/* $Id: synapses.hoc,v 1.8 1999/07/14 22:49:30 karchie Exp $
 * Place excitatory glutamatergic synapses (combined AMPA and NMDA)
 * on a cell based on the input array specified in a file.  This file
 * began life as a modification of alchemy/synapses.hoc, version 3.3.
 * Peak conductances are scaled by the local input resistance; it is
 * assumed that there is an input resistance file that lists the R_in
 * for a set of indexed locations.  NOTE that this is a different
 * convention than the by-named-section R_in of alchemy/synapses.hoc.
 * The input resistance file *must* be of the right format.


synapses_min_inres = 20
synapses_mean_ia = 25

synapses_default_phase = -1.0      // negative -> Poisson

synapses_nmda_gmax = 0.5
synapses_ampa_gmax = 0.05

syn_index_count = 0

objref nil			// Used to delete objects.
strdef synapses_tmp_str
strdef synapses_sect_name

// Define an array that maps from [0,1] into a spectrum.
// Note that the color indices are:
// 0 = white
// 1 = black
// 2 = red
// 3 = blue
// 4 = green
// 5 = orange
// 6 = brown
// 7 = purple
// 8 = yellow
// 9 = gray
// 10 = white
// ordering: black gray purple blue green yellow orange red
//           1     9    7      3    4     8      5      2
spect_color_count = 8
double spect_color_map[spect_color_count + 1]
spect_color_map[0] = 1 // black
spect_color_map[1] = 9 // gray
spect_color_map[2] = 7 // purple
spect_color_map[3] = 3 // blue
spect_color_map[4] = 4 // green
spect_color_map[5] = 8 // yellow
spect_color_map[6] = 5 // orange
spect_color_map[7] = 2 // red
spect_color_map[8] = 2 // red: allow synapse value 1.0

// Define a menu to set synapse parameters.
proc synapses_menu() {
  xvalue("Minimum R_in (for scaling)", "synapses_min_inres", 1)
  xvalue("Mean Interarrival (usec)", "synapses_mean_ia", 1)
  xvalue("NMDA unscaled g_max (uS)", "synapses_nmda_gmax", 1)
  xvalue("AMPA unscaled g_max (uS)", "synapses_ampa_gmax", 1)

// Allow the user to select an input file.
proc synapses_select_input_file() { local new_array_size
  if ($o1.isopen()) {
  if (gui) {
    $o1.chooser("r", "Select a data file", "*.in", "Accept", "Cancel",\
  } else {
  new_array_size = $o1.scanvar()
  if (input_array_size == 0) input_array_size = new_array_size
  if (input_array_size < new_array_size) {
    print "Error: new file must contain vectors no larger than ", \
  input_array_size = new_array_size
  syn_index_scale = syn_index_count / input_array_size
  num_input_lines = $o1.scanvar()

// Open the input file and get details about the input vectors.
objref infile
infile = new File()
if (gui) {
if (batch) {
	synapses_select_input_file(infile, batch_in_file_name)

// Open the input resistances file.
objref inres_file
inres_file = new File()
if (gui) {
  inres_file.chooser("r", "Select an input resistances file", "*.Rin",\
		     "Accept", "Cancel", "Rin/")
if (batch) {

// Read the input resistances into the local array.
syn_index_count = inres_file.scanvar()
double syn_inres[syn_index_count]
for (i = 0; i < syn_index_count; i = i + 1) {
  syn_inres[i] = inres_file.scanvar()
  if (syn_inres[i] < synapses_min_inres) {
    syn_inres[i] = synapses_min_inres
syn_index_scale = syn_index_count / input_array_size

// Declare the synapse object variables.
objref syns[input_array_size]
num_syns = 0

objref synapses_display
if (gui) {
  // Provide a graphical display of the synapses.
  synapses_display = new Shape()

// Stub: redefine to graph local events at synapses.
proc synapses_graph_syns() { }

// Redefine the synapse placement procedure.
// Argument 1 is the location of the synapse on the branch.
// Argument 2 is the frequency (in Hz) of synapse events.
// Argument 3 is the weight of the synaptic conductance.
//    Weight value 0 (zero) has a special meaning: the synapse is "silent,"
//    i.e. has zero AMPA conductance and full (weight 1) NMDA conductance.
// Argument 4 is the index of this synapse, used for bookkeeping.
proc synm_insert_synapse() { local inres_scale
  // Place a synapse.
  syns[num_syns] = new rGluSc($1)
  syns[num_syns].idx = $4
  syns[num_syns].phase = synapses_default_phase
  syns[num_syns].mean_ia_time = 1000/$2
  // Get the input resistance for this synapse index.
  if ($3 == 0) {
    // Weight 0 => this is a "silent" synapse.
    syns[num_syns].gmax_NMDA = \
        synapses_nmda_gmax / syn_inres[$4 * syn_index_scale]
    syns[num_syns].gmax_AMPA = 0
  } else {
    inres_scale = $3 / syn_inres[$4 * syn_index_scale]
    syns[num_syns].gmax_NMDA = synapses_nmda_gmax * inres_scale
    syns[num_syns].gmax_AMPA = synapses_ampa_gmax * inres_scale

  if (gui) {
    // Clip frequency to 100 for purposes of coloring.
    if ($2 > 100) {
      synapses_colorfreq = 100
    } else {
      synapses_colorfreq = $2
    // Show the synapse in the display.
    synapses_display.point_mark(syns[num_syns], \
  num_syns = num_syns + 1

proc synapses_init() { local flag
  if (num_syns > 0) {
    // We didn't close out after the last simulation.  Do so now.

  if (infile.eof()) {
    if (gui) {
      flag = boolean_dialog("End of input reached.  Select new input file?", \
			    "Yes", "No")
      if (flag) {
      } else {
	infile.scanvar()		// Make sure array is sm
	infile.scanvar()		// Skip past input line count.
	print "Rewound to beginning of input file."
    } else return

  // Place the excitatory synapses.
  synm_place_synapses(input_array_size, infile)

// Clear out the old synapses.
proc synapses_clear() {
  if (gui) {
    // Remove all the marks from the display.

  // Get rid of old synapses.
  while (num_syns > 0) {
    num_syns = num_syns - 1
    syns[num_syns].gmax_NMDA = 0.0
    syns[num_syns].gmax_AMPA = 0.0
    syns[num_syns] = nil

// Print the scores from all synapses.
objref scorefile
proc synapses_write_scores() {
  // Open the score file.
  scorefile = new File()

  for (i = 0; i < num_syns; i = i + 1) {
    scorefile.printf("%d %g\n", syns[i].idx, syns[i].score)