function neurosim(execution_mode)
% The function neurosim contains the main function that sets up and
% runs the rest of the parts of the program that numerically
% integrates a conductance-based neuron (global_defs.m[*], keep.m,
% prm_init.m[*], menu.m[*], initialize_parameter_cycle.m,
% compute_synaptic_events.m, compute_current_clamp_template.m,
% initialize_segment_cycle.m, gsyn_template.m[*],
% postsynaptic_neuronal_excitability.m, neuroplot.m[*],
% count_action_potentials.m, quickinterp.m). It can be run in three execution modes:
% 1) the program runs completely through all calculations, completes
% the conductance-based model simulations, and plots the results; 2)
% the program performs all of the calculations of the first mode but
% runs without plotting any of the results; 3) the program stops
% after the synaptic template has been computed and does not run the
% conductance-based model simulations. All of the binary data files
% are saved in IEEE floating point (single, 4 bytes) with big-endian
% byte ordering. Descriptions of the global variables can be found
% in global_defs.m.
% Function files called by this function: keep.m
% prm_init.m
% initialize_parameter_cycle.m
% initialize_segment_cycle.m
% gsyn_template.m
% postsynaptic_neuronal_excitability.m
% synplot.m
% This program is based on the earlier work of Herman Schobesberger, Ph.D.,
% Boris S. Gutkin, Ph.D., and John P. Horn, Ph.D.
% by Diek W. Wheeler, Ph.D.
% Last change 03/13/02
% 06/12/02 Added currentMAX
% 06/27/02 added pulseND length to calculation of final integration
% time segment
% 08/19/02 replaced all global variables with 'gvars.' structure
% 08/20/02 for statements do not accept 'gvars.' variables, so local variables
% are used to start the for-loop and then the local variables are
% immediately assigned to the appropriate global varaiables
% 08/21/02 removed tspan, y0, options, iCLAMP, epscBUFFER, and synTEMPLATE from
% the gvars structure so they are now passed through the function
% calls
% added 'clear global' command - after 'keep' command and before
% invocation of 'global gvars'
% 09/11/02 added command to specify working directory if not on a
% Windows machine
% 01/10/03 added new data columns to the pulsecounts.dat file to
% accomodate a new gain calculation, gain3, which is
% NumAps/400. Also added were the coefficient of
% variation of NumAps and gain3, and the standard error of
% the mean of gain3. A Poisson distribution was assumed
% to describe the number of APs.
% 04/05/03 Profiler will no longer be called at the end of the
% program if only a conductance template was generated.
% 04/28/03 began renovation of coding style
% 05/15/03 started to add facilitaton and individual secondary synapses
% Synapse.frequencyHz, Synapse.gsynThresholdNsiemen, and
% Misc.avgInterEventIntervalMsec are no longer arrays and
% are now the same for both primary and secondary synapses
% 05/16/03 finished adding facilitation and multiple secondaries
% Synapse.frequencyModulatorAmplitudeHz no longer an array
% 05/26/03 modified the pulsecounts.dat file by rearranging the
% order of parameters being output, removing unneeded
% columns and adding facilitation factor and decay rate
% 05/30/03 added bootstrap gain calculations
% 09/12/03 replaced structure variable Cell with Neuron
% 10/30/03 added checks if the primary firing rate has been set to
% eliminate division by zero warnings when gain is calculated
% 11/21/03 fixed the action potential counter function
% 12/03/03 updated calculation of gain to be (nAps/nEventsPerSynapse)
% so it is independent of the numerical integration time
% and the modulation of the firing rate
% 12/05/03 corrected action potential counter during multiple time
% segments so gain value is computed correctly
% 12/10/03 the program no longer tries to calculate gain values
% when only templates are being created so as to avoid
% warning messages
% Obtain profile of program performance.
% Clear the profiling buffer and then start the profiling mode. The
% profiler is set to keep track of built-in functions as well as
% those written specifically by the programmer.
profile clear;
profile on -detail builtin;
% Check to see if an execution_mode number was included in the function call.
