objref v1, v2, V1, V2
objref crr, dtcrr, g
// compute for the indicated logsyn id, the transfer function with every other synapse normalized to its input ressitance and present it in logsyn.range
proc syn_transfer() { local id, i, lcl
id = $1
logsyn = logsynlist.object(id)
objref imp
imp=new Impedance()
logsyn.sec.sec {
for i = 0, NLOGSYNS-1 {
logsyn.sec.sec logsyn.range=imp.transfer(logsyn.loc)/lcl
// for each location sum normalized transfer to all other locations
proc dend_transfer() { local id, i, lcl
for id = 0, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(id)
objref imp
imp=new Impedance()
logsyn.sec.sec {
logsyn.range = 0
for i = 0, NLOGSYNS-1 {
logsynlist.object(i).sec.sec logsyn.range += imp.transfer(logsynlist.object(i).loc) * logsynlist.object(i).numsyns
logsyn.range /= (lcl * NSYNS)
// for each location sum normalized transfer to all other locations
proc dend_Rin() { local id, i, lcl
for id = 0, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(id)
objref imp
imp=new Impedance()
logsyn.sec.sec {
logsyn.range =imp.input(logsyn.loc)
// FILE cross-correlations for all logsyns
// =======================================================
objref crrfile, crrfile2
strdef crrfilename, crrdir, crrsubdir, crrsys
// compute the cross-correlations between all sites and save to file
// specify: inetrval window for cross-correlation and optionally, what logsyn number to start at (if you want to continue from
// a point you stopped)
// First choose relevant RIP and RDP
proc wf_all_corr() { local answer, n, intrvl, start, N, m, id1, id2, check, i
dbox=new HBox()
answer=dbox.dialog("Are you sure you want to compute now all cross-correlations and save them?","Yes","Cancel")
if (answer) {
n = numarg()
intrvl = $1
m = intrvl / VRECdt
sprint(crrdir, "extras/cross_correlations/data/RIP%d-RDP%d-intrvl%d",RIPNUM, RDPNUM, intrvl)
sprint(crrsys,"mkdir -p %s",crrdir)
plotter = plotterlist.object(0)
plotter.gtype=0 // change to Vm(t)
crrfile = new File()
start = 0
if (n > 1) { start = $2 }
for id1 = start, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
V1 = logsynlist.object(id1).vrec.c
N = V1.size
print "RIPNUM", RIPNUM, " RDPNUM ",RDPNUM, " logsyn = ", id1
sprint(crrsubdir, "%s/%d",crrdir, id1)
sprint(crrsys,"mkdir -p %s",crrsubdir)
for id2 = id1, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
V2 = logsynlist.object(id2).vrec.c
if (N > m && N == V2.size) {
crr = new Vector()
v1 = V1.c(0, N-m)
for i = 0, m-2 {
v2 = V2.c(m-1-i, N-1-i)
crr.append(compute_cross_correlation(v1, v2, N, m))
v2 = V2.c(0, N-m)
for i = 0, m-1 {
v1 = V1.c(i, N-m+i)
crr.append(compute_cross_correlation(v1, v2, N, m))
sprint(crrfilename, "%s/%d", crrsubdir, id2)
// crr.printf(crrfile, "%3.2f\n")
// crrfile.printf("%g",0) // just so the last entry will not be a carriage returen (problem loading it afterwards)
// get the cross-correlation between two locations from a file
proc rf_corr() { local n, id1, id2, intrvl, color, m, csize, reverse, check, tmp
plotter = plotterlist.object(0)
n = numarg()
id1 = $1
id2 = $2
intrvl = $3
m = intrvl / VRECdt
csize = 2*m - 1
sprint(crrdir, "extras/cross_correlations/data/RIP%d-RDP%d-intrvl%d", RIPNUM, RDPNUM, intrvl)
reverse = 0
if (id1 > id2) {
tmp = id1
id1 = id2
id2 = tmp
reverse = 1
sprint(crrfilename, "%s/%d/%d", crrdir, id1, id2)
crrfile = new File()
check = crrfile.ropen(crrfilename)
if (check) {
crr = new Vector()
if (reverse) { crr.reverse() }
color = 1
if (n == 4) { color = $4 }
if (color > 0) {
dtcrr = new Vector()
dtcrr.indgen((-m+1)*VRECdt, (m-1)*VRECdt, VRECdt)
g = plotter.graph_export
plot_corr(color, intrvl)
g.size(-intrvl, intrvl, -0.2, 1)
} else {
print "Unable to open", crrfilename
