# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Aug 19 12:12:28 2020
@author: kblackw1
############ reward ################
#rwd={'error':-1,'reward':8,'base':0,'none':0,'partial':0} #use these for Opal and Bogacz to show that 3 step tasks do not work - same mean rwd per trial
#rwd={'error':-1,'reward':6,'base':0,'none':0,'partial':1} #use these for Opal and Bogacz to improve performance on 3 step tasks - same mean rwd per trial
#rwd={'error':-2,'reward':5,'base':-0.5,'none':-0.5,'partial':0} #show more lose-shift and sampling behavior? No
######### Parameters for the agent ##################################
params['wt_noise']=False #whether to multiply noise by learning_rate - not helpful
params['alpha']=[0.3,0.06] # learning rate 0.3 and 0.06 produce learning in 400 trials,#slower for Q2 - D2 neurons
params['beta']=0.9 # inverse temperature, controls exploration
params['gamma']=0.9 #discount factor#
params['state_thresh']=[0.12,0.2] #similarity of noisy state to ideal state
#if lower state_creation_threshold for Q[0] compared to Q[1], then Q[0] will have fewer states
#possibly multiply state_thresh by learn_rate? to change dynamically?
params['sigma']=0.25 #similarity of noisey state to ideal state,std used in Mahalanobis distance.
params['time_inc']=0.1 #increment time since reward by this much in no reward
params['moving_avg_window']=3 #This in units of trials, the actual window is this times the number of events per trial
params['decision_rule']=None #'combo', 'delta', 'sumQ2', None ## None means use direct negative of D1 rule
params['reward_cues']=None ##options: 'TSR', 'RewHx3', 'reward', None
params['initQ']=-1 #split states, initialize Q values to best matching
############### Make sure you have all the state transitions needed ##########
def validate_T(T,msg=''):
for st in T.keys():
for newst_list in T[st].values():
for newst in newst_list:
if newst[0] not in T.keys():
print('new state', newst[0],'not in Tacq')
def validate_R(T,R,msg=''):
for st in T.keys():
if st not in R.keys():
print('state', st,'in T,but not in R')
for a in T[st].keys():
if a not in R[st].keys():
print('state/action:', st,a,'in T, but not in R')
######### Parameters for the environment ##################################
act={'center':0,'left':1,'return':2,'right':3,'hold':4} # , 'wander':5
if include_wander:
params['state_units']={'loc':False,'tone':True} #Try false/true
#some convenient variables
start=(states['loc']['start'],states['tone']['blip']) #used many times
loc=states['loc'] #used only to define R and T
tone=states['tone'] #used only to define R and T
move=['left','right','center'] #,'wander'
if include_wander:
################# Two arm bandit task of Josh Berke (Hamid et al. Nat Neuro V19)
Rbandit={};Tbandit={} #dictionaries to improve readability/prevent mistakes
prwdR=0.8; prwdL=0.5 #initial values. These change with each block of trials
####value of T dict is the new state
#from start - best response is poke
Tbandit[start]={a:[(start,1)] for a in act.values()} # stay at start, unless move
for a in ['left','right']:
Tbandit[start][act[a]]=[((loc['other'],tone['error']),1)] #error if go to left or right port from start box
Tbandit[start][act['center']]=[((loc['Pport'],tone['6kHz']),1)] #poke at start tone, go to poke port
if include_wander:
Tbandit[start][act['wander']]=[((loc['other'],tone['blip']),1)] #meandering, not yet at poke port **
#What happens if agent doesn't go to poke port immediately **
Tbandit[(loc['other'],tone['blip'])]={a:[((loc['other'],tone['blip']),1)] for a in act.values()} #default: remain in other, unless
Tbandit[(loc['other'],tone['blip'])][act['center']]=[((loc['Pport'],tone['6kHz']),1)] #go to center port, after wandering
Tbandit[(loc['other'],tone['blip'])][act['return']]=[(start,1)] #return to start
#from poke port - correct response is 'left'
Tbandit[(loc['Pport'],tone['6kHz'])]={a:[((loc['Pport'],tone['6kHz']),1)] for a in act.values()} #default - stay in poke port
if include_wander:
Tbandit[(loc['Pport'],tone['6kHz'])][act['wander']]=[((loc['other'],tone['error']),1)] #incorrect movements
Tbandit[(loc['Pport'],tone['6kHz'])][act['return']]=[((loc['start'],tone['error']),1)] #incorrect movements
Tbandit[(loc['Pport'],tone['6kHz'])][act['left']]=[((loc['Lport'],tone['success']),prwdL),((loc['Lport'],tone['error']),1-prwdL)] #hear tone in poke port, go left, in left port/success
Tbandit[(loc['other'],tone['error'])]={a:[((loc['other'],tone['error']),1)] for a in act.values()}#remain in other unless
Tbandit[(loc['start'],tone['error'])]={act[a]:[((loc['other'],tone['error']),1)] for a in move}
#from left port or right port - best response is return
Tbandit[(loc['Lport'],tone['success'])]={act[a]:[((loc['other'],tone['error']),1)] for a in move} #default, wandering around
Tbandit[(loc['Lport'],tone['success'])][act['hold']]=[((loc['Lport'],tone['error']),1)] #staying at Lport, but not continued success (reward)
Tbandit[(loc['Lport'],tone['success'])][act['return']]=[(start,1)] #go back to start to begin again
Tbandit[(loc['Rport'],tone['success'])]={act[a]:[((loc['other'],tone['error']),1)] for a in move} #default, wandering around
Tbandit[(loc['Rport'],tone['success'])][act['hold']]=[((loc['Rport'],tone['error']),1)] #staying at Lport, but not continued success (reward)
Tbandit[(loc['Rport'],tone['success'])][act['return']]=[(start,1)] #go back to start to begin again
#from right or left port or any with error tone - best response is return
Tbandit[(loc['Rport'],tone['error'])]={act[a]:[((loc['other'],tone['error']),1)] for a in move}
Tbandit[(loc['Rport'],tone['error'])][act['hold']]=[((loc['Rport'],tone['error']),1)] #remain in Rport if no movement,
Tbandit[(loc['Lport'],tone['error'])] = {act[a]:[((loc['other'],tone['error']),1)] for a in move}
Tbandit[(loc['Lport'],tone['error'])][act['hold']]=[((loc['Lport'],tone['error']),1)] #remain in Lport if no movement,
for location in ['Rport','Lport','start','other']:
Tbandit[(loc[location],tone['error'])][act['return']]=[(start,1)] #return to start
#error tone is associated with penalty when agent makes incorrect movement
for k in Tbandit.keys(): #Tbandit determines what states pairs need reward values
Rbandit[k]={a:[(rwd['base'],1)] for a in act.values()} #default: cost of basic action
Rbandit[k][act['hold']]=[(rwd['none'],1)] #not moving - no cost
if rwd['partial']>0:
#reward for correct response
#Error if go anywhere but Left or Right port after tone (but hold is not an error)
if include_wander:
#Error if go straight to left or right port from start box - same error for discrimination
for a in['right','left']:
###### Error if agent wanders or stays at Rport or Lport
# These are needed to keep agent from not returning for new trial after success
for a in ['right','left','center']:
if include_wander:
############## End bandit parameters ###################
if __name__== '__main__':
######## Make sure all needed transitions have been created
validate_T(Tbandit,msg='validate bandit T')
validate_R(Tbandit,Rbandit,msg='validate bandit R')