% execution_mode = 1: executes full ode computations with plotting
% 2: executes full ode computations without plotting
% 3: stops after synaptic conductance template is computed
% If the user did not provide an execution mode when the neurosim function
% was called, or entered an invalid number, the program then prompts the
% user to enter a valid execution mode. The program keeps looping
% through the prompt routine until the user enters an acceptable
% execution mode. Besides the excution modes 1, 2, and 3, the program
% also accepts modes 11, 12, and 13. These modes are hidden from the
% general user and correspond to a special debugging mode of the
% program. This allows the programmer to set up a special set of
% parameters for debugging purposes without disrupting any normal
% simulation settings. In debugging mode, the three execution modes 1,
% 2, and 3 are executed without ever accessing the menu function.
if (nargin < 1 | isempty(find(execution_mode == [1; 2; 3; 11; 12; 13])))
execution_mode = [];
while (isempty(execution_mode))
disp('Please input execution mode.');
disp(' ');
disp(' 1: executes full ode computations');
disp(' 2: executes full ode computations without plotting');
disp(' 3: stops after synaptic conductance template is computed');
execution_mode = input('\nMode: ');
if ~isempty(execution_mode)
if isempty(find(execution_mode == [1; 2; 3; 11; 12; 13]))
execution_mode = [];
end % while loop
end % if (nargin)
% Keep value of execution_mode and clear all other variables
% keep.m is a third party function file
keep execution_mode;
clear global;
global gvars DEBUG % Definitions are located in global_defs.m
global Synapse Neuron Iclamp Misc
TRUE = 1;
FALSE = 0;
% Assign value of execution mode to a global variable for use in other
% parts of the program.
gvars.executionMODE = execution_mode;
% Initialize randomization seed based on system clock.
rand('state', sum(100*clock));
% Set the output mode for variable listings in the text window to LONG
% in order to automatically print values to 15 digits.
format long;
% The diary command is executed and the output is saved in the file
% output.txt. This will save to file all of the text sent to the
% MATLAB output window.
% The diary command is turned off in case the previous simulation had
% been aborted prematurely and the diary command was left running.
% The text file output.txt is opened and then immediately closed in
% order to clear it for the current simultion's output.
diary off;
fid = fopen('output.txt', 'w');
status = fclose(fid);
% Call the function prm_init to initialize variables and files used by
% the entire program.
% A flag is set by the value returned by the call to the function
% prm_init.
% If the flag is zero, then print a blank line to the text display and
% quit execution of the program.
% Else, continue execution of the program.
% synTEMPLATE is an array containing the template function describing
% the time evolution of the nicotinic synaptic conductance. It
% covers a span of 50 ms with grain determined by size of saveSTEP
[prm_init_flag, synTEMPLATE, Synapse, Neuron, Iclamp, Misc] = ...
prm_init(Synapse, Neuron, Iclamp, Misc);
if (prm_init_flag == 0)
disp(' ');
% Check if computing full ode computations.
% If true, then
% 1) Reopen file for pulse counting in append mode, since the file
% was originally created in the function prm_init, and the file
% header written,
% 2) initialize counter for how often pulse-counting data file
% should be saved, closed, and then reopened,
% 3) set the value at which the file counter will be reset back to
% zero,
% 4) open Figure 1 window for voltage plots and clear its graphics
% buffer.
if (gvars.executionMODE < 3)
pulse_fid = fopen(gvars.pulse_countsFILE, 'a');
dataset_count = 1;
dataset_reset = 1;
if (gvars.executionMODE == 1)
end % if (gvars.executionMODE < 3)
% Open a file for the I-V current-clamp step data if needed.
if (gvars.iclamp_stateFLAG == 2) % Current clamp step
istep_file = sprintf('%s/istep.dat', gvars.sessionFOLDER);
istep_fid = fopen(istep_file, 'w');
% Initialize a count of the number of current steps that will be simulated
iclamp_count = 0;
% Start cycling through parameter values.
