2f)', strng, gvars.gcatEND);
strng = sprintf(' 4) Nernst potential {E_cat}');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_cat);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the starting value for gCNG_bar: ');
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gcatSTART = conductance;
reply = [];
case '2'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the stepping value for gCNG_bar: ');
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gcatSTEP = conductance;
reply = [];
case '3'
conductance = [];
while (isempty(conductance))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the ending value for gCNG_bar: ');
conductance = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(conductance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(conductance)
end % while loop
gvars.gcatEND = conductance;
reply = [];
case '4'
nernst = [];
while (isempty(nernst))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the Nernst potential of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s cation current: ', prompt);
nernst = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(nernst)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(nernst)
end % while loop
gvars.E_cat = nernst;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function synaptic_nernst_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
strng = sprintf('The Nernst potential of the nicotinic synaptic');
strng = sprintf('%s current (E_syn) is %.1f mV.', strng, gvars.E_syn);
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit return: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.E_syn;
nernst_syn = str2num(reply);
if isempty(nernst_syn)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.E_syn = nernst_syn;
end % isempty(nernst_syn)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function ga_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the A-type');
strng = sprintf('%s potassium current to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Maximum conductance {gA_bar}');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f nS)', strng, gvars.gABAR);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Nernst potential {E_A}');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f mV)', strng, gvars.E_A);
strng = sprintf(' 3) Scaling factor for the activation time constant');
strng = sprintf('%s {aActTauScaleFactor} (%.1f ms)', strng, ...
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1' % change starting value for the maximum conductance (nS)
min = 0;
gBar = gvars.gABAR;
gvars.gABAR = get_new_float(gBar, min);
reply = [];
case '2' % change starting value for the Nernst potential (mV)
min = -10000;
eRev = gvars.E_A;
gvars.E_A = get_new_float(eRev, min);
reply = [];
case '3' % change starting value for the scaling factor of
% the activation time constant
min = 0;
tauM = gvars.aActTauScaleFactor;
gvars.aActTauScaleFactor = get_new_float(tauM, min);
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
% end gm_menu
function capacitance_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
strng = sprintf('The membrane capacitance is %.1f pF.', gvars.C);
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit return: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.C;
capacitance = str2num(reply);
if isempty(capacitance)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.C = capacitance;
end % isempty(capacitance)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
function Neuron = initial_values_menu(Neuron)
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select an initial value to modify: ');
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Starting value for the membrane voltage ');
strng = sprintf('%s(%.2f mV)', strng, Neuron.initialValuesArray(1));
strng = sprintf(' 2) Starting value for the sodium activation');
strng = sprintf('%s variable (%.8f)', strng, ...
strng = sprintf(' 3) Starting value for the sodium inactivation');
strng = sprintf('%s variable (%.8f)', strng, ...
strng = sprintf(' 4) Starting value for the delayed-rectifier');
strng = sprintf('%s potassium activation variable (%.8f)', strng, ...
strng = sprintf(' 5) Starting value for the M-type postassium');
strng = sprintf('%s activation variable (%.8f)', strng, ...
strng = sprintf(' 6) Starting value for the A-type postassium');
strng = sprintf('%s activation variable (%.8f)', strng, ...
strng = sprintf(' 7) Starting value for the A-type postassium');
strng = sprintf('%s inactivation variable (%.8f)', strng, ...
