* Copyright (C) 2007 Evan Thomas
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Implements the granule cell of Santhakumar et al 2005
from p3 import *
from math import pi, log
old = False
if old:
from aradi_old import *
method = rk32
timeSample = 0.01
from aradi import *
method = hines
timeSample = 0
from Exp2Syn import *
# Units
Ohm = 1
Siemen = 1
coul = 1
mole = 1e3
meter = 1
litre = 1
cm = meter*1e-2
um = meter*1e-6
nm = meter*1e-9
mS = Siemen*1e-3
ms = 1 # Time is in ms!!!
uF = 1e-6
mM = mole*1e-3/litre
# Current is in units of coul/ms !
nA = 1e-9 * 1e3
pA = 1e-12 * 1e3
# Constants
FARADAY = 96520*coul
depth = 200*nm
class DGcmpt(Compartment):
def __init__(self, cell, parent, Gleak, Ra, Cm, length, dia, Vleak=-70):
Compartment.__init__(self, cell)
# unit assignment
Cm = Cm*uF/cm/cm
dia = dia*um
length = length*um
Ra = Ra*Ohm*cm
Gleak = Gleak*mS/cm/cm
self.Em = Vleak
# Assuming an open cylinder - why?
self.area = pi*dia*length
self.capacitance = Cm * self.area * 1e3
self.Ra = Ra
self.dia = dia
self.length = length
self.leak = Leak(self)
self.leak.Er = self.Em
self.leak.Gmax = self.area*Gleak
if parent:
r1 = 1/(pi*dia*dia/2.0/Ra/length)
r2 = 1/(pi*parent.dia*parent.dia/2.0/Ra/parent.length)
self.connect(parent, 1/(r1+r2))
def addG(self, useSlow=False, gNa=0, gKdrf=0, gKdrs=0, gKA=0,
gCaT=0, gCaN=0, gCaL=0, gBK=0, gSK=0, gIh=0):
area = self.area*mS/cm/cm
ENa = 55
ECa = 130
EK = -90
Eh = -40
if gNa>0 and not useSlow:
self.Na = Na(self)
self.Na.Er = ENa
self.Na.Gmax = gNa*area
self.Na.m = self.Na.m_inf(self.Em)
self.Na.h = self.Na.h_inf(self.Em)
if gNa>0 and useSlow:
self.Na = Naslow(self)
self.Na.Er = ENa
self.Na.Am = 1
self.Na.Ah = 1
self.Na.As = 1
self.Na.Vhalfm = 0
self.Na.Vhalfh = 0
self.Na.Vhalfs = 0
self.Na.m = self.Na.m_inf(self.Em)
self.Na.h = self.Na.h_inf(self.Em)
self.Na.s = self.Na.s_inf(self.Em)
self.Na.Gmax = gNa*area/self.Na.s
if gKdrf>0:
self.Kdrf = Kdrf(self)
self.Kdrf.Er = EK
self.Kdrf.Gmax = gKdrf*area
self.Kdrf.n = self.Kdrf.n_inf(self.Em)
if gKdrs>0:
self.Kdrs = Kdrs(self)
self.Kdrs.Er = EK
self.Kdrs.Gmax = gKdrs*area
self.Kdrs.n = self.Kdrs.n_inf(self.Em)
if gKA>0:
self.Ka = Ka(self)
self.Ka.Er = EK
self.Ka.Gmax = gKA*area
self.Ka.k = self.Ka.k_inf(self.Em)
self.Ka.l = self.Ka.l_inf(self.Em)