% Loop 1: Maximum conductance for the cyclic nucleotide-gated cation
% current. (nS)
% Loop 2: Maximum conductance for the M-type potassium current
% conductance. (nS)
% Loop 3: Primary firing frequencies. At the start of every loop,
% select the next primary frequency from the list of
% user-specified frequencies. (Hz)
% Loop 4: Secondary firing frequencies. At the start of every loop,
% compute the next secondary frequency based on the current
% primary frequency and the number of secondaries. (Hz)
% Loop 5: Amplitude of the step currents during current-clamp
% simulations. (pA)
for iBootStrap = 1:gvars.nBootStrap
for gcat_bar = gvars.gcatSTART:gvars.gcatSTEP:gvars.gcatEND
gvars.gcatBAR = gcat_bar;
for gm_bar = gvars.gmSTART:gvars.gmSTEP:gvars.gmEND
gvars.gmBAR = gm_bar;
for j = 1:gvars.num_primaryLOOPS
gvars.fireRATE = gvars.primaryFREQS(j);
for i = 1:gvars.num_secondaryLOOPS
for iclamp_amplitude = gvars.istepSTART:gvars.istepSTEP:...
gvars.iclampAMPLITUDE = iclamp_amplitude;
% Update the number of the current step being simulated
iclamp_count = iclamp_count + 1;
% If the current-clamp step mode is activated, then put the voltage
% plot into hold mode so that the multiple steps are all plotted on
% the same graph.
if ((gvars.istepEND - gvars.istepSTART) / ...
gvars.istepSTEP > 1)
hold on;
% Display in the command window the parameter values for the
% current parameter cycle.
display_string = ...
sprintf('\n\tgCNG = %d nS gM_bar = %d nS', ...
gvars.gcatBAR, gvars.gmBAR);
display_string = ...
sprintf('\tFpre1 = %.2f Hz Fpre2 = %.2f Hz', ...
gvars.fireRATE, gvars.fireRATE);
display_string = ...
sprintf('\tIntegration Time = %.2f ms\n', ...
Synapse.facilitationDecayRateMsec = gvars.facilitationDecayRateMsec;
Synapse.facilitationFactor = gvars.facilitationFactor;
Synapse.firingModeArray = gvars.fireMODE;
Synapse.frequencyHz = gvars.fireRATE;
Synapse.frequencyModulatorAmplitudeHz = gvars.f_oscAMPLITUDE;
Synapse.frequencyModulatorFunction = gvars.fpre_modFLAG;
Synapse.frequencyModulatorPhaseRadianArray = gvars.f_oscPHASE;
Synapse.frequencyModulatorRateHz = gvars.f_oscRATE;
Synapse.gsynBarNsiemenArray = gvars.gsynBAR;
Synapse.gsynFallTimeMsecArray(1) = gvars.fallTIME;
Synapse.gsynFallTimeMsecArray(2) = gvars.fallTIME2;
Synapse.gsynRiseTimeMsec = gvars.riseTIME;
Synapse.gsynThresholdNsiemen = gvars.thresholdGSYN;
Synapse.isFacilitationActive = gvars.isFacilitationActive;
Synapse.number = gvars.numSYN;
Neuron.gcngBarNsiemen = gvars.gcatBAR;
Neuron.gmBarNsiemen = gvars.gmBAR;
Iclamp.activationDurationMsec = gvars.iclampDURATION;
Iclamp.mode = gvars.iclamp_stateFLAG;
Iclamp.postActivationLatencyMsec = gvars.iclampDOWNTIME;
Iclamp.preActivationLatencyMsec = gvars.iclampLATENCY;
Iclamp.preRampActivationLatencyMsec = gvars.iclampSETTLE;
Iclamp.rampAmplitudeStartPamp = gvars.irampSTART;
Iclamp.rampAmplitudeStopPamp = gvars.irampEND;
Iclamp.stepAmplitudePamp = gvars.iclampAMPLITUDE;
Iclamp.stepAmplitudeStartPamp = gvars.istepSTART;
Iclamp.stepAmplitudeStopPamp = gvars.istepEND;
Iclamp.zapAmplitudePamp = gvars.zap_fOSC;
Iclamp.zapDurationMsec = gvars.zapDURATION;
Iclamp.zapFrequencyMaximumHz = gvars.zap_hiFREQ;
Iclamp.zapFrequencyMinimumHz = gvars.zap_loFREQ;