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1' % change starting value for the membrane voltage (mV)
min = -1e10;
V = Neuron.initialValuesArray(1);
Neuron.initialValuesArray(1) = get_new_float(V, min);
reply = [];
case '2' % change starting value for the sodium activation variable
min = 0;
m = Neuron.initialValuesArray(2);
Neuron.initialValuesArray(2) = get_new_float(m, min);
reply = [];
case '3' % change starting value for the sodium inactivation variable
min = 0;
h = Neuron.initialValuesArray(3);
Neuron.initialValuesArray(3) = get_new_float(h, min);
reply = [];
case '4' % change starting value for the delayed-rectifier
% potassium activation variable
min = 0;
n = Neuron.initialValuesArray(4);
Neuron.initialValuesArray(4) = get_new_float(n, min);
reply = [];
case '5' % change starting value for the M-type potassium
% activation variable
min = 0;
w = Neuron.initialValuesArray(5);
Neuron.initialValuesArray(5) = get_new_float(w, min);
reply = [];
case '6' % change starting value for the A-type potassium
% activation variable
min = 0;
mA = Neuron.initialValuesArray(6);
Neuron.initialValuesArray(6) = get_new_float(mA, min);
reply = [];
case '7' % change starting value for the A-type potassium
% inactivation variable
min = 0;
hA = Neuron.initialValuesArray(7);
Neuron.initialValuesArray(7) = get_new_float(hA, min);
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
% end initial_values_menu
function [Synapse, Neuron, Iclamp] = current_clamp_menu(Synapse, Neuron,Iclamp)
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a mode for the current clamp');
strng = sprintf('%s from the menu below:\n', strng);
disp(' 1) inactive');
disp(' 2) step');
disp(' 3) ramp');
disp(' 4) ZAP');
disp(' 5) waveform');
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
gvars.iclamp_stateFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '2'
gvars.iclamp_stateFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '3'
gvars.iclamp_stateFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '4'
gvars.iclamp_stateFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '5'
[Synapse, Neuron, Iclamp] = current_waveform_menu(Synapse, ...
Neuron, Iclamp);
gvars.iclamp_stateFLAG = str2num(reply);
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
% end current_clamp_menu()
function current_step_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the current clamp');
strng = sprintf('%s step to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Amplitudes of current steps');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f :', strng, gvars.istepSTART);
strng = sprintf('%s %.1f :', strng, gvars.istepSTEP);
strng = sprintf('%s %.1f pA)', strng, gvars.istepEND);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Delay until start of current step');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.iclampLATENCY);
strng = sprintf(' 3) Duration of current step');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.iclampDURATION);
strng = sprintf(' 4) Settling time after current step');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.iclampDOWNTIME);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
reply = [];
case '2'
latency = [];
while (isempty(latency))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the current clamp delay time: ');
latency = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(latency)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(latency)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampLATENCY = latency;
reply = [];
case '3'
duration = [];
while (isempty(duration))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the current step duration: ');
duration = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(duration)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(duration)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampDURATION = duration;
reply = [];
case '4'
downtime = [];
while (isempty(downtime))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the current step settling time: ');
downtime = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(downtime)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(downtime)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampDOWNTIME = downtime;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function current_step_amplitude_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the current step');
strng = sprintf('%s amplitude to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Starting value for iclampAMPLITUDE');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f)', strng, gvars.istepSTART);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Stepping value for iclampAMPLITUDE');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f)', strng, gvars.istepSTEP);
strng = sprintf(' 3) Ending value for iclampAMPLITUDE');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f)', strng, gvars.istepEND);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
amplitude = [];
while (isempty(amplitude))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the starting value for');
prompt = sprintf('%s iclampAMPLITUDE: ', prompt);
amplitude = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(amplitude)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(amplitude)
end % while loop
gvars.istepSTART = amplitude;
reply = [];
case '2'
amplitude = [];
while (isempty(amplitude))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the stepping value for');
prompt = sprintf('%s iclampAMPLITUDE: ', prompt);
amplitude = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(amplitude)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(amplitude)
end % while loop
gvars.istepSTEP = amplitude;
reply = [];
case '3'
amplitude = [];
while (isempty(amplitude))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the ending value for');
prompt = sprintf('%s iclampAMPLITUDE: ', prompt);
amplitude = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(amplitude)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(amplitude)
end % while loop
gvars.istepEND = amplitude;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function current_ramp_menu
global gvars
gvars.istepSTART = 0;
gvars.istepSTEP = 1;
gvars.istepEND = 0;
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the current clamp');
strng = sprintf('%s step to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Starting amplitude of current ramp');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f pA)', strng, gvars.irampSTART);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Ending amplitude of current ramp');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f pA)', strng, gvars.irampEND);
strng = sprintf(' 3) Delay until start of current ramp');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.iclampLATENCY);
strng = sprintf(' 4) Time to settle at starting amplitude of ramp');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.iclampSETTLE);
strng = sprintf(' 5) Duration of current ramp');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.iclampDURATION);
