__author__ = 'Torbjorn V Ness, torbness@gmail.com'
import os
import sys
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import pylab as plt
import scipy.fftpack as ff
import neuron
import LFPy
from plotting_convention import *
class Conductivity:
def __init__(self, freq_dependence_type, freqs, clr, freq_1=None,
freq_2=None, avrg_sigma=None, increase_factor=None, name=None):
self.freqs = freqs
self.freq_dependence_type = freq_dependence_type
self.avrg_sigma = avrg_sigma
self.clr = clr
self.name = name
if self.freq_dependence_type == 'linear':
self.freq_1 = freq_1
self.freq_2 = freq_2
self.sigma_time = avrg_sigma
self.increase_factor = increase_factor
elif self.freq_dependence_type == 'linear_stop':
self.sigma_time = avrg_sigma
self.freq_1 = freq_1
self.freq_2 = freq_2
self.sigma_time = avrg_sigma
self.increase_factor = increase_factor
self.sigma_freqs[np.where(self.freqs > self.freq_2)[0]] = self.sigma_freq_2
elif self.freq_dependence_type == 'average':
self.sigma_time = avrg_sigma
self.sigma_freqs = self.sigma_time * np.ones(len(self.freqs))
def _avrg_conductivity_specified(self):
# Average sigma = (sigma_1 * (increase_factor + 1)) / 2
sigma_slope = (2 * self.sigma_time * (self.increase_factor - 1) / (self.increase_factor + 1)
/ (self.freq_2 - self.freq_1))
sigma_0 = self.sigma_time * (1 - (self.increase_factor - 1)/(self.increase_factor + 1) *
(self.freq_2 + self.freq_1) / (self.freq_2 - self.freq_1))
self.sigma_freqs = sigma_0 + sigma_slope * self.freqs
self.sigma_freq_1 = self.sigma_freqs[np.argmin(np.abs(self.freqs - self.freq_1))]
self.sigma_freq_2 = self.sigma_freqs[np.argmin(np.abs(self.freqs - self.freq_2))]
class NeuralSignalDistortion:
def __init__(self, sim_type, plot_psd,
input_idx=None, simulate_cell=False):
self.root_dir = join('')
self.sim_folder = join(self.root_dir, 'hay', 'sim_results')
if not os.path.isdir(self.sim_folder):
self.figure_folder = self.root_dir
self.model_folder = join(self.root_dir, 'hay')
self.sim_type = sim_type
self.plot_psd = plot_psd
if sim_type is 'white_noise':
self.T = 1000
self.time_res = 2**-5
self.cutoff = 0
self.repeats = 2
self.T = 80
self.time_res = 2**-5
self.cutoff = 1000
self.tvec = np.arange(int(self.T / self.time_res + 1)) * self.time_res
if sim_type == 'synaptic':
if input_idx is None:
raise RuntimeError("Need input index!")
self.input_idx = 0 if input_idx is None else input_idx
if plot_psd:
self.ax_dict_1 = {'ylim': [1e-9, 1e-4],
'xlim': [1e0, 1e4],}
self.ax_dict_1 = {'ylim': [-1.1, 1.1], 'xlim': [5, 70]}
self.ax_dict_2 = {'ylim': [-1.1, 1.1],
'xlim': [5, 70]}
self.ax_dict_3 = {'ylim': [-1.1, 1.1],
'xlim': [5, 70]}
elif sim_type == 'spike':
self.input_idx = 0
self.ax_dict_1 = {'ylim': [-1.05, 1.05], 'xlim': [9, 27]}
self.ax_dict_2 = {'ylim': [-0.5, 1.05], 'xlim': [9, 27]}
self.ax_dict_3 = {'ylim': [-1.05, 0.5],
'xlim': [9, 27]}
elif sim_type == 'white_noise':
self.input_idx = input_idx
if plot_psd:
self.ax_dict_1 = {'ylim': [1e-3, 2e0], 'aspect': 1,
'xlim': [1, 4e2], 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'log'}
self.ax_dict_2 = {'ylim': [1e-3, 2e0], 'aspect': 1,
'xlim': [1, 4e2], 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'log'}
self.ax_dict_3 = {'ylim': [1e-3, 2e0], 'aspect': 1, 'xlabel': 'Frequency [Hz]',
'ylabel': 'LFP power\n[normalized]',
'xlim': [1, 4e2], 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'log'}
raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized sim_type!")