Iclamp.zapMode = gvars.zap_stateFLAG;
Iclamp.zapPhaseRadian = gvars.zapPHASE;
Misc.activationStartMsec = gvars.pulseSTART;
Misc.executionMode = gvars.executionMODE;
Misc.lengthOfTemplate = gvars.lenTEMPLATE;
if (gvars.rand_stateFLAG == 1)
Misc.randomSeedSourceName = 'system clock';
elseif (gvars.rand_stateFLAG == 2)
Misc.randomSeedSourceName = 'user input';
Misc.randomSeedSourceName = 'read from file';
Misc.randomNumberStateVector = gvars.randSTATE;
Misc.saveStepMsec = gvars.saveSTEP;
Misc.shouldComputeSynapticEvents = gvars.templateFLAG;
Misc.simulationDirectoryName = gvars.sessionFOLDER;
Misc.totalIntegrationTimeMsecArray = gvars.integTIMES;
Misc.twoEventTemplateMode = gvars.tsumMODE;
% Call the function initialize_parameter_cycle() to initialize the
% variables and files needed for each new cycle.
% The parameters passed in through the function call correspond to
% the structure variables Synapse, Neuron, and Misc, the current
% index of the primary frequencies' loop and the current
% current-step number.
% The function returns the updated structure variables Synapse,
% Neuron, and Misc, the suffix to be added to the current parameter
% cycle's datafile names, the subdirectory to be generated for
% the current parameter cycle, a 2-D array holding the timing and
% current information pertaining to the current clamp, and the
% buffer that holds the overflow for the nicotinic conductance template.
% iCLAMP is a 2-D array that consists of a temporal array (ms) and the
% corresponding values of the applied current clamp (pA)
% epscBUFFER is a 1-D array that holds the overflow from the nicotinic
% synaptic conductance template, which is necessary to guarantee the
% proper addition of the nicotinic conductances if a synaptic
% potential is triggered within one synaptic pulse length of the end
% of the template
[Synapse, Iclamp, Misc, iCLAMP, epscBUFFER] = ...
initialize_parameter_cycle(Synapse, Neuron, ...
Iclamp, Misc, j, ...
suffix = Misc.dataSuffix;
folder = Misc.dataDirectoryName;
gvars.pulseTIMES = Synapse.eventTimeMsecArray;
gvars.fireMODE = Synapse.firingModeArray;
gvars.fireRATE = Synapse.frequencyHz;
gvars.fpre_modFLAG = Synapse.frequencyModulatorFunction;
gvars.pulseCOUNTER = Synapse.nEventArray;
gvars.numSYN = Synapse.number;
nSynapses = Synapse.number;
gvars.subFOLDER = Misc.dataDirectoryName;
gvars.startTIME = Misc.integrationSegmentStartMsec;
gvars.initFLAG = Misc.isMoreThanOneTimeSegment;
gvars.pulse_loopSTART = Misc.nEventStartArray;
gvars.tsumMODE = Misc.twoEventTemplateMode;
% Break up the total, numerical integration time into temporal
% segments of length gvars.baseTIME.
% it1 == the number of whole gvars.baseTIME-length segements that can
% be divided into the total integration time, gvars.integTIMES(j).
% it2 == the remaining portion of the total integration time,
% gvars.integTIMES(j), that is not accounted for by it1.
it1 = floor(gvars.integTIMES(j)/gvars.baseTIME);
it2 = mod(gvars.integTIMES(j),gvars.baseTIME);
% Initialize the array that holds the length of integration time for
% each temporal segement.
% The parameter time_loop_counts keeps track of the total number of
% numerical integration loops that will be executed.
