This is the readme for the TagTriC model from: C.Clopath, L.Ziegler, E.Vasilaki, L.Buesing and W.Gerstner Tag-Trigger-Consolidation: A Model of Early and Late Long-Term-Potentiation and Depression PLoS Comput Biol. 4(12): e1000248, 2008 Execute or import in an interactive python shell (ipython). The function 'sim' simulates a neuron with 2 pathways of 100 input synapses each (see U.Frey and R.Morris, Nature 385:533-536, 1997). It takes three string arguments: 1st stimulation protocol, 2nd stimulation, and what to plot. - The 2 first arguments should be one of 'wtet','stet','wlfs','slfs' or 'nothing' which stand for weak/strong tetanus, weak/stonrg low frequency prpotocol and nothing, respectively. - The 3rd one is for plotting. The string should contain: 'w1' and/or 'w2' for the weight (decomposed in h, l and z, see the article for details) of the 1st and/or 2nd pathway(s); 'hl' for a two dimensional graph of the decomposed weights; 'p' for the protein production. The function 'simoconn' simulates the experience by O'Connor (D.O'Connor, G.Wittenberg and S.Wang, J Neurophysiol 94:1565-1573, 2005) on the frequency dependence of LTP/D. It takes a frequency (in [Hz]) as argument. For any question on the code contact April 20th, 2009 - updated with corrected amplitudes for depression/potentiation.