from MnCell import MnCell
from neuron import h
import random as rnd
import time

class IntFireMn(MnCell):
	""" Integrate and Fire cell.

	This class implement and IntFire4 Neuron object.
	Taus are tuned in order to generate epsps lasting approximately 15 ms (Burke 1968)
	and IPSPs lasting 30 ms (McIntyre 2002)

	def __init__(self):
		""" Object initialization. """

		noisePerc = 0.05

		#Create IntFire4
		self.cell = h.IntFireMn()
		self.cell.taue= 0.25
		self.cell.taum= rnd.normalvariate(6,6*noisePerc)
		if self.cell.taum <= self.cell.taui2: self.cell.taum = self.cell.taui2 + 0.25
		self.cell.refrac=rnd.normalvariate(20,20*noisePerc) # mean 50Hz