% If it1 > 0, then the total integration time is longer than
% gvars.baseTIME, so prime the necessary number of array segments
% with gvars.baseTIME.
% If it2 > 0, then either the total integration time is less than
% gvars.baseTIME, or the total integration time is not evenly
% divisible by gvars.baseTIME.
time_loop_counts = 0;
if (it1 > 0)
for time_loop_counts = 1:it1
int_time(time_loop_counts) = gvars.baseTIME;
if (it2 > 0)
time_loop_counts = time_loop_counts + 1;
int_time(time_loop_counts) = it2;
% Clear the arrays holding the AP firing times and the AP ISI's for
% each new cycle.
ap_time = 0;
ap_isi = 0;
% Zero out variable that tracks the maximum current for each new cycle.
gvars.currentMAX = 0;
% Reset flag at beginning of integration to indicate a single time segment.
gvars.initFLAG = FALSE;
% Reset action potential counter
nAps = 0;
% Cycle through the total numerical integration time, segment by
% segment.
for time_loop = 1:time_loop_counts
% If this is the first integration-time segment, then set the
% parameter gvars.integrationTIME to the first segment length plus a
% delay to accommodate the settling of the system into equilibrium.
% Else, update the parameter gvars.integrationTIME to its previous value
% plus the next segment's length.
% If the current integration-time segment is also the final segment,
% then add the final settling time's length to the segment's length
if (time_loop == 1)
gvars.integrationTIME = ...
int_time(time_loop) + gvars.pulseSTART;
gvars.integrationTIME = ...
gvars.integrationTIME + ...
if (time_loop == time_loop_counts)
gvars.integrationTIME = ...
gvars.integrationTIME + gvars.pulseEND;
% Update the initialization flag to signal that the program has cycled
% beyond the first integration-time segment. Certain parameters
% will be reinitialized differently based on the flag's status.
if (time_loop > 1)
gvars.initFLAG = TRUE;
Misc.executionMode = gvars.executionMODE;
Misc.integrationSegmentStartMsec = gvars.startTIME;
Misc.integrationSegmentStopMsec = gvars.integrationTIME;
Misc.isMoreThanOneTimeSegment = gvars.initFLAG;
Misc.saveStepMsec = gvars.saveSTEP;
% Call the function initialize_segment_cycle to initialize, or
% reinitialize, variables for each integration-time segment cycle.
% tspan 1-D array for the simulation times at which the
% data will be saved (ms)
% y0 5-element array for the default
% resting values of the simulation
% variables (V, m, h, n, w, mA, hA)
% options structure variable for the options
% to be passed to the function that
% numerically integrates the
% differential equations of the
% conductance-based model
[tspan, y0, options, Misc] = ...
initialize_segment_cycle(Neuron, Misc);
gvars.numPOINTS = Misc.nPoints;
% Display in the command window a message notifying the user that the
% synaptic-conductance template is about to be calculated. This
% feature was added to keep the user apprised of the progress of the
% program's execution. The message is also time stamped to help the
% user evaluate execution times.
% Call the function gsyn_template to calculate the
% synaptic-conductance template.
% Display in the command window a message notifying user of the
% completion of the template's calculation. This message is also
% time stamped.
display_string = ...
sprintf('Calling gsyn_template #%d of %d...%s',...
time_loop, time_loop_counts, ...
GSYN = ...
gsyn_template(j, folder, suffix, time_loop, ...
time_loop_counts, epscBUFFER, ...
display_string = ...
sprintf('Template #%d done...%s', ...
time_loop, datestr(now,14));
% Check if computing the full ode computations.
% If true, then numerically integrate the conductance equations, write
% the resulting data to a file, and count the number of action
% potentials.
% If false, do nothing.
if (gvars.executionMODE < 3)
% Display in the command window a message notifying user that the
% conductance equations are about to be numerically integrated.
% This feature was added to keep the user apprised of the progress
% of the program's execution. The message is also time stamped to
% help the user evaluate execution times.
% Call the function ode15s to numerically integrate the conductance
% equations.