self.num_tsteps = int(self.T / self.time_res + 1)
if sim_type == 'white_noise':
self.num_tsteps -= 1
self.tvec = np.arange(self.num_tsteps) * self.time_res
self.sample_freq = ff.fftfreq(self.num_tsteps, d=self.time_res/1000.)
self.pidxs = np.where(self.sample_freq >= 0)
self.freqs = self.sample_freq[self.pidxs]
self.num_freqs = len(self.freqs)
if simulate_cell:
def return_phase_from_modulus(self, modulus_f):
# Based on Clark et al. (2005)
# https://e-reports-ext.llnl.gov/pdf/308517.pdf
N = len(modulus_f)
odd = N % 2
aa = (N+odd)/2 - 1
bb = (N-odd)/2 - 1
u_plus = np.r_[1, 2*np.ones(aa), 1, np.zeros(bb)]
cn = np.real(ff.ifft(np.log(modulus_f)))
cf = u_plus * cn
theta = np.imag(ff.fft(cf))
return theta
def impact_of_freq_dependence(self, electrode_paramters):
""" Function to try to calculate extracellular potential in frequency domain
distortion_fixed = {'freq_1': 5.,
'freq_2': 500.,
'increase_factor': 1.,
'avrg_sigma': 0.4,
'freq_dependence_type': 'average',
'freqs': self.freqs,
'clr': 'r'}
distortion_25_percent = {'freq_1': 5.,
'freq_2': 500.,
'increase_factor': 1.25,
'avrg_sigma': 0.4,
'freq_dependence_type': 'linear',
'freqs': self.freqs,
'clr': 'b'}
distortion_25_percent_stop = {'freq_1': 5.,
'freq_2': 500.,
'increase_factor': 1.25,
'avrg_sigma': 0.4,
'freq_dependence_type': 'linear_stop',
'freqs': self.freqs,
'clr': 'g'}
distortion_50_percent = {'freq_1': 5.,
'freq_2': 500.,
'increase_factor': 1.5,
'avrg_sigma': 0.4,
'freq_dependence_type': 'linear',
'freqs': self.freqs,
'clr': 'b'}
distortion_50_percent_stop = {'freq_1': 5.,
'freq_2': 500.,
'increase_factor': 1.5,
'avrg_sigma': 0.4,
'freq_dependence_type': 'linear_stop',
'freqs': self.freqs,
'clr': 'g'}
sigma_fixed = Conductivity(**distortion_fixed)
sigma_25 = Conductivity(**distortion_25_percent)
sigma_25_stop = Conductivity(**distortion_25_percent_stop)
sigma_50 = Conductivity(**distortion_50_percent)
sigma_50_stop = Conductivity(**distortion_50_percent_stop)
xmid = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'xmid.npy'))
ymid = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'ymid.npy'))
zmid = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'zmid.npy'))
num_comps = len(xmid)
elec_x = electrode_paramters['x']
elec_y = electrode_paramters['y']
elec_z = electrode_paramters['z']
self.num_elecs = len(elec_x)
self.dists = np.zeros((self.num_elecs, num_comps))
for elec in xrange(self.num_elecs):
for comp in xrange(num_comps):
self.dists[elec, comp] = ((xmid[comp] - elec_x[elec])**2 +
(ymid[comp] - elec_y[elec])**2 +
(zmid[comp] - elec_z[elec])**2) ** -0.5
sim_name = self.sim_type if self.sim_type == 'spike' else '%s_%s' % (self.sim_type, self.input_idx)
imem = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'imem_%s.npy' % sim_name))
method = 'sig_psd_causal'
sig_average, power_sig_average = self._calculate_distorted_signal(imem, sigma_fixed, 'sig_avrg')
sig_corr_25, power_sig_corr_25 = self._calculate_distorted_signal(imem, sigma_25, method)
sig_corr_25_stop, power_sig_corr_25_stop = self._calculate_distorted_signal(imem, sigma_25_stop, method)
sig_corr_50, power_sig_corr_50 = self._calculate_distorted_signal(imem, sigma_50, method)
sig_corr_50_stop, power_sig_corr_50_stop = self._calculate_distorted_signal(imem, sigma_50_stop, method)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10])
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, wspace=0.5)
ax_morph = self._draw_setup_to_axis(fig, electrode_paramters, ax_pos=[0.1, 0.02, 0.2, 0.76])
ax_c1, lines, line_names = self._draw_conductivity_profiles_to_axis([sigma_fixed, sigma_25, sigma_25_stop], fig,