strng = sprintf(' 6) Settling time after current ramp ');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.iclampDOWNTIME);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
amplitude = [];
while (isempty(amplitude))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the starting amplitude of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s current ramp: ', prompt);
amplitude = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(amplitude)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(amplitude)
end % while loop
gvars.irampSTART = amplitude;
reply = [];
case '2'
amplitude = [];
while (isempty(amplitude))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the ending amplitude of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s current ramp: ', prompt);
amplitude = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(amplitude)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(amplitude)
end % while loop
gvars.irampEND = amplitude;
reply = [];
case '3'
latency = [];
while (isempty(latency))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the current clamp delay time: ');
latency = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(latency)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(latency)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampLATENCY = latency;
reply = [];
case '4'
settle = [];
while (isempty(settle))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter settling time before the start');
prompt = sprintf('%s of the current ramp: ', prompt);
settle = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(settle)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(settle)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampSETTLE = settle;
reply = [];
case '5'
duration = [];
while (isempty(duration))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the current ramp duration: ');
duration = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(duration)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(duration)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampDURATION = duration;
reply = [];
case '6'
downtime = [];
while (isempty(downtime))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the current ramp settling time: ');
downtime = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(downtime)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(downtime)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampDOWNTIME = downtime;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function current_zap_menu
global gvars
zap_direction = ['low-high'; 'high-low'];
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the current clamp');
strng = sprintf('%s ZAP function to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Amplitude of current');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f pA)', strng, gvars.zap_fOSC);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Low frequency of ZAP function:');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f Hz)', strng, gvars.zap_loFREQ);
strng = sprintf(' 3) High frequency of ZAP function:');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f Hz)', strng, gvars.zap_hiFREQ);
strng = sprintf(' 4) Phase of ZAP function:');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.2f rad)', strng, gvars.zapPHASE);
strng = sprintf(' 5) Direction of ZAP function:');
strng = sprintf('%s (%s)', strng, ...
strng = sprintf(' 6) Delay until start of ZAP current');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.iclampLATENCY);
strng = sprintf(' 7) Duration of ZAP function');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.zapDURATION);
strng = sprintf(' 8) Settling time after ZAP current');
strng = sprintf('%s (%.1f ms)', strng, gvars.iclampDOWNTIME);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
amplitude = [];
while (isempty(amplitude))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the amplitude of the');
prompt = sprintf('%s ZAP current: ', prompt);
amplitude = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(amplitude)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(amplitude)
end % while loop
gvars.zap_fOSC = amplitude;
reply = [];
case '2'
frequency = [];
while (isempty(frequency))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the ZAP current low frequency: ');
frequency = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(frequency)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(frequency)
end % while loop
gvars.zap_loFREQ = frequency;
reply = [];
case '3'
frequency = [];
while (isempty(frequency))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the ZAP current high frequency: ');
frequency = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(frequency)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(frequency)
end % while loop
gvars.zap_hiFREQ = frequency;
reply = [];
case '4'
phase = [];
while (isempty(phase))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the phase of the ZAP current');
prompt = sprintf('%s oscillations.\nPositive values', prompt);
prompt = sprintf('%s correspond to a delay or right', prompt);
prompt = sprintf('%s shift,\nnegative values to an', prompt);
prompt = sprintf('%s advancement or left shift.', prompt);
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter a value for the ZAP phase shift: ');
phase = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(phase)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(phase)
end % while loop
gvars.zapPHASE = phase;
reply = [];
case '5'
reply = [];
case '6'
latency = [];
while (isempty(latency))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the ZAP current delay time: ');
latency = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(latency)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(latency)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampLATENCY = latency;
reply = [];
case '7'
duration = [];
while (isempty(duration))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the ZAP current duration: ');
duration = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(duration)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(duration)
end % while loop
gvars.zapDURATION = duration;
reply = [];
case '8'
downtime = [];
while (isempty(downtime))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the ZAP current settling time: ');
downtime = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(downtime)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(downtime)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampDOWNTIME = downtime;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function current_zap_submenu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a direction for the ZAP current');
strng = sprintf('%s from the menu below:\n', strng);
disp(' 1) Low frequencies to high frequencies');
disp(' 2) High frequencies to low frequencies');
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
gvars.zap_stateFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '2'
gvars.zap_stateFLAG = str2num(reply);
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
function [Synapse, Neuron, Iclamp] = ...