% Display in the command window a message notifying user of completion
% of the numerical integration. This message is also time stamped.
strng = ...
sprintf('Calling ode15s...%s', ...
gvars.tspanStart = tspan(1);
gvars.tspanStop = tspan(length(tspan));
gvars.tspanFlag = 1;
[t, y] = ...
ode15s('postsynaptic_neuronal_excitability', ...
tspan, y0, options, GSYN, iCLAMP);
strng = ...
sprintf('\nOde15s done...%s', ...
% The initialization parameter array is prepared for the next
% numerical-integration segment. The values for the numerically
% integrated parameters (voltage, m, h, n, w) will start in the next
% integration segment where they left off in the just completed
% segment.
Neuron.initialValuesArray = ...
% Write the numerically integrated data (voltage, m, h, n, w) to a
% binary file using IEEE floating point (single, 4 bytes) with
% big-endian byte ordering.
data_file = sprintf('%s/data%s_%d.bin', ...
folder, suffix, time_loop);
data_fid = fopen(data_file, 'w', 'ieee-be');
count = fwrite(data_fid, t, 'single');
count = fwrite(data_fid, y, 'single');
status = fclose(data_fid);
% Write maximum current to a text datafile
imax_file = sprintf('%s/imax.dat', folder);
imax_fid = fopen(imax_file, 'w');
fprintf(imax_fid, '%.8e\n', gvars.currentMAX);
status = fclose(imax_fid);
% Write the I-V current-clamp step data to a file. Each full
% numerical integration loop produces one data point for the I-V
% plot, which is written to a text file. The current and voltage
% are recorded at the time that the current step is turned off,
% minus 20 msec. The 20 msec adjustment was added because in MATLAB
% the voltage trace starts to change in reaction to a step in the
% current before the step actually begins. If the step parameters
% have been set properly by the user, this should be at a point
% where the system has reached an equilibrium membrane voltage.
if (gvars.iclamp_stateFLAG == 2)
ps_icl_icd = gvars.pulseSTART + ...
gvars.iclampLATENCY + ...
istep_index = find(t == ps_icl_icd-20);
fprintf(istep_fid, '%.8f\t\t%.8f\n', ...
gvars.iclampAMPLITUDE, ...
% Count the number of action potentials. This is accomplished by
% stepping through the voltage data point by point.
% If the current voltage value is positive then a check is made to see
% if the voltage has just turned positive.
% If it has just become positive, then a flag is set indicating that
% the voltage is now positive, and the action potential counter is
% incremented by one. The time that the voltage becomes positive
% is recorded in the array ap_time as the temporal location of the
% current action potential.
% If the number of action potentials is greater than one, then the
% time between the current action potential and the last action
% potential is recorded in the array ap_isi.
% Else, the voltage is still in the positive domain, so do nothing.
% Else, the flag indicating that the voltage is positive is set to
% zero.
[apCount, apTimeMsec, apIsiMsec] = ...
count_action_potentials(y(:,1), t, ...
gvars.apCOUNT = apCount;
nAps = nAps + apCount;
end % if (gvars.executionMODE < 3)
% Set the starting time for the next numerical-integration time loop
% to the ending time of the current integration loop. This
% maintains continuity from one loop to the next.
gvars.startTIME = ...
gvars.integrationTIME + gvars.saveSTEP;
end % time_loop loop
% Check if only the synaptic conductance template is being computed.
% If so, then skip to the end of the parameter loops to avoid the
% sections of code that write pulse and action-potential counting to
% file.
if (gvars.executionMODE == 3)
% Write the action-potential firing-time data to a text file.
ap_file = sprintf('%s/ap%s.dat', folder, suffix);
ap_fid = fopen(ap_file, 'w');
fprintf(ap_fid, '%.8f\n', apTimeMsec);
status = fclose(ap_fid);
% Write the action-potential interspike interval data to a text file.
ap_isi_file = ...
sprintf('%s/ap_isi%s.dat', folder, suffix);
ap_isi_fid = fopen(ap_isi_file, 'w');
fprintf(ap_isi_fid, '%.8f\n', apIsiMsec);
status = fclose(ap_isi_fid);
% Check to see is there were any primary pulses generated.