ax_pos=(4, 3, 2))
ax_E1a = fig.add_subplot(435, **self.ax_dict_1)
ax_E2a = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, 8, **self.ax_dict_2)
ax_E3a = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, 11, **self.ax_dict_3)
fig.text(0.4, 0.93, '25 % increase', size=20)
fig.text(0.72, 0.93, '50 % increase', size=20)
ax_E1b = fig.add_subplot(436, **self.ax_dict_1)
ax_E2b = fig.add_subplot(439, **self.ax_dict_2)
ax_E3b = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, 12, **self.ax_dict_3)
ax_c2, lines, line_names = self._draw_conductivity_profiles_to_axis([sigma_fixed, sigma_50, sigma_50_stop], fig,
ax_pos=(4, 3, 3))
mark_subplots(ax_morph, 'A', xpos=0, ypos=0.9)
mark_subplots(ax_c1, 'B', xpos=-0.2, ypos=1.3)
mark_subplots(ax_c2, 'C', xpos=-0.2, ypos=1.3)
text_dict = {'va': 'center', 'ha': 'center', 'size': 12,}
x1 = 0.37
x2 = 0.68
if self.sim_type == 'synaptic':
fig.text(x1, 0.18, 'III', **text_dict)
fig.text(x1, 0.395, 'II', **text_dict)
fig.text(x1, 0.61, 'I', **text_dict)
fig.text(x2, 0.18, 'III', **text_dict)
fig.text(x2, 0.395, 'II', **text_dict)
fig.text(x2, 0.61, 'I', **text_dict)
fig.text(x1, 0.20, 'III', **text_dict)
fig.text(x1, 0.37, 'II', **text_dict)
fig.text(x1, 0.61, 'I', **text_dict)
fig.text(x2, 0.20, 'III', **text_dict)
fig.text(x2, 0.37, 'II', **text_dict)
fig.text(x2, 0.61, 'I', **text_dict)
line_dict = {'lw': 2, 'clip_on': True, 'ls': '-'}
fixed_clr = 'r'
increase_stop_clr = 'g'
increasing_clr = 'b'
self._print_peak_to_peak(sig_average, 'Average')
self._print_peak_to_peak(sig_corr_25_stop, '25_stop')
self._print_peak_to_peak(sig_corr_25, '25_lin')
self._print_peak_to_peak(sig_corr_50_stop, '50_stop')
self._print_peak_to_peak(sig_corr_50, '50_lin')
normalize = lambda sig: sig / np.max(np.abs(sig))
ax_E3a.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_average[0, :]), color=fixed_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E2a.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_average[1, :]), color=fixed_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E1a.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_average[2, :]), color=fixed_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E3a.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_25_stop[0, :]), color=increase_stop_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E2a.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_25_stop[1, :]), color=increase_stop_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E1a.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_25_stop[2, :]), color=increase_stop_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E3b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_average[0, :]), color=fixed_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E2b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_average[1, :]), color=fixed_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E1b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_average[2, :]), color=fixed_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E3b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_50_stop[0, :]), color=increase_stop_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E2b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_50_stop[1, :]), color=increase_stop_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E1b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_50_stop[2, :]), color=increase_stop_clr, **line_dict)
line_dict['ls'] = '--'