# IntCa is always present!
self.IntCa = CaDynamics(self)
self.IntCa.charge = 2
self.IntCa.B = 1/depth/FARADAY/area/1e5
self.IntCa.Catau = 10
self.IntCa.Ca0 = 5.e-6 * mM
self.IntCa.Ca = self.IntCa.Ca0
except AttributeError:
self.IntCa.CaLi = self.IntCa.Ca0/3
self.IntCa.CaNi = self.IntCa.Ca0/3
self.IntCa.CaTi = self.IntCa.Ca0/3
self.IntCa.co = 2*mM
if gCaN>0:
self.CaN = CaN(self)
self.CaN.Er = ECa
self.CaN.Gmax = gCaN*area
self.CaN.useGHKrectification = True
self.CaN.c = self.CaN.c_inf(self.Em)
self.CaN.d = self.CaN.d_inf(self.Em)
self.CaN.Cadynamics = self.IntCa
if gCaL>0:
self.CaL = CaL(self)
self.CaL.Er = ECa
self.CaL.Gmax = gCaL*area
self.CaL.e = self.CaL.e_inf(self.Em)
self.CaL.ki = 1*mM
self.CaL.useGHKrectification = True
self.CaL.Cadynamics = self.IntCa
if gCaT>0:
self.CaT = CaT(self)
self.CaT.Er = ECa
self.CaT.Gmax = gCaT*area
self.CaT.a = self.CaT.a_inf(self.Em)
self.CaT.b = self.CaT.b_inf(self.Em)
self.CaT.useGHKrectification = True
self.CaT.Cadynamics = self.IntCa
if gBK>0:
self.Kbk = Kbk(self)
self.Kbk.Er = EK
self.Kbk.Gmax = gBK*area
self.Kbk.o = self.Kbk.o_inf(self.Em, self.IntCa.Ca0)
self.Kbk.Cadynamics = self.IntCa
if gSK>0:
self.Ksk = Ksk(self)
self.Ksk.Er = EK
self.Ksk.Gmax = gSK*area
self.Ksk.q = 0
self.Ksk.Cadynamics = self.IntCa
if gIh>0:
self.Ihs = Ihs(self)
self.Ihs.Er = Eh
self.Ihs.Gmax = gIh*area
self.Ihs.h = self.Ihs.h_inf(self.Em)
self.Ihf = Ihf(self)
self.Ihf.Er = Eh
self.Ihf.Gmax = gIh*area
self.Ihf.h = self.Ihf.h_inf(self.Em)
class SquareWaveCurrent(PyDynamics):
def __init__(self, cell):
PyDynamics.__init__(self, cell)
self.HinesIntegrable = True
self.Iinject = 0
self.dur = 40
def current(self, t):
if t%self.dur<=self.dur/2:
return 0
return self.Iinject
class Granule(mCell):
P = [0.2409, 1.0000, 0.4832, 0.0000, 1.0000]
def __str__(self):
return 'Granule cell'
def __init__(self, useSlow=False):
if old:
self.CaLscale = 1
self.CaNscale = 1
self.CaTscale = 1
self.BKscale = 1
self.SKscale = 1
self.CaLscale = self.P[0]
self.CaNscale = self.P[1]
self.CaTscale = self.P[2]
self.BKscale = self.P[3]
self.SKscale = self.P[4]
self.method = method
self.sparseLinearAlgebra = False
self.timeSample = timeSample
# Soma (table 1 in the paper indicates 2 somatic compartments ??)
self.soma = DGcmpt(self, None, 0.04, 210, 1, 16.8, 16.8)
self.soma.addG(useSlow=useSlow, gNa=120, gKdrf=16, gKdrs=6,
gKA=12, gCaN=2*self.CaNscale, gCaL=5*self.CaLscale,
gSK=1*self.SKscale, gBK=0.6*self.BKscale)
# Inject current into the soma
#d = SquareWaveCurrent(self.soma)
d = CurrentInjection(self.soma)
d.start = 0
d.end = 1000000000
self.current = d
self.soma.APthreshold = 10
self.synlist = []
self.PPlist = []
# dendrites
self.dendrite = []
for i in range(2):
d = DGcmpt(self, self.soma, 0.04, 210, 1, 50, 3)
d.addG(useSlow=useSlow, gNa=18, gKdrf=4, gKdrs=6,
gCaN=3*self.CaNscale, gCaL=7.5*self.CaLscale,
gSK=0.4*self.SKscale, gBK=0.6*self.BKscale)
# proximal
d = DGcmpt(self, d, 0.063, 210, 1.6, 150, 3)
d.addG(useSlow=useSlow, gNa=13, gKdrf=4, gKdrs=6,
gCaN=1*self.CaNscale, gCaL=7.5*self.CaLscale,
gSK=0.2*self.SKscale, gBK=1*self.BKscale)
# medial
d = DGcmpt(self, d, 0.063, 210, 1.6, 150, 3)
d.addG(useSlow=useSlow, gNa=8, gKdrf=1, gKdrs=6,
gCaN=1*self.CaNscale, gCaL=0.5*self.CaLscale,
gSK=0*self.SKscale, gBK=2.4*self.BKscale)
# distal
d = DGcmpt(self, d, 0.063, 210, 1.6, 150, 3)
d.addG(useSlow=useSlow, gNa=0, gKdrf=1, gKdrs=8,
gCaN=1*self.CaNscale, gCaL=0*self.CaLscale,
gSK=0*self.SKscale, gBK=2.4*self.BKscale)
def make1synapse(self, cmpt, tau1, tau2, Er):
syn = Exp2Syn(cmpt)
syn.tau1 = tau1; syn.tau2 = tau2; syn.Er = Er; syn.Gmax = nA
return syn
def makesynapses(self):
# PP syn based on data from Greg Hollrigel and Kevin Staley
d = self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][3], 1.5, 5.5, 0)
d.Gmax = d.Gmax * 0.02
d = self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][3], 1.5, 5.5, 0)
d.Gmax = d.Gmax * 0.02
