% Fig 3 - Results with simple IRN
N = 60;
delays = 4:16;
its = [2 4 8 16 32];
% Parameters
parbase = loadParameters();
onset = parbase.subDelay;
% Fixed nOfIts, varying pitch
parbase.est.bandpass = [800, 3200];
parbase.est.nOfIts = 16;
parbase.est.dur = 200;
parbase.est.noiseOff = 0;
parbase.est.type = 'IRN';
parbase.subDelay = 0;
[~, ~, lagSpace, timeSpace] = tdoch(parbase);
for i = 1:length(delays)
pars{i} = parbase;
pars{i}.est.f = 1000 / delays(i);
% Coputing IRN stuff
for i = 1:length(delays)
tt = tic;
fprintf(' - %d of %d ...', i, length(delays));
parfor n = 1:N
[s{n}, r{n}] = tdoch(pars{i});
for n = 1:N
[~, latMat(n,i)] = max(mean(s{n}.p.He, 2));
expS{i} = s{1};
expR{i} = r{1};
fprintf(' time: %.0fs\n', toc(tt));
latAvg = mean(latMat);
latErr = std(latMat);
% Fixed pitch, varying its
parbase2 = loadParameters();
parbase2.est.bandpass = [800, 3200];
parbase2.est.f = 1000 / 16;
parbase2.est.noiseOff = 0;
parbase2.est.type = 'IRN';
parbase2.est.dur = 200;
parbase2.subDelay = 0;
for i = 1:length(its)
pars2{i} = parbase2;
pars2{i}.est.nOfIts = its(i);
% Coputing IRN stuff
for i = 1:length(its)
tt = tic;
fprintf(' - %d of %d ...', i, length(its));
parfor n = 1:N
[s{n}, r{n}] = tdoch(pars2{i});
for n = 1:N
[~, latMat2(n, i)] = max(mean(s{n}.p.He, 2));
fprintf(' time: %.0fs\n', toc(tt));
lat2Avg = mean(latMat2);
lat2Err = std(latMat2);
% Latency predictions
fig1 = figure;
hold off
errorbar(delays, latAvg + onset, latErr);
hold on
krumbDelays = [64 32 16 8, 4];
krumbLats = [362.5, 253.5, 164.0, 140.5, 128.5];
krumbErrs = [11.5, 10.5, 10.0, 10.5, 10.5];
errorbar(krumbDelays(3:end), krumbLats(3:end), krumbErrs(3:end));
xlim([min(delays) - 0.5, max(delays) + 0.5]);
ylim([115, 185])
ylim([115, 215])
legend('predicted POR latency', 'experimental POR latency')
xlabel('IRN delay (ms)')
ylabel('latency (ms)')
hold off
errorbar(1:5, lat2Avg + onset, lat2Err);
hold on
eLats = [179, 197, 185, 160, 158];
eLErr = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10];
ax = errorbar(1:5, eLats, eLErr);
ylim([115, 215])
xlim([0.5, 5.5])
set(gca, 'XTick', 1:5)
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', {'2', '4', '8', '16', '32'})
legend('predicted POR latency', 'experimental POR latency')
xlabel('number of iterations')
ylabel('latency (ms)')
fig1.PaperPosition = [0 0 10 3];
print(fig1, sprintf('fig3-0.svg', j), '-dsvg');
% Example with real data
pars = loadParameters();
pars.est.bandpass = [800, 3200];
pars.est.f = 1000 / 8;
pars.subCortAff = 4;
pars.nOfIts = 16;
pars.est.noiseOff = 0;
pars.est.type = 'IRN';
pars.sigma = 0.0001;
pars.est.dur = 250 - pars.subDelay;
[s, r, lagSpace, timeSpace] = tdoch(pars);
dd = load('~/Cloud/Projects/TDoCh/Data/simpleIRN/irn_exp1.mat');
expFields = mean(mean(dd.in_d8_i16_g200, 3), 2);
expFields = expFields(101:350);
expErrors = std(mean(dd.in_d8_i16_g200, 2), 0, 3);
expErrors = expErrors(101:350) / sqrt(size(dd.in_d8_i16_g200, 3));
modFields = mean(s.p.He, 2);
fig2 = figure;
ax = plotyy(timeSpace, modFields, timeSpace, expFields);
boundedline(timeSpace, expFields, expErrors, ax(2), 'b');
set(ax(1), 'Ydir','reverse')
xlim(ax(1), [0, 250]);
xlim(ax(2), [0, 250]);
ylim(ax(1), [0, 4]);
ylim(ax(2), [-30, 2]);
yticks(ax(2), [-30:10:0])
yticks(ax(1), [0:1:4])
xlabel(ax(1), 'time after tone onset (ms)');
ylabel(ax(1), 'collective exc. activation in the decoder (Hz)')
ylabel(ax(2), 'equivalen dipole moment in the POR generator (nAm)')
fig2.PaperPosition = [0 0 9 2.2];
print(fig2, sprintf('fig3-1.svg', j), '-dsvg');
% Psychoacoustics
clearvars -except lagSpace
parbase3 = loadParameters();
parbase3.est.dur = 250;
parbase3.est.its = 16;
parbase3.est.type = 'IRN';
parbase3.est.bandpass = [800, 3200];
parbase3.subDelay = 0;
lags = lagSpace(1:2:end);
for i = 1:length(lags)
pars{i} = parbase3;
pars{i}.est.f = 1000 / lags(i);
parfor i = 1:length(lags)
fprintf('-- lag %d/%d', i, length(lags))
tt = tic;
[s{i}, r{i}] = tdoch(pars{i});
time = toc(tt) / 60;
fprintf(' done! t = %.1f\n', time);
interval = 201:250;
for i = 1:length(lags)
sacf(i, :) = mean(r{i}.A(interval, :), 1);
pexc(i, :) = mean(s{i}.p.He(interval, :), 1);
pinh(i, :) = mean(s{i}.p.Hi(interval, :), 1);
qexc(i, :) = mean(s{i}.q.He(interval, :), 1);
qinh(i, :) = mean(s{i}.q.Hi(interval, :), 1);
maxInt = 25 * ceil(max([pexc(:); pinh(:); qexc(:)]) / 25);
fig3 = figure;
imagesc(lagSpace, lags, sacf);
title('regularised SACF')
caxis([0, maxInt]); colormap(fake_parula);
xlabel('characteristic delay (ms)')
ylabel('stimulus period (ms)')
imagesc(lagSpace, lags, pexc);
title('decoder excitatory')
caxis([0, maxInt]); colormap(fake_parula);
xlabel('characteristic delay (ms)')
ylabel('stimulus period (ms)')
imagesc(lagSpace, lags, pinh);
title('decoder inhibitory')
caxis([0, maxInt]); colormap(fake_parula);
xlabel('characteristic delay (ms)')
ylabel('stimulus period (ms)')
imagesc(lagSpace, lags, qexc);
title('sustainer excitatory')
caxis([0, maxInt]); colormap(fake_parula);
xlabel('characteristic delay (ms)')
ylabel('stimulus period (ms)')
imagesc(lagSpace, lags, qinh);
title('sustainer inhibitory')
caxis([0, maxInt]); colormap(fake_parula);
xlabel('characteristic delay (ms)')
imagesc(lagSpace, lags, qinh);
caxis([0, maxInt]); colormap(fake_parula);
c = colorbar();
ylabel(c, 'average population activity (Hz)')
fig3.PaperPosition = [0 0 10 6];
print(fig3, sprintf('fig3-2.svg', j), '-dsvg');