ax_E3a.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_25[0, :]), color=increasing_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E2a.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_25[1, :]), color=increasing_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E1a.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_25[2, :]), color=increasing_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E3b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_50[0, :]), color=increasing_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E2b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_50[1, :]), color=increasing_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E1b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_50[2, :]), color=increasing_clr, **line_dict)
line_dict['ls'] = '-'
if self.sim_type == 'synaptic':
ax_E3b.plot([10, 25], [-0.12, -0.12], color='k', lw=4, clip_on=False)
ax_E3b.text(10, -0.6, '15 ms')
elif self.sim_type == 'spike':
ax_E3b.plot([20, 25], [-0.12, -0.12], color='k', lw=4, clip_on=False)
ax_E3b.text(20, -0.4, '5 ms')
[ax.axis('off') for ax in [ax_E1a, ax_E2a, ax_E3a, ax_E1b, ax_E2b, ax_E3b]]
fig.savefig(join(self.root_dir, sim_name + '.png'))
diff_25 = normalize(sig_average[0, :]) - normalize(sig_corr_25[0, :])
diff_50 = normalize(sig_average[0, :]) - normalize(sig_corr_50[0, :])
diff_25_stop = normalize(sig_average[0, :]) - normalize(sig_corr_25_stop[0, :])
diff_50_stop = normalize(sig_average[0, :]) - normalize(sig_corr_50_stop[0, :])
print ""
print "25 %: ", np.max(diff_25) * 100
print "25 % stop: ", np.max(diff_25_stop)* 100
print "50 %: ", np.max(diff_50)* 100
print "50 % stop: ", np.max(diff_50_stop)* 100
def impact_of_freq_dependence_white_noise(self, electrode_parameters):
""" Function to try to calculate extracellular potential in frequency domain
distortion_fixed = {'freq_1': 5.,
'freq_2': 500.,
'increase_factor': 1.,
'avrg_sigma': 0.4,
'freq_dependence_type': 'average',
'freqs': self.freqs,
'clr': 'r',
'name': 'Average'}
distortion_25_percent = {'freq_1': 5.,
'freq_2': 500.,
'increase_factor': 1.25,
'avrg_sigma': 0.4,
'freq_dependence_type': 'linear',
'freqs': self.freqs,
'clr': 'b',
'name': '25 % increase'}
distortion_50_percent = {'freq_1': 5.,
'freq_2': 500.,
'increase_factor': 1.5,
'avrg_sigma': 0.4,
'freq_dependence_type': 'linear',
'freqs': self.freqs,
'clr': 'g',
'name': '50 % increase'}
sigma_fixed = Conductivity(**distortion_fixed)
sigma_25 = Conductivity(**distortion_25_percent)
sigma_50 = Conductivity(**distortion_50_percent)
elec_x = electrode_parameters['x']
elec_y = electrode_parameters['y']
elec_z = electrode_parameters['z']
xmid = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'xmid.npy'))
ymid = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'ymid.npy'))
zmid = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'zmid.npy'))
num_comps = len(xmid)
self.num_elecs = len(elec_x)
self.dists = np.zeros((self.num_elecs, num_comps))
for elec in xrange(self.num_elecs):
for comp in xrange(num_comps):
self.dists[elec, comp] = ((xmid[comp] - elec_x[elec])**2 +
(ymid[comp] - elec_y[elec])**2 +
(zmid[comp] - elec_z[elec])**2) ** -0.5
sim_name = 'white_noise_%d' % self.input_idx
imem = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'imem_%s.npy' % sim_name))
vmem = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'somav_%s.npy' % sim_name))
Y = ff.fft(vmem)
amp_vmem = np.abs(Y)/len(Y) if Y.ndim == 1 else np.abs(Y)/Y.shape[1]
amp_vmem = amp_vmem[self.pidxs[0]]
method = 'sig_psd_causal'
sig_average, power_sig_average = self._calculate_distorted_signal(1000 * imem, sigma_fixed, 'sig_avrg')