% If there were not any primary pulses, then set the mean presynaptic
% firing rate, or primary firing rate, to -1, which is the
% designated value for an unknown quantity. By setting the firing
% rate to -1 instead of just leaving it as zero, a division by zero
% error is avoided later when the actual gain is computed.
% Else, the simulated, mean presynaptic firing rate, as opposed to the
% set firing rate, is calculated from the total number of generated
% primary pulses divided by the current parameter cycle's total
% numerical-integration time in seconds.
nPrimaryEvents = gvars.pulseCOUNTER(1);
if (gvars.pulseCOUNTER(1) == 0)
f1_pre = -1;
f1_pre = ...
nPrimaryEvents * (1000 / gvars.integTIMES(j));
% The simulated, mean presynaptic firing rate of the secondaries is
% calculated from the total number of generated secondary pulses
% divided by the current parameter cycle's total
% numerical-integration time in seconds.
integTimeSec = 1000 / gvars.integTIMES(j);
nSecondaryEvents = ...
f2_pre = ...
nSecondaryEvents * (1000 / gvars.integTIMES(j));
% Add up the total number of primary and secondary presynaptic pulses
% that were generated.
nEvents = sum(gvars.pulseCOUNTER);
% The total, simulated, mean presynaptic firing rate of both the
% primaries and secondaries is calculated from the total number of
% generated primary and secondary pulses divided by the current
% parameter cycle's total numerical-integration time in seconds.
f_total_pre = nEvents * (1000 / gvars.integTIMES(j));
% Compute the mean frequency of the postsynaptic action potentials.
% The average is calculated by dividing the total number of action
% potentials by the current parameter cycle's total
% numerical-integration time in seconds.
f_ap = nAps * (1000 / gvars.integTIMES(j));
% The synaptic gain is calculated from the action potential firing
% rate divided by the ideal presynaptic firing rate (i.e. the set
% firing rate for the primaries, not the actual primary rate
% resulting from the numerical simulation).
nEventsPerSynapse = nEvents / nSynapses;
if (nEventsPerSynapse > 0)
gain = nAps / nEventsPerSynapse;
gain = -1;
% The ideal number of presynaptic events per synapse can be
% determined from the ideal presynaptic firing rate and the full
% integration time for that rate (usually == 400 events/synapse).
ideal_num_presyn = ...
ceil(gvars.fireRATE * gvars.integTIMES(j));
% The coefficient of variation for the ideal number of presynaptic
% events per synapse is one over the square root of the ideal
% number (usually == 0.05 or 5%).
if (ideal_num_presyn > 0)
ideal_num_presyn_CV = 1/sqrt(ideal_num_presyn);
ideal_num_presyn_CV = -1;
% A Poisson distribution is assumed to describe the number of APs (nAP),
% so the coefficient of variation is equal to one over the square
% root of nAP.
if (nAps > 0)
nApsCv = 1 / sqrt(nAps);
nApsCv = -1;
% The coefficient of variation for the gain is determined from the
% coefficents of variation for the number of APs and the ideal
% number of presynaptic events per synapse (usually 400).
% [CV(x/y)]^2 = [CV(x)]^2 + [CV(y)]^2
gainCv = sqrt(nApsCv^2 + nEventsPerSynapse^2);
if (nAps > 0)
gainCv = sqrt((1/nAps) + (1/nEventsPerSynapse));
gain_CV = -1;
% Since there is only one gain determination per presynaptic
% frequency, the standard error of the mean for the gain is equal to
% the standard deviation (SEM = stdev/sqrt(n=1)), which is the
% coefficient of variation for the gain times the value for the
% gain.
gainSem = gainCv * gain;
% Write the pulse-count data, frequency data, gain, synaptic
% conductance, M-current conductance, cyclic nucleotide-gated cation
% leak conductance, synaptic-conductance decay constant, lab
% computer number, and phase modulation to a text file.