current_waveform_menu(Synapse, Neuron, Iclamp)
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a parameter of the current clamp');
strng = sprintf('%s step to modify: ', strng);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Amplitude of the waveform (%.2f pA)', ...
strng = sprintf(' 2) Neuron type of the waveform (%s)', Neuron.type);
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
amplitude = [];
while (isempty(amplitude))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the amplitude of the waveform: ');
amplitude = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(amplitude)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(amplitude)
end % while loop
Iclamp.waveformAmplitudePamp = amplitude;
reply = [];
case '2'
[Synapse, Neuron] = neuron_type_menu(Synapse, Neuron);
reply = [];
case '3'
duration = [];
while (isempty(duration))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the current step duration: ');
duration = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(duration)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(duration)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampDURATION = duration;
reply = [];
case '4'
downtime = [];
while (isempty(downtime))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the current step settling time: ');
downtime = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(downtime)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(downtime)
end % while loop
gvars.iclampDOWNTIME = downtime;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
function dynamics_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a source for the dymanics code');
strng = sprintf('%s from the menu below:\n', strng);
dim = size(gvars.dynamicsSOURCE);
for i = 1:dim(1)
strng = sprintf(' %d) %s', i, deblank(gvars.dynamicsSOURCE(i,:)));
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1' % Yamada
gvars.dynamicsFLAG = str2num(reply);
gvars.C = 100;
gvars.E_Na = 60;
gvars.gNaBAR = 800;
case '2' % Hermann & Boris
gvars.dynamicsFLAG = str2num(reply);
gvars.C = 150;
gvars.E_Na = 55;
gvars.gNaBAR = 4200;
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
function save_menu
global gvars
save_fid = -1;
brk = 0;
while (save_fid == -1)
prompt = sprintf('Please enter the name of a file to which to write');
prompt = sprintf('%s the simulation parameters.\n', prompt);
strng = sprintf('params.mat');
prompt = sprintf('Name of parameter file (default=%s)', strng);
prompt = sprintf('%s(type @ to abort): ', prompt);
save_file = input(prompt, 's');
if (isempty(save_file))
save_file = ' ';
save_file = strng;
elseif (save_file(1) == ['@']) % Abort
reply = [];
save_fid = 1;
brk = 1;
save_file = save_file;
end % if (isempty(save_file))
if (~brk)
save_fid = 1;
save(save_file, 'gvars');
gvars.saveFLAG = 2;
gvars.saveFILE = ' ';
gvars.saveFILE(1:length(save_file)) = save_file;
end % if (~brk)
end % while (save_fid == -1)
function parameter_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a source for the simulation parameters');
strng = sprintf('%s from the menu below:\n', strng);
dim = size(gvars.parameterSOURCE);
for i = 1:dim(1)
strng = sprintf(' %d) %s', i, deblank(gvars.parameterSOURCE(i,:)));
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1' % Menu Options
gvars.parameterFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '2' % Binary File
gvars.parameterFLAG = str2num(reply);
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
function parameter_submenu
global gvars
parameter_fid = -1;
brk = 0;
while (parameter_fid == -1)
strng = sprintf('params.mat');
prompt = sprintf('\nName of parameter file (default=%s)', strng);
prompt = sprintf('%s(type @ to abort): ', prompt);
parameter_file = input(prompt, 's');
if (isempty(parameter_file))
parameter_file = ' ';
parameter_file = strng;
elseif (parameter_file(1) == ['@']) % Abort