sig_corr_25, power_sig_corr_25 = self._calculate_distorted_signal(1000 * imem, sigma_25, method)
sig_corr_50, power_sig_corr_50 = self._calculate_distorted_signal(1000 * imem, sigma_50, method)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10])
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.5, bottom=0.1, right=0.99)
ax_morph = self._draw_setup_to_axis(fig, electrode_parameters, ax_pos=[0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8])
ax_cond, lines, line_names = self._draw_conductivity_profiles_to_axis([sigma_fixed, sigma_25, sigma_50],
fig, ax_pos=(4, 3, 10))
ax_E1a = fig.add_subplot(433, **self.ax_dict_1)
ax_E2a = fig.add_subplot(436, **self.ax_dict_2)
ax_E3a = fig.add_subplot(439, **self.ax_dict_3)
ax_E1b = fig.add_subplot(432, xlim=[950, 1000], frameon=False, xticks=[], ylim=[-1., 1], yticks=[])
ax_E2b = fig.add_subplot(435, xlim=[950, 1000], frameon=False, xticks=[], ylim=[-1, 1], yticks=[])
ax_E3b = fig.add_subplot(438, xlim=[950, 1000], frameon=False, xticks=[], ylim=[-1, 1], yticks=[])
ax_v = fig.add_axes([0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.15], xlim=[1e0, 4e2], ylim=[1e-3, 1e0], aspect=1,
ylabel='mV/Hz', xlabel='Frequency [Hz]')
max_freq_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(self.freqs - 500))
l1, = ax_v.loglog(self.freqs[1:max_freq_idx], amp_vmem[1:max_freq_idx], lw=2, c='k')# / 0.0005 * 1e6)
line_names.append('Somatic V$_m$')
mark_subplots(ax_morph, 'A', xpos=0, ypos=0.8)
mark_subplots(ax_E1b, 'C')
mark_subplots(ax_E1a, 'D')
mark_subplots(ax_v, 'E')
text_dict = {'va': 'center', 'ha': 'center', 'size': 12}
x1 = 0.35
fig.text(x1, 0.38, 'III', **text_dict)
fig.text(x1, 0.6, 'II', **text_dict)
fig.text(x1, 0.8, 'I', **text_dict)
line_dict = {'lw': 2, 'clip_on': True, 'ls': '-'}
fixed_clr = 'r'
increasing_clr = 'b'
increasing_clr2 = 'g'
normalize = lambda sig: sig / np.max(np.abs(sig[:]))
ax_E1b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_average[2]), c=fixed_clr)
ax_E1b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_25[2]), c=increasing_clr)
ax_E1b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_50[2]), c=increasing_clr2)
ax_E2b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_average[1]), c=fixed_clr)
ax_E2b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_25[1]), c=increasing_clr)
ax_E2b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_50[1]), c=increasing_clr2)
ax_E3b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_average[0]), c=fixed_clr)
ax_E3b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_25[0]), c=increasing_clr)
ax_E3b.plot(self.tvec, normalize(sig_corr_50[0]), c=increasing_clr2)
bar = 1
ax_E3b.plot([950, 960], [bar * 0.7, bar * 0.7], lw=3, c='k')
ax_E3b.text(955, bar * 1.1, '10 ms', ha='center')
freqs = self.freqs[1:max_freq_idx]
ax_E3a.plot(freqs, normalize(power_sig_average[0, 1:max_freq_idx]), color=fixed_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E2a.plot(freqs, normalize(power_sig_average[1, 1:max_freq_idx]), color=fixed_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E1a.plot(freqs, normalize(power_sig_average[2, 1:max_freq_idx]), color=fixed_clr, **line_dict)
line_dict['ls'] = '--'
ax_E3a.plot(freqs, normalize(power_sig_corr_25[0, 1:max_freq_idx]), color=increasing_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E2a.plot(freqs, normalize(power_sig_corr_25[1, 1:max_freq_idx]), color=increasing_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E1a.plot(freqs, normalize(power_sig_corr_25[2, 1:max_freq_idx]), color=increasing_clr, **line_dict)
ax_E3a.plot(freqs, normalize(power_sig_corr_50[0, 1:max_freq_idx]), color=increasing_clr2, **line_dict)