// compute for the indicated logsyn id, the peak cross-correlation with every other synapse and present it in logsyn.range
// optional maximal interval for the peak correlation value (a good correlation should be up to a few ms from zero)
proc rf_syn_corr() { local n, i, id, intrvl, maxintrvl, indmx
plotter = plotterlist.object(0)
g = plotter.graph_export
n = numarg()
id = $1
intrvl = $2
if (n >2) {
maxintrvl = $3
} else {
maxintrvl = 25 // default
dtcrr = new Vector()
dtcrr.indgen(-intrvl+VRECdt, intrvl-VRECdt, VRECdt)
for i = 0, NLOGSYNS-1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(i)
rf_corr(id, i, intrvl, -1) // (don't plot)
indmx = crr.max_ind()
if (dtcrr.x(indmx) > -maxintrvl && dtcrr.x(indmx) < maxintrvl) {
logsyn.range = crr.max
plot_corr(1, intrvl)
} else {
logsyn.range = 0
plot_corr(2, intrvl)
// ==============================================================
// for each location, average (over NSYNS, not NLOGSYNS) peak cross correlation with all other locations
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// specify interval window for cross-correlation and make sure to select the relevant RIP and RDP
// if a file already exists, data will be read from it, otherwise the peak cross-correlations will be computed and written in a file
proc rf_dend_corr() { local intrvl, m, id1, id2, reverse, indmx
n = numarg()
intrvl = $1
m = intrvl / VRECdt
maxintrvl = 10 // default
if (n > 1) { maxintrvl = $2 }
sprint(crrdir, "extras/cross_correlations/data/RIP%d-RDP%d-intrvl%d", RIPNUM, RDPNUM, intrvl)
sprint(crrsubdir, "%s/whole_cell",crrdir)
sprint(crrsys,"mkdir -p %s",crrsubdir) // no problem if the subdirectory already exists
sprint(crrfilename, "%s/interval%d-cutoff%d", crrsubdir, intrvl, maxintrvl)
crrfile2 = new File()
check = crrfile2.ropen(crrfilename)
if (check) {
print "A file for intrv ",intrvl, "maxintrvl ", maxintrvl, " already exists. Loading data from file."
for id1 = 0, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(id1)
logsyn.range = crrfile2.scanvar()
} else {
dtcrr = new Vector()
dtcrr.indgen(-intrvl+VRECdt, intrvl-VRECdt, VRECdt)
for id1 = 0, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(id1)
logsyn.range = 0
print "RIP", RIPNUM, "RDP", RDPNUM, "interval = ", intrvl, "LOGSYN ", id1
for id2 = 0, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
if (id1 > id2) {
sprint(crrfilename, "%s/%d/%d", crrdir, id2, id1)
} else {
sprint(crrfilename, "%s/%d/%d", crrdir, id1, id2)
crrfile = new File()
check = crrfile.ropen(crrfilename)
if (check) {
crr = new Vector()
indmx = crr.max_ind()
if (dtcrr.x(indmx) > -maxintrvl && dtcrr.x(indmx) < maxintrvl) {
logsyn.range += crr.max * logsynlist.object(id2).numsyns
} else {
print "Unable to open", crrfilename
logsyn.range /= NSYNS
crrfile2.printf("%g\n", logsyn.range)
// specify interval window for cross-correlation and make sure to select the relevant RIP and RDP
// if a file already exists, data will be read from it, otherwise the peak cross-correlations matrix will be computed and written in a file
proc rf_corr_matrix() { local intrvl, m, id1, id2, reverse, indmx
n = numarg()
intrvl = $1
m = intrvl / VRECdt
maxintrvl = 10 // default
if (n > 1) { maxintrvl = $2 }
sprint(crrdir, "extras/cross_correlations/data/RIP%d-RDP%d-intrvl%d", RIPNUM, RDPNUM, intrvl)
sprint(crrsubdir, "%s/matrix",crrdir)
sprint(crrsys,"mkdir -p %s",crrsubdir) // no problem if the subdirectory already exists
sprint(crrfilename, "%s/interval%d-cutoff%d", crrsubdir, intrvl, maxintrvl)
crrfile2 = new File()
check = crrfile2.ropen(crrfilename)
if (check) {
print "A file for intrv ",intrvl, "maxintrvl ", maxintrvl, " already exists."