# MC syn *** Estimated
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][1], 1.5, 5.5, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][1], 1.5, 5.5, 0)
# HIPP syn based on Harney and Jones corrected for temp
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][3], 0.5, 6.0, -70)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][3], 0.5, 6.0, -70)
# BC syn syn based on Bartos
self.make1synapse(self.soma, 0.26, 5.5, -70)
# NOTE: SPROUTED SYNAPSE based on Molnar and Nadler
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][1], 1.5, 5.5, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][1], 1.5, 5.5, 0)
class Basket(mCell):
P=[0.25, 1, 0, 1]
def addcmpt(self, parent, useSlow=False, gNa=0, gKdrf=0, length=0, dia=0):
cmpt = DGcmpt(self, parent, 0.18, 100, 1.4, length, dia, Vleak=-60.06)
cmpt.addG(useSlow=useSlow, gNa=gNa, gKdrf=gKdrf, gKA=0.15,
gCaN=0.8*self.CaNscale, gCaL=5*self.CaLscale,
gSK=0.002*self.SKscale, gBK=0.2*self.BKscale)
return cmpt
def __init__(self, useSlow=False):
if old:
self.CaLscale = 1
self.CaNscale = 1
self.BKscale = 1
self.SKscale = 1
self.CaLscale = self.P[0]
self.CaNscale = self.P[1]
self.BKscale = self.P[2]
self.SKscale = self.P[3]
self.method = method
self.sparseLinearAlgebra = False
self.timeSample = timeSample
# Soma (table 1 in the paper indicates 2 somatic compartments ??)
self.soma = self.addcmpt(None, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=120, gKdrf=13, length=20, dia=15)
# Inject current into the soma
#d = SquareWaveCurrent(self.soma)
#d = CurrentInjection(self.soma)
#d.start = 0
#d.end = 1000000000
#self.current = d
self.soma.APthreshold = 10
self.synlist = []
self.PPlist = []
self.dendrite = []
napdend = 2
nbasdend = 2
# apical dendrites
for i in range(napdend):
# proximal
d = self.addcmpt(self.soma, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=120, gKdrf=13, length=75, dia=4)
# mid 1
d = self.addcmpt(d, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=0, gKdrf=0, length=75, dia=3)
# mid 2
d = self.addcmpt(d, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=0, gKdrf=0, length=75, dia=2)
# distal
d = self.addcmpt(d, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=0, gKdrf=0, length=75, dia=1)
# basal dendrites
for i in range(nbasdend):
# proximal
d = self.addcmpt(self.soma, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=120, gKdrf=13, length=50, dia=4)
# mid 1
d = self.addcmpt(d, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=0, gKdrf=0, length=50, dia=3)
# mid 2
d = self.addcmpt(d, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=0, gKdrf=0, length=50, dia=2)
# distal
d = self.addcmpt(d, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=0, gKdrf=0, length=50, dia=1)
def __str__(self):
return 'Basket cell'
def make1synapse(self, cmpt, tau1, tau2, Er):
syn = Exp2Syn(cmpt)
syn.tau1 = tau1; syn.tau2 = tau2; syn.Er = Er; syn.Gmax = nA
return syn
def makesynapses(self):
# PP(AMPA) syn to apical dist dend Dingledine '95
d = self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][3], 2.0 , 6.3, 0)
d.Gmax = d.Gmax * 0.01
d = self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][3], 2.0 , 6.3, 0)
d.Gmax = d.Gmax * 0.01
# GC(AMPA) syn to prox dend Geiger '97
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][0], 0.3 , 0.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][0], 0.3 , 0.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[2][0], 0.3 , 0.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[3][0], 0.3 , 0.6, 0)
# MC(AMPA) syn to apical IML dend
# *** Estimated based on CA3>BC min stim Dingledine '95
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][1], 0.9 , 3.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][1], 0.9 , 3.6, 0)
# BC(GABA) syn to apical IML dend Bartos
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][1], 0.16, 1.8, -70)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][1], 0.16, 1.8, -70)
