from neuron import h

class MnCell:
	""" Interface class to build different types of cells. """

	def __init__(self):
		""" Object initialization. """
		# Neuron cell - source of netcons
		self.cell = None

	def __del__(self):
		""" Object destruction. """

	def connect_to_target(self,target,weight=0,delay=1):
		""" Connect the current cell to a target cell and return the netCon object. 

		Keyword arguments:
		target -- the target object to which we want to connect
		weight -- the weight of the connection (default 0) 
		delay -- communication time delay in ms (default 1) 

		nc = h.NetCon(self.cell,target)
		nc.delay = delay
		nc.weight[0] = weight
		return nc
	def is_artificial(self):
		""" Return a flag to check whether the cell is an integrate-and-fire or artificial cell. 

		By default the flag is set to True.
		return 1