} else {
dtcrr = new Vector()
dtcrr.indgen(-intrvl+VRECdt, intrvl-VRECdt, VRECdt)
for id1 = 0, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(id1)
logsyn.range = 0
print "RIP", RIPNUM, "RDP", RDPNUM, "interval = ", intrvl, "LOGSYN ", id1
for id2 = 0, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
if (id1 > id2) {
sprint(crrfilename, "%s/%d/%d", crrdir, id2, id1)
} else {
sprint(crrfilename, "%s/%d/%d", crrdir, id1, id2)
crrfile = new File()
check = crrfile.ropen(crrfilename)
if (check) {
crr = new Vector()
indmx = crr.max_ind()
if (dtcrr.x(indmx) > -maxintrvl && dtcrr.x(indmx) < maxintrvl) {
crrfile2.printf("%g", crr.max)
} else {
if (id2 < NLOGSYNS - 1) {
} else {
print "Unable to open", crrfilename
objref clusts[1], synclust, synclustsil, clustsilavg
objref subset_section_list
objref compplot, clmpfile
objref rndm
strdef clmpfilename
proc rf_corr_clusters() { local n, intrvl, m, id, i, j, clustnum, clustsil, color
n = numarg()
intrvl = $1
m = intrvl / VRECdt
maxintrvl = $2
th = $3 // criterion for clusteing *100 - see Matlab m files
tl = $4
c = $5
sprint(crrdir, "extras/cross_correlations/data/RIP%d-RDP%d-intrvl%d", RIPNUM, RDPNUM, intrvl)
sprint(crrsubdir, "%s/matrix",crrdir)
sprint(crrfilename, "%s/cluster-interval%d-cutoff%d-th%d-tl%d-c%d", crrsubdir, intrvl, maxintrvl, th, tl, c)
crrfile = new File()
check = crrfile.ropen(crrfilename)
synclust = new Vector()
synclustsil = new Vector()
clustsilavg = new Vector()
// rndm = new Random()
// rndm.uniform(1,10)
if (check) {
for id = 0, NLOGSYNS - 1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(id)
clustnum = crrfile.scanvar()
clustsil = crrfile.scanvar()
color = clustnum
if (color/10 == int(color/10) && color) { color = 5 }
criterion_mark(id, color)
nclusts = synclust.max
sprint(cmd, "th %d tl %d c %d nclusts=%d", th, tl, c, nclusts)
print cmd
objref clusts[nclusts+1]
for i = 0, nclusts {
avg = 0
clusts[i] = new Vector()
clusts[i].indvwhere(synclust, "==", i)
for j = 0, clusts[i].size-1 {
avg += synclustsil.x(clusts[i].x(j))
avg /= clusts[i].size
for j = 0, clusts[i].size-1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(clusts[i].x(j))
// color = synclustsil.x(logsyn.id)
// color = avg
color = synclust.x(logsyn.id)
if (color) {
color = 10*(1 + color - 10*int(color/10))
logsyn.sec.sec v(logsyn.loc) = color // for PlotShape
forsec soma_section_list {
for (x,0) v = -1 // soma merged with main trunk
} else {
print "No file!"
proc prepare_plotshape() { local size, i, r, g, b
clmpfilename = "extras/cross_correlations/jet_colormap"
clmpfile = new File()
check = clmpfile.ropen(clmpfilename)
if (check) {
size = 41
//size = 2
compplot = new PlotShape()
compplot.exec_menu("Shape Plot")
for i = 1, size {
r = clmpfile.scanvar()
g = clmpfile.scanvar()
b = clmpfile.scanvar()
compplot.colormap(i, r, g, b)
// compplot.scale(-1, 1)
compplot.scale(0, 110)
// compplot.scale(0,nclusts)
// compplot.label(cmd)
// compplot.observe(dendrite_section_list)
} else {
print "no colormap file"
// run only after rf_corr_clusters() has been run
proc rf_corr_clusters_single() { local selclust
selclust = $1
// subset_section_list = new SectionList()
forall { for (x,0) v = -1 }
for j = 0, clusts[selclust].size-1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(clusts[selclust].x(j))
logsyn.sec.sec {
v(logsyn.loc) = 1
// v(logsyn.loc) = clustsilavg.x(selclust) // for PlotShape
// subset_section_list.append()
// subset_section_list.unique()
// compplot.observe(subset_section_list)
compplot.scale(-1, 1)
// first run rf_corr_clusters() then adjust size of plot shape including axes, diameter
proc rf_corr_clusters_subsets() { local i, j
nsubs = $1 // number of subsets
subsize = int(nclusts / nsubs)
if (subsize*nsubs < nclusts) { subsize += 1 }