# HIPP(GABA) syn to apical distal dend
# *** Estimated as HIPP>GC
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][3], 0.4 , 5.8, -70)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][3], 0.4 , 5.8, -70)
class Mossy(mCell):
P = [0, 0, 1, 0.25]
def addcmpt(self, parent, useSlow=False, gNa=0, gKdrf=0, length=0, dia=0, Cm=1, gl=1):
cmpt = DGcmpt(self, parent, gl, 100, Cm, length, dia, Vleak=-59)
cmpt.addG(useSlow=useSlow, gNa=gNa, gKdrf=gKdrf, gKA=0.01,
gCaN=0.08*self.CaNscale, gCaL=0.6*self.CaLscale,
gSK=16*self.SKscale, gBK=16.5*self.BKscale, gIh=0.005)
return cmpt
def __init__(self, useSlow=False):
if old:
self.CaLscale = 1
self.CaNscale = 1
self.BKscale = 1
self.SKscale = 1
self.CaLscale = self.P[0]
self.CaNscale = self.P[1]
self.BKscale = self.P[2]
self.SKscale = self.P[3]
self.method = method
self.sparseLinearAlgebra = False
self.timeSample = timeSample
# Soma (table 1 in the paper indicates 2 somatic compartments ??)
self.soma = self.addcmpt(None, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=120, gKdrf=0.5, length=20, dia=20,
Cm=0.6, gl=0.011)
# Inject current into the soma
d = CurrentInjection(self.soma)
d.start = 0
d.end = 1000000000
self.current = d
self.soma.APthreshold = 10
self.synlist = []
self.PPlist = []
self.dendrite = []
# dendrites
for i in range(4):
# proximal
d = self.addcmpt(self.soma, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=120, gKdrf=0.5, length=50, dia=5.78,
Cm=2.4, gl=0.044)
dia = [4, 2.5, 1]
for j in range(3):
# mid 1
d = self.addcmpt(d, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=0, gKdrf=0, length=50, dia=dia[j],
Cm=2.4, gl=0.044)
def __str__(self):
return 'Mossy cell'
def make1synapse(self, cmpt, tau1, tau2, Er):
syn = Exp2Syn(cmpt)
syn.tau1 = tau1; syn.tau2 = tau2; syn.Er = Er; syn.Gmax = nA
return syn
def makesynapses(self):
# PP(AMPA) syn to dist dend similar to PP to GC
d = self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][3], 1.5 , 5.5, 0)
d.Gmax = d.Gmax * 0.005
d = self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][3], 1.5 , 5.5, 0)
d.Gmax = d.Gmax * 0.005
d = self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[2][3], 1.5 , 5.5, 0)
d.Gmax = d.Gmax * 0.005
d = self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[3][3], 1.5 , 5.5, 0)
d.Gmax = d.Gmax * 0.005
# GC(AMPA) syn to prox dend similar to GC>CA3 Jonas '93
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][0], 0.5 , 6.2, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][0], 0.5 , 6.2, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[2][0], 0.5 , 6.2, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[3][0], 0.5 , 6.2, 0)
# MC(AMPA) syn to prox dend similar to CA#>CA3 Aaron
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][0], 0.45, 2.2, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][0], 0.45, 2.2, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[2][0], 0.45, 2.2, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[3][0], 0.45, 2.2, 0)
# BC(GABA) syn to prox dend based on BC>CA3 Bartos PNAS (mice)
self.make1synapse(self.soma, 0.3 , 3.3, -70)
# HIPP(GABA) syn to prox dend based on Hilar>GC Harney&Jones
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][2], 0.5 , 6.0, -70)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][2], 0.5 , 6.0, -70)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[2][2], 0.5 , 6.0, -70)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[3][2], 0.5 , 6.0, -70)
class Hipp(mCell):
P=[0, 1, 0.7]
def addcmpt(self, parent, useSlow=False, gNa=0, gKdrf=0,
length=0, dia=0, Cm=1.1, gl=0.036):
cmpt = DGcmpt(self, parent, gl, 100, Cm, length, dia, Vleak=-70.45)
cmpt.addG(useSlow=useSlow, gNa=gNa, gKdrf=gKdrf, gKA=0.8,
gSK=3*self.SKscale, gBK=3*self.BKscale, gIh=0.015)
return cmpt
def __init__(self, useSlow=False):
if old:
self.CaLscale = 1
self.BKscale = 1
self.SKscale = 1
self.CaLscale = self.P[0]
self.BKscale = self.P[1]
self.SKscale = self.P[2]
