%EPS2PDF Convert an eps file to pdf format using ghostscript
% Examples:
% eps2pdf source dest
% eps2pdf(source, dest, crop)
% eps2pdf(source, dest, crop, append)
% eps2pdf(source, dest, crop, append, gray)
% eps2pdf(source, dest, crop, append, gray, quality)
% This function converts an eps file to pdf format. The output can be
% optionally cropped and also converted to grayscale. If the output pdf
% file already exists then the eps file can optionally be appended as a new
% page on the end of the eps file. The level of bitmap compression can also
% optionally be set.
% This function requires that you have ghostscript installed on your
% system. Ghostscript can be downloaded from: http://www.ghostscript.com
% source - filename of the source eps file to convert. The filename is
% assumed to already have the extension ".eps".
% dest - filename of the destination pdf file. The filename is assumed to
% already have the extension ".pdf".
% crop - boolean indicating whether to crop the borders off the pdf.
% Default: true.
% append - boolean indicating whether the eps should be appended to the
% end of the pdf as a new page (if the pdf exists already).
% Default: false.
% gray - boolean indicating whether the output pdf should be grayscale or
% not. Default: false.
% quality - scalar indicating the level of image bitmap quality to
% output. A larger value gives a higher quality. quality > 100
% gives lossless output. Default: ghostscript prepress default.
% Copyright (C) Oliver Woodford 2009-2011
% Suggestion of appending pdf files provided by Matt C at:
% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/23629
% Thank you to Fabio Viola for pointing out compression artifacts, leading
% to the quality setting.
% Thank you to Scott for pointing out the subsampling of very small images,
% which was fixed for lossless compression settings.
% 9/12/2011 Pass font path to ghostscript.
function eps2pdf(source, dest, crop, append, gray, quality)
% Intialise the options string for ghostscript
options = ['-q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sOutputFile="' dest '"'];
% Set crop option
if nargin < 3 || crop
options = [options ' -dEPSCrop'];
% Set the font path
fp = font_path();
if ~isempty(fp)
options = [options ' -sFONTPATH="' fp '"'];
% Set the grayscale option
if nargin > 4 && gray
options = [options ' -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray'];
% Set the bitmap quality
if nargin > 5 && ~isempty(quality)
options = [options ' -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dAutoFilterGrayImages=false'];
if quality > 100
options = [options ' -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode -c ".setpdfwrite << /ColorImageDownsampleThreshold 10 /GrayImageDownsampleThreshold 10 >> setdistillerparams"'];
options = [options ' -dColorImageFilter=/DCTEncode -dGrayImageFilter=/DCTEncode'];
v = 1 + (quality < 80);
quality = 1 - quality / 100;
s = sprintf('<< /QFactor %.2f /Blend 1 /HSample [%d 1 1 %d] /VSample [%d 1 1 %d] >>', quality, v, v, v, v);
options = sprintf('%s -c ".setpdfwrite << /ColorImageDict %s /GrayImageDict %s >> setdistillerparams"', options, s, s);
% Check if the output file exists
if nargin > 3 && append && exist(dest, 'file') == 2
% File exists - append current figure to the end
tmp_nam = tempname;
% Copy the file
copyfile(dest, tmp_nam);
% Add the output file names
options = [options ' -f "' tmp_nam '" "' source '"'];
% Convert to pdf using ghostscript
[status, message] = ghostscript(options);
catch me
% Delete the intermediate file
% Delete the intermediate file
% File doesn't exist or should be over-written
% Add the output file names
options = [options ' -f "' source '"'];
% Convert to pdf using ghostscript
[status, message] = ghostscript(options);
% Check for error
if status
% Report error
if isempty(message)
error('Unable to generate pdf. Check destination directory is writable.');
% Function to return (and create, where necessary) the font path
function fp = font_path()
fp = user_string('gs_font_path');
if ~isempty(fp)
% Create the path
% Start with the default path
fp = getenv('GS_FONTPATH');
% Add on the typical directories for a given OS
if ispc
if ~isempty(fp)
fp = [fp ';'];
fp = [fp getenv('WINDIR') filesep 'Fonts'];
if ~isempty(fp)
fp = [fp ':'];
fp = [fp '/usr/share/fonts:/usr/local/share/fonts:/usr/share/fonts/X11:/usr/local/share/fonts/X11:/usr/share/fonts/truetype:/usr/local/share/fonts/truetype'];
user_string('gs_font_path', fp);