function [s, r, lagSpace, timeSpace] = tdoch(pars, parsing)
%if nargin == 0; pars = loadParameters(); end
if nargin == 0; pars = loadParameters(); end
if nargin < 2; parsing = 0; end;
% Sound --> auditory nerve spiking probabilities
if pars.verb, fprintf('Computing thalamic input...\n'); end;
r.lagSpace = binSpace(pars);
r.freqSpace = 1000 ./ r.lagSpace;
if ischar(parsing)
[timeSpace, r.A, r.n, r.b] = parseThalamic(parsing);
[timeSpace, r.A, r.n, r.b] = pyThalamic(r.lagSpace, pars);
% Subcortical libs are in seconds but cortical libs are in ms (sorry)
r.timeSpace = timeSpace * 1000;
% Computing system evolution
if not(pars.onlySubcort)
s = tdochCortex(r, pars);
s = 0;
timeSpace = r.timeSpace;
lagSpace = r.lagSpace;
function [timeSpace, A, n, b] = pyThalamic(lagSpace, pars)
% parse filename is randomized to allow parallel computations
chart = char(['A':'Z' 'a':'z' '0':'9']);
parseID = ['pyparse' chart(ceil(length(chart) * rand(1, 4)))];
save([parseID, 'In.mat'], 'pars', 'lagSpace');
% MATLAB accessed bash didn't include many of my bash paths for some
% reason, so I had to use ipython to allow python access to the packages
% installed through pip and add anaconda's libraries manually to allow
% bash to access to ipython. Adjust these lines as necessary! If it does
% not work at first you can try to use ipython to run it:
%python = '/home/tabs/Apps/anaconda/bin/ipython --colors=NoColor';
% If it still does not work, you might need to manually set MATLAB's
% environment using setenv:
% >>> setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', <pathToPythonBins>);
% In my Linux system this was: setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '/bin')
python = 'python';
system([python, ' ', parseID]);
[timeSpace, A, n, b] = parseThalamic([parseID, 'Out.mat']);
delete([parseID, 'Out.mat']);
function [timeSpace, A, n, b] = parseThalamic(parsing)
pyparse = load(parsing);
timeSpace = pyparse.timeSpace;
A = pyparse.A;
n = pyparse.n;
b = pyparse.b;
function lagSpace = binSpace(pars)
lagMin = 1000 / (pars.freqInterval(2));
lagMax = 1000 / (pars.freqInterval(1));
lagSpace = linspace(lagMax, lagMin, pars.N)';