Scripts used for the single-compartment simulations of the plasticity in the post-synaptic spine using NeuroRD simulator. Contains also the scripts for printing the Table of reactions.

N.B. The NeuroRD simulations are run from the Python script, on line 157, after the script has created all necessary xml files: java -jar neurord-3.2.3-all-deps.jar -Dneurord.writers=text model_XXX.xml (where model_XXX.xml is the main xml file made by the python script) This may not work on all systems. I ran it this way on a CentOS Linux machine where Java 1.8.0_131 was installed. However, on another machine (macOS) I had to use a slightly different command: java --add-modules -jar neurord-3.2.3-all-deps.jar -Dneurord.writers=text model_XXX.xml The important thing is that in both cases I used the -Dneurord.writers=text flag, which bypasses the jhdf5 and uses txt outputs. If you use jhdf5 (which is actually recommended as it saves a lot of space), you'll have to rewrite the parts of the script that read the model outputs.

Files included:

IC_oldCaM.xml IC_singlecompartment.xml Model_template.xml Morphology.xml Reactions.xml Reactions_oldCaM.xml Stimulations_template.xml mesh_general.out neurord-3.2.3-all-deps.jar