ax_E2a.plot(freqs, normalize(power_sig_corr_50[1, 1:max_freq_idx]), color=increasing_clr2, **line_dict)
ax_E1a.plot(freqs, normalize(power_sig_corr_50[2, 1:max_freq_idx]), color=increasing_clr2, **line_dict)
line_dict['ls'] = '-'
[ax.grid(True) for ax in [ax_E1a, ax_E2a, ax_E3a]]
mark_subplots(ax_morph, 'A')
mark_subplots(ax_cond, 'B', ypos=1.2)
simplify_axes([ax_E1a, ax_E2a, ax_E3a, ax_v])
save_name = 'white_noise'
fig.legend(lines, line_names, frameon=False, loc='lower right')
fig.savefig(join(self.root_dir, save_name + '.png'))
def _print_peak_to_peak(self, signal, name):
print name
for elec in xrange(signal.shape[0]):
print 1000 * (np.max(signal[elec]) - np.min(signal[elec]))
def _draw_conductivity_profiles_to_axis(self, sigmas, fig, ax_pos):
if self.sim_type is 'white_noise':
ax = fig.add_subplot(ax_pos[0], ax_pos[1], ax_pos[2], xlim=[5, 500],
ylim=[0.3, 0.5], yticks=[0.3, 0.4, 0.5], xticks=[0, 200, 400],
xlabel='Frequency [Hz]', ylabel='Conductivity\n[S/m]')
ax = fig.add_subplot(ax_pos[0], ax_pos[1], ax_pos[2], xlim=[1, 1000],
ylim=[0.2, 0.8], yticks=[0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8], xticks=[0, 400, 800],
xlabel='Frequency [Hz]', ylabel='Conductivity [S/m]')
lines = []
line_names = []
for sigma in sigmas:
ls = '-' if not sigma.freq_dependence_type is 'linear' else '--'
l, = ax.plot(self.freqs, sigma.sigma_freqs, ls=ls, lw=2, color=sigma.clr)
return ax, lines, line_names
def _draw_setup_to_axis(self, fig, electrode_parameters, ax_pos):
ax = fig.add_axes(ax_pos, aspect=1)
elec_x = electrode_parameters['x']
elec_z = electrode_parameters['z']
xstart = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'xstart.npy'))
zstart = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'zstart.npy'))
xend = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'xend.npy'))
zend = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'zend.npy'))
xmid = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'xmid.npy'))
zmid = np.load(join(self.sim_folder, 'zmid.npy'))
synapse_clr = 'y'
cell_clr = '0.6'
elec_clr = 'k'
if hasattr(self, 'input_idx') and (type(self.input_idx) != str):
ax.plot(xmid[self.input_idx], zmid[self.input_idx], c=synapse_clr, marker='*', zorder=1, ms=15)
[ax.plot([xstart[idx], xend[idx]], [zstart[idx], zend[idx]], lw=2,
color=cell_clr, zorder=0) for idx in xrange(len(xmid))]
ax.plot(xmid[0], zmid[0], '^', color=cell_clr, zorder=0, ms=20, mec='none')
ax.scatter(elec_x, elec_z, c=elec_clr, edgecolor='none', s=100, zorder=2)
text_dict = {
'va': 'center', 'ha': 'center',
'size': 12,
ax.text(elec_x[2] + 0, elec_z[2] + 50, 'I', **text_dict)
ax.text(elec_x[1] + 0, elec_z[1] + 50, 'II', **text_dict)
ax.text(elec_x[0] + 0, elec_z[0] + 50, 'III', **text_dict)
return ax
def _calculate_distorted_signal(self, imem, sigma, method='imem_psd'):
if method == 'sig_psd_causal':
sig_temp = 1./(4 * np.pi * 1) * np.dot(self.dists, imem)
Y = ff.fft(sig_temp, axis=1)
if self.sim_type is 'white_noise' or self.sim_type is 'distributed_synaptic':
sigma_T = np.r_[sigma.sigma_freqs, sigma.sigma_freqs[::-1]]
sigma_T = np.r_[sigma.sigma_freqs, sigma.sigma_freqs[::-1][1:]]
phase = self.return_phase_from_modulus(1./sigma_T)
Y = Y/sigma_T * np.exp(1j * phase)
sig = np.real(ff.ifft(Y, axis=1))
Y = Y[:, self.pidxs[0]]
power_sig = np.abs(Y)**2/len(Y) if Y.ndim == 1 else np.abs(Y)**2/Y.shape[1]
power_sig = power_sig[:, self.pidxs[0]]
elif method == 'sig_avrg':
sig = 1./(4 * np.pi * sigma.sigma_time) * np.dot(self.dists, imem)
Y = ff.fft(sig, axis=1)[:, self.pidxs[0]]