for i = 0, nsubs-1 {
subset_section_list = new SectionList()
for j = i*subsize, (i+1)*subsize-1 {
if (j < nclusts) {
for k = 0, clusts[j].size-1 {
logsynlist.object(clusts[j].x(k)).sec.sec subset_section_list.append()
compplot.scale(i*subsize, (i+1)*subsize-1)
sprint(lbl, "extras/cross_correlations/compartments%d.eps", i)
// ONLINE Computing
// ============
// user procedure to compute and plot cross-correlation between two vectors
// enter either the two vectors or two logsyn id numbers, enter the size of the window (in ms) and optionally the color to plot
// (negative color value means don't plot)
proc corr() { local n, type, id, color, i, N, intrvl, m
plotter = plotterlist.object(0)
plotter.gtype=0 // change to Vm(t)
n = numarg()
type = argtype(1)
if (type == 0) { // logsyn id
id = $1
logsyn = logsynlist.object(id)
V1 = logsyn.vrec.c
} else if (type == 1) { // vector
V1 = $o1.c
type = argtype(2)
if (type == 0) { // logsyn id
id = $2
logsyn = logsynlist.object(id)
V2 = logsyn.vrec.c
} else if (type == 1) { // vector
V2 = $o2.c
intrvl = $3
m = intrvl / VRECdt
N = V1.size
if (N > m && N == V2.size) {
crr = new Vector()
dtcrr = new Vector()
v1 = V1.c(0, N-m)
for i = 0, m-2 {
v2 = V2.c(m-1-i, N-1-i)
crr.append(compute_cross_correlation(v1, v2, N, m))
dtcrr.append(0 - (m-1-i) * VRECdt)
v2 = V2.c(0, N-m)
for i = 0, m-1 {
v1 = V1.c(i, N-m+i)
crr.append(compute_cross_correlation(v1, v2, N, m))
dtcrr.append(i * VRECdt - 0)
color = 1
if (n == 4) { color = $4 }
if (color > 0) {
g = plotter.graph_export
plot_corr(color, intrvl)
g.size(-intrvl, intrvl, -0.2, 1)
// g.exec_menu("View = plot")
} else {
print "Problem with vector size(s)"
// =======================================================
objref w1, w2
// internal function called from corr()
func compute_cross_correlation() { local N, m, cc, mu1, mu2, var1, var2
w1 = $o1
w2 = $o2
N = $3
m = $4
mu1 = w1.mean
mu2 = w2.mean
cc = w1.dot(w2) / (N - m)
var1 = w1.var
var2 = w2.var
cc = cc / sqrt(var1 * var2)
return cc
proc plot_corr() { local color, intrvl
color = $1
intrvl = $2
crr.line(g, dtcrr)
// =======================================================
// compute for the indicated logsyn id, the peak cross-correlation with every other synapse and present it in logsyn.range
// optional maximal interval for the peak correlation value (a good correlation should be up to a few ms from zero)
proc syn_corr() { local n, i, id, intrvl, maxintrvl, indmx
n = numarg()
id = $1
intrvl = $2
if (n >2) {
maxintrvl = $3
} else {
maxintrvl = 5 // default
dtcrr = new Vector()
dtcrr.indgen(-intrvl, intrvl, VRECdt)
for i = 0, NLOGSYNS-1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(i)
corr(id, i, intrvl, -1) // (don't plot)
indmx = crr.max_ind()
if (dtcrr.x(indmx) > -maxintrvl && dtcrr.x(indmx) < maxintrvl) {
logsyn.range = crr.max
plot_corr(1, intrvl)
} else {
logsyn.range = 0
plot_corr(2, intrvl)
objref nocorr
// automatically perform nocorr marking
// select RIP and RDP and indicate synapse id, interval and maxinterval
proc auto_nocorr() { local id, interval, maxinterval
id = $1
interval = $2
maxinterval = $3
rf_syn_corr(id, interval, maxinterval)
rf_syn_corr(id, interval, interval)
plotter = plotterlist.object(0)
// switch to range
plotter.gtype = 0
mark_synapses() // spatiotemporal.hoc
// after rf_dend_corr() has been run, this procedure will locate zero correlation sites
// (if maxinterval < interval there may be insignificant correlations), and append their
// id numbers to nocorr vector
proc append_nocorr() { local i
nocorr = new Vector()
for i = 0, NLOGSYNS-1 {
logsyn = logsynlist.object(i)
if (!logsyn.range) {
proc mark_nocorr() { local color, i
color = 6
if (numarg()) { color = $1 }
for i = 0, nocorr.size-1 {
criterion_mark(nocorr.x(i), color)