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.integTIMES(j));
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.fireRATE);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.f_oscAMPLITUDE);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.f_oscRATE);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%7.2f\t', ...
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.numSECONDARIES(i));
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.thresholdGSYN);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.gsynBAR(1));
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', ...
gvars.gsynBAR(1) / gvars.thresholdGSYN);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.gsynBAR(2));
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', ...
gvars.gsynBAR(2) / gvars.thresholdGSYN);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.gmBAR);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gvars.gcatBAR);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%7.2f\t', gvars.fallTIME);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', ...
gvars.isFacilitationActive * ...
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', ...
gvars.isFacilitationActive * ...
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', nPrimaryEvents);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', f1_pre);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', nSecondaryEvents);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', f2_pre);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', nEvents);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', f_total_pre);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', nAps);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', f_ap);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gain);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\t', gainCv);
fprintf(pulse_fid, '%9.4f\n', gainSem);
% Check the file counter to see how often to close and reopen the
% pulse-counting data file.
% If the counter has reached the reset value, then close the
% pulse-counting data file, reopen it in append mode, and reset the
% file counter to zero.
if (dataset_count == dataset_reset)
status = fclose(pulse_fid);
pulse_fid = fopen(gvars.pulse_countsFILE, 'a');
dataset_count = 0;
% The file-counter for keeping track of when to close and reopen the
% pulse-counting data file is incremented at the end of every
% parameter loop.
dataset_count = dataset_count + 1;
end % gvars.iclampAMPLITUDE loop
end % i loop
end % j loop
end % gvars.gmBAR loop
end % gvars.gcatBAR loop
if (gvars.executionMODE < 3)
meanPrePulseCountPerSynapse = nEvents / gvars.numSYN;
meanPreFreqHz = meanPrePulseCountPerSynapse / integTimeSec;
if (meanPrePulseCountPerSynapse == 0)
gains(iBootStrap) = 0;
gains(iBootStrap) = gvars.apCOUNT / meanPrePulseCountPerSynapse;
gvars.randSTATE(1, 1) = round(sum(100*clock));
end % iBootStrap loop
if (gvars.executionMODE < 3)
bootstrap_gain(gains, gvars.nBootStrap, gvars.sessionFOLDER,meanPreFreqHz);
% Close the file for the I-V current-clamp step data if it was opened.
if (gvars.iclamp_stateFLAG == 2)
status = fclose(istep_fid);
% Check if computing the full ode computations.
% If true, then close the pulse-counting data file for the last time
% after all of the parameter cycles are completed.
if (gvars.executionMODE < 3)
status = fclose(pulse_fid);
% For record keeping, display in the command window the version of
% MATLAB being run.
strng = sprintf('\nMATLAB Version %s.\n\nFinis.\n', version);
% The diary command is turned off.
diary off;
% Change directories into the folder generated for the current
% numerical simulation, generate a performance report for the
% current simulation, change back to the main working directory,
% turn off the profiler, and move the saved diary file to the
% current simulation's directory. The profiler is not called if
% only a conductance template was generated.
if (gvars.executionMODE < 3)
profile report rs_profile;
cd ..;
if (gvars.executionMODE < 3)
profile off;
if (isunix == 1)
cmdString = sprintf('cp output.txt %s', gvars.sessionFOLDER);
copyfile('output.txt', gvars.sessionFOLDER, 'f');
% end function neurosim(execution_mode)
function bootstrap_gain(gain, N, sessionFolder, preFreqHz)
gainMean = mean(gain);
gainStdev = std(gain);
gainSem = gainStdev / N;
strng = sprintf('\ngain = %.2f +/- %.2f (n=%d)', gainMean, gainSem, N);
gainFid = fopen('gain.dat', 'a');
fprintf(gainFid, '%.6f\t%.6f\t%d\t%.4f\n', gainMean, gainSem, N, preFreqHz);
copyfile('gain.dat', sessionFolder);
% end function bootstrap_gain(gain, N, sessionFolder)