// object references
// =================

// general
// -------
strdef cmd						// execute() command
strdef strng
objref p0,p1,d,g,imp,file,temp_list,p,yvec,srt,avg_up,avg_down,temp_vec	// used in extra/potentiation.hoc

// defaults.hoc
// --------------
strdef CELL

// axon.hoc
// --------
objref axon_hill_iseg_section_list
objref axon_myelin_section_list
objref axon_node_section_list

// cell.hoc
// --------
objref morphlist
objref chanlist
objref layoutlist
objref MORPH
objref LAYOUT
objref subtree,channel,param
objref pfile

objref dendrite_section_list 	// a SectionList of all dendrite sections
objref dendrite_basal_section_list 	// a SectionList of all dendrite sections
objref dendrite_apical_section_list 	// a SectionList of all dendrite sections
objref dendrite_apical_trunk_section_list
objref dendrite_apical_obliques_section_list
objref dendrite_apical_oblique_section_list
objref soma_section_list		// a SectionList of all soma sections
objref axon_section_list		// a SectionList of all axon sections
objref cellfile
objref oblique_section_list
objref secref
objref tcs // trunk_connection_section
objref tcl // trunk_connection_location
objref tcd // trunk_connection_distance
objref child_list
objref temp_section_list
objref str
objref ch1box,ch2box
objref SPIKE	// spike detector Spike.mod
objref selsec
objref subtree, parent_subtree
objref selsec_list, selsec_section_list, selsec_subtree_list
objref selsecbox, selsecparambox, selsec_file
objref secL, secLsorti
objref leafsec_section_list

strdef str_selsec
strdef cellfilename
strdef cmd1
strdef celldir
strdef sys
strdef selsec_filename

// sections.hoc
// ------------
objref root_list					// an ordinary SectionList of the root sections
objref branch					// reference to a candidate branch
// *** also in: plots.hoc
objref BRANCH
objref LOGSYN
objref browser_logsynlist

objref nodelist					// list of Nodes
objref sec						// regular section
objref node						// reference to Node
// *** also in: synapses.hoc
objref rnode					// root Node
objref cnode					// child Node
objref tree						// Tree

objref x0,x1,x2,x12,xtmp
strdef SLCT_LOGSYN_name

// synapses.hoc
// ------------
objref distriblist
objref DISTRIB
objref logsyn  					// reference to a LogicalSynapse
// *** also in: plots.hoc; artificial_vivo.hoc; BPAP.hoc; EPSP.hoc
objref logsynlist				// list of the LogicalSynapses assigned
objref randgmax				// random number generator for initial random sf value
objref SUBG,subg
objref subgbox
objref subg_file
objref subg_list,subg_logsyn_list
objref gmax