power_sig = np.abs(Y)**2/len(Y) if Y.ndim == 1 else np.abs(Y)**2/Y.shape[1]
raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized 'method'")
return sig, power_sig
def _insert_synapse(self, cell, input_idx, weight=0.025):
import LFPy
# Define synapse parameters
synapse_parameters = {
'idx': input_idx,
'e': 0., # reversal potential
'syntype': 'ExpSyn', # synapse type
'tau': 2., # syn. time constant
'weight': weight, # syn. weight
'record_current': False,
synapse = LFPy.Synapse(cell, **synapse_parameters)
return cell, synapse
def _make_WN_input(self, cell, max_freq):
""" White Noise input ala Linden 2010 is made """
tot_ntsteps = int(round((cell.tstopms - cell.tstartms) / cell.timeres_NEURON + 1))
I = np.zeros(tot_ntsteps)
tvec = np.arange(tot_ntsteps) * cell.timeres_NEURON
for freq in xrange(1, max_freq + 1):
I += np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * tvec/1000. + 2*np.pi*np.random.random())
return I
def make_white_noise_stimuli(self, cell, input_idx, weight=0.0005, holding_potential=None):
max_freq = 500
input_array = weight * self._make_WN_input(cell, max_freq)
noiseVec = neuron.h.Vector(input_array)
# plt.close('all')
# plt.plot(input_array)
# plt.show()
print 1000 * np.std(input_array)
i = 0
syn = None
for sec in cell.allseclist:
for seg in sec:
if i == input_idx:
print "Input inserted in ", sec.name()
syn = neuron.h.ISyn(seg.x, sec=sec)
# print "Dist: ", nrn.distance(seg.x)
i += 1
if syn is None:
raise RuntimeError("Wrong stimuli index")
syn.dur = 1E9
syn.delay = 0 #cell.tstartms
noiseVec.play(syn._ref_amp, cell.timeres_NEURON)
return cell, syn, noiseVec
def _neural_simulation(self):
if self.sim_type == 'spike':
from hay_active_declarations import active_declarations
neuron_models = join(self.model_folder)
cell_params = {
'morphology': join(neuron_models, 'cell1.hoc'),
'v_init': -70,
'passive': False, # switch off passive mechs
'nsegs_method': 'lambda_f', # method for setting number of segments,
'lambda_f': 100, # segments are isopotential at this frequency
'timeres_NEURON': self.time_res, # dt of LFP and NEURON simulation.
'timeres_python': self.time_res,
'tstartms': -self.cutoff, # start time, recorders start at t=0
'tstopms': self.T,
'custom_code': [join(neuron_models, 'custom_codes.hoc')],
'custom_fun': [active_declarations], # will execute this function
'custom_fun_args': [{'conductance_type': 'active',
'hold_potential': -70}]
elif self.sim_type == 'synaptic':
from hay_active_declarations import active_declarations
neuron_models = join(self.model_folder)
cell_params = {
'morphology': join(neuron_models, 'cell1.hoc'),
'v_init': -70,
'passive': False,
'nsegs_method': 'lambda_f', # method for setting number of segments,
'lambda_f': 100, # segments are isopotential at this frequency
'timeres_NEURON': self.time_res, # dt of LFP and NEURON simulation.
'timeres_python': self.time_res,
'tstartms': -self.cutoff, # start time, recorders start at t=0
'tstopms': self.T,
'custom_code': [join(neuron_models, 'custom_codes.hoc')],
'custom_fun': [active_declarations], # will execute this function
'custom_fun_args': [{'conductance_type': 'active',
'hold_potential': -70}]
elif self.sim_type == 'white_noise':
from hay_active_declarations import active_declarations
neuron_models = join(self.model_folder)
cell_params = {
'morphology': join(neuron_models, 'cell1.hoc'),
'v_init': -80,
'passive': False,
'nsegs_method': 'lambda_f', # method for setting number of segments,
'lambda_f': 100, # segments are isopotential at this frequency
'timeres_NEURON': self.time_res, # dt of LFP and NEURON simulation.
'timeres_python': self.time_res,
'tstartms': -self.cutoff, # start time, recorders start at t=0
'tstopms': self.T * self.repeats,
'custom_code': [join(neuron_models, 'custom_codes.hoc')],
'custom_fun': [active_declarations], # will execute this function
'custom_fun_args': [{'conductance_type': 'active',
'hold_potential': -70}]
raise RuntimeError("Unknown sim_type")
print "Making cell"
cell = LFPy.Cell(**cell_params)
if self.sim_type == 'spike':
cell, synapse = self._insert_synapse(cell, 0, 0.05)
elif self.sim_type == 'synaptic':
cell, synapse = self._insert_synapse(cell, self.input_idx, 0.01)
elif self.sim_type == 'white_noise':
cell, synapse, wn = self.make_white_noise_stimuli(cell, self.input_idx, 0.005)
print "Running %s simulation ... " % self.sim_type
cell.simulate(rec_imem=True, rec_vmem=False)
def _save_neural_sim(self, cell):
sim_name = self.sim_type if self.sim_type == 'spike' else '%s_%d' % (self.sim_type, self.input_idx)
if hasattr(self, 'repeats') and self.repeats is not None:
cut_off_idx = (len(cell.tvec) - 1) / self.repeats
cell.tvec = cell.tvec[-cut_off_idx:] - cell.tvec[-cut_off_idx]
cell.imem = cell.imem[:, -cut_off_idx:]
cell.somav = cell.somav[-cut_off_idx:]
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'imem_%s.npy' % sim_name), cell.imem)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'tvec_%s.npy' % sim_name), cell.tvec)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'somav_%s.npy' % sim_name), cell.somav)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'xstart.npy'), cell.xstart)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'ystart.npy'), cell.ystart)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'zstart.npy'), cell.zstart)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'xend.npy'), cell.xend)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'yend.npy'), cell.yend)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'zend.npy'), cell.zend)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'xmid.npy'), cell.xmid)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'ymid.npy'), cell.ymid)
np.save(join(self.sim_folder, 'zmid.npy'), cell.zmid)
print "Simulation data saved ..."
def figure_synaptic():
input_idx = 852
elec_x = np.array([50., 50., 50.])
elec_z = np.array([0., 500., 1000.])
elec_y = np.zeros(elec_x.shape)
electrode_parameters = {
'sigma': 0.4, # extracellular conductivity
'x': elec_x.flatten(), # electrode requires 1d vector of positions
'y': elec_y.flatten(),
'z': elec_z.flatten(),
'method': 'pointsource'
sd = NeuralSignalDistortion('synaptic', plot_psd=False,
input_idx=input_idx, simulate_cell=True)
def figure_white_noise():
input_idx = 0
elec_x = np.array([50., 50., 50.])
elec_z = np.array([0., 500., 1000.])
elec_y = np.zeros(elec_x.shape)
electrode_parameters = {
'sigma': 0.4, # extracellular conductivity
'x': elec_x.flatten(), # electrode requires 1d vector of positions
'y': elec_y.flatten(),
'z': elec_z.flatten(),
'method': 'pointsource'
sd = NeuralSignalDistortion('white_noise', plot_psd=True,
input_idx=input_idx, simulate_cell=True)
def figure_spike():
elec_x = np.array([50., 50., 50.])
elec_z = np.array([0., 500., 1000.])
elec_y = np.zeros(elec_x.shape)
electrode_parameters = {
'sigma': 0.4, # extracellular conductivity
'x': elec_x.flatten(), # electrode requires 1d vector of positions
'y': elec_y.flatten(),
'z': elec_z.flatten(),
'method': 'pointsource'
sd = NeuralSignalDistortion('spike', plot_psd=False, simulate_cell=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':