self.method = method
self.sparseLinearAlgebra = False
self.timeSample = timeSample
# Soma (table 1 in the paper indicates 2 somatic compartments ??)
self.soma = self.addcmpt(None, useSlow=useSlow,
gNa=200, gKdrf=6, length=20, dia=10)
# Inject current into the soma
#d = SquareWaveCurrent(self.soma)
d = CurrentInjection(self.soma)
d.start = 0
d.end = 1000000000
self.current = d
self.PPlist = []
self.soma.APthreshold = 10
self.dendrite = []
length = [75, 75, 50, 50]
dia = [3, 2, 1]
gNa = [200, 0, 0]
gK = [6, 0, 0]
# dendrites
for i in range(4):
d = self.soma
for j in range(3):
d = self.addcmpt(d, useSlow=useSlow, gNa=gNa[j], gKdrf=gK[j],
length=length[i], dia=dia[j])
def __str__(self):
return 'HIPP cell'
def make1synapse(self, cmpt, tau1, tau2, Er):
syn = Exp2Syn(cmpt)
syn.tau1 = tau1; syn.tau2 = tau2; syn.Er = Er; syn.Gmax = nA
return syn
def makesynapses(self):
self.synlist = []
# GC(AMPA) syn to prox dend similar to GC>BC
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][0], 0.3 , 0.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][0], 0.3 , 0.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[2][0], 0.3 , 0.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[3][0], 0.3 , 0.6, 0)
# MC(AMPA) syn to mid dend similar to CA3>int Aaron
# *** Assumed data at physio temp
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[0][1], 0.9 , 3.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[1][1], 0.9 , 3.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[2][1], 0.9 , 3.6, 0)
self.make1synapse(self.dendrite[3][1], 0.9 , 3.6, 0)
def modifyAll(Network=[], \
Vhalfnf=0, Vhalfns=0, \
Vhalfm=0, Vhalfh=0, Vhalfs=0, \
Am=1, Ah=1, As=1, \
Ggaba=1, \
Vhalfma=0, Vhalfha=0, \
Vhalfmt=0, \
Vhalfml=0, \
Vhalfhf=0, \
Vhalfhs=0, \
Vhalfmn=0, \
for cell in Network:
for cmpt in cell.compartments:
cmpt.Na.Vhalfm = Vhalfm
cmpt.Na.Vhalfh = Vhalfh
cmpt.Na.Vhalfs = Vhalfs
cmpt.Na.Am = Am
cmpt.Na.Ah = Ah
cmpt.Na.As = As
except AttributeError:
cmpt.Ka.vhalfn = cmpt.Ka.vhalfn-Vhalfma
cmpt.Ka.vhalfl = cmpt.Ka.vhalfl-Vhalfha
except AttributeError:
cmpt.Ihf.vhalfhf = Vhalfhf
except AttributeError:
cmpt.Ihs.vhalfhs = Vhalfhs
except AttributeError:
cmpt.Kdrf.Vhalfn = Vhalfnf
except AttributeError:
cmpt.CaL.Vhalfml = Vhalfml
except AttributeError:
cmpt.CaN.Vhalfmn = Vhalfmn
except AttributeError:
cmpt.CaT.Vhalfmt = Vhalfmt
except AttributeError:
cmpt.Kdrs.Vhalfn = Vhalfns
except AttributeError:
for syn in cell.synlist:
if syn.Er==-70:
syn.Gmax = syn.Gmax*Ggaba
def nc_append(src, tgt, synapse, weight, delay, threshold, cnxtype=''):
from __main__ import Network, ngcell, nbcell, nhcell, nmcell, sprout
from random import random
Ncells = len(Network)
tgtcell = Network[tgt]
tgtdyn = tgtcell.synlist[synapse]
cmpt = tgtdyn.owner
cmpt.APthreshold = threshold
if src<Ncells:
srccell = Network[src]
if isinstance(tgtcell, Granule) and isinstance(srccell, Granule):
if sprout<=random():
s = Synapse(srccell, tgtdyn)
s.trans_time = delay
s.nominal_strength = weight
if isinstance(tgtcell, Granule):
tgtcell = Network[tgt+200]
tgtdyn = tgtcell.synlist[synapse]