reply = [];
parameter_fid = 1;
brk = 1;
parameter_file = parameter_file;
end % if (isempty(parameter_file))
if (~brk)
parameter_fid = fopen(parameter_file, 'r');
if (parameter_fid == -1)
disp(' ');
disp('****File not found. Please try again****');
status = fclose(parameter_fid);
execution_mode = gvars.executionMODE;
load(parameter_file, 'gvars');
gvars.parameterFLAG = 2;
gvars.executionMODE = execution_mode;
gvars.parameterFILE = ' ';
gvars.parameterFILE(1:length(parameter_file)) = parameter_file;
end % if (parameter_fid == -1)
end % if (~brk)
end % while (parameter_fid == -1)
% end parameter_submenu()
function template_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Please select a source for the nicotinic synaptic');
strng = sprintf('%s conductance template from the menu below:\n', strng);
dim = size(gvars.templateSOURCE);
for i = 1:dim(1)
strng = sprintf(' %d) %s', i, deblank(gvars.templateSOURCE(i,:)));
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1' % Menu Options
gvars.templateFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '2' % Binary File
gvars.templateFLAG = str2num(reply);
gvars.fireMODE(1:gvars.numSYN) = 0;
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
function template_submenu
% Obtains a parameter file from the user and opens it
global gvars
template_fid = -1;
brk = 0;
while (template_fid == -1)
strng = sprintf('gsyn.gtm');
prompt = sprintf('\nName of binary file (default=%s)', strng);
prompt = sprintf('%s(type @ to abort): ', prompt);
template_file = input(prompt, 's');
if (isempty(template_file))
template_file = ' ';
template_file = strng;
elseif (template_file(1) == ['@']) % Abort
reply = [];
template_fid = 1;
brk = 1;
template_file = template_file;
end % if (isempty(template_file))
if (~brk)
template_fid = fopen(deblank(template_file), 'r');
if (template_fid == -1)
disp(' ');
disp('****File not found. Please try again****');
data = fread(template_fid, [1,gvars.headerSIZE], 'single', 'b');
gvars.saveSTEP = float(data(1));
gvars.thresholdGSYN = data(2);
gvars.gsynBAR = data(3:4);
gvars.gsynBAR(2) = gvars.gsynBAR(2) / gvars.thresholdGSYN;
gvars.pulseSTART = data(5);
gvars.f_oscAMPLITUDE = data(6);
gvars.f_oscRATE = data(7);
gvars.f_oscPHASE = data(8:9);
gvars.numSECONDARIES = data(10);
gvars.primaryFREQS = float(data(11));
gvars.integTIMES = data(12);
gvars.baseTIME = data(13);
gvars.afterDELAY = data(14);
junk = data(15:gvars.headerSIZE);
gvars.gsyn_fileMARK = ftell(template_fid);
status = fclose(template_fid);
gvars.templateFILE = ' ';
gvars.templateFILE(1:length(template_file)) = template_file;
gvars.numSYN = gvars.numSECONDARIES + 1;
if (gvars.numSYN > 2)
gvars.gsynBAR(3:gvars.numSYN) = gvars.gsynBAR(2);
end % if (template_fid == -1)
end % if (~brk)
end % while (template_fid == -1)
function fpre_modulator_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf(['The current form of the presynaptic frequency '...
'modulator is a']);
if (gvars.fpre_modFLAG == 1) % sine wave
strng = sprintf('%s sine wave.', strng);
elseif (gvars.fpre_modFLAG == 2) % step function
strng = sprintf('%s step function.', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s summed sine waves.', strng);
strng = sprintf(['%s\n\nPlease select a new wave form from the menu' ...
' below:\n'], strng);
disp(' 1) sine wave');
disp(' 2) step function');
disp(' 3) summed sine waves');
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1' % sine wave
gvars.fpre_modFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '2' % step function
gvars.fpre_modFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '3' % summed sine waves
gvars.fpre_modFLAG = str2num(reply);
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
% end fpre_modulator_menu
function sine_wave_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf(['The current form of the presynaptic frequency '...
'modulator is a']);
if (gvars.fpre_modFLAG == 1) % sine wave
strng = sprintf('%s sine wave.', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s step function.', strng);
strng = sprintf(['%s\n\nPlease select a new wave form from the menu' ...
' below:\n'], strng);
disp(' 1) sine wave');
disp(' 2) step function');
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1' % sine wave
gvars.fpre_modFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '2' % step function
gvars.fpre_modFLAG = str2num(reply);
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
% end sine_wave_menu
function step_function_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf(['The current form of the presynaptic frequency '...
'modulator is a']);
if (gvars.fpre_modFLAG == 1) % sine wave
strng = sprintf('%s sine wave.', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s step function.', strng);
strng = sprintf(['%s\n\nPlease select a new wave form from the menu' ...
' below:\n'], strng);
disp(' 1) sine wave');
disp(' 2) step function');
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1' % sine wave
gvars.fpre_modFLAG = str2num(reply);
case '2' % step function
gvars.fpre_modFLAG = str2num(reply);
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
% end step_function_menu
function facilitation_menu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
strng = sprintf('Facilitation is currently');
if (gvars.isFacilitationActive)
strng = sprintf('%s active.', strng);
strng = sprintf('%s inactive.', strng);
strng = sprintf(['%s\n\nPlease make a selection from the menu' ...
' below:\n'], strng);
disp(' 1) activate facilitation');
disp(' 2) inactivate facilitation');
disp(' z) Return to previous menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1' % activate facilitation
gvars.isFacilitationActive = 1;
case '2' % step function
gvars.isFacilitationActive = 0;
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****Invalid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch
end % while loop
% end facilitation_menu
function facilitation_submenu
global gvars
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
disp(['Please select a facilitation parameter to modify {1 +' ...
' Aexp(-t/tau)}: ']);
strng = sprintf('\n 1) Amplification factor');
strng = sprintf('%s A = %.2f', strng, gvars.facilitationFactor);
strng = sprintf(' 2) Decay rate tau = %.2f ms', ...
disp(' z) Return to main menu');
reply = input('\nYour selection: ', 's');
switch reply
case '1'
xFactor = [];
while (isempty(xFactor))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the amplification factor: ');
xFactor = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(xFactor)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(xFactor)
end % while loop
gvars.facilitationFactor = xFactor;
reply = [];
case '2'
decayRate = [];
while (isempty(decayRate))
prompt = sprintf('\nPlease enter the decay rate: ');
decayRate = str2num(input(prompt, 's'));
if isempty(decayRate)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
end % isempty(decayRate)
end % while loop
gvars.facilitationDecayRateMsec = decayRate;
reply = [];
case 'z'
; % Return to previous menu
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid selection. Please try again.****');
fprintf(1,'\nHit any key to continue: ');
reply = [];
end % switch reply
end % while loop
% end facilitation_submenu
function update_integration_times(nFreqs)
global gvars
nTimes = length(gvars.integTIMES);
if (nTimes < nFreqs)
gvars.integTIMES((nTimes+1):nFreqs) = gvars.integTIMES(nTimes);
temp(1:nFreqs) = gvars.integTIMES(1:nFreqs);
gvars.integTIMES = [];
gvars.integTIMES(1:nFreqs) = temp(1:nFreqs);
% end function update_arrays
function bootstrap_menu
global gvars
strng = sprintf('The number of bootstrap cycles is %d.', gvars.nBootStrap);
reply = [];
while (isempty(reply))
reply = input('\nEnter a new value or hit <RETURN>: ', 's');
if (isempty(reply))
reply = gvars.nBootStrap;
nCycles = str2num(reply);
if (isempty(nCycles) | nCycles < 1)
disp(' ');
disp('****That is not a valid number. Please try again.****');
reply = [];
gvars.nBootStrap = round(nCycles);
end % isempty(nCycles)
end % if (isempty(reply))
end % while loop
% end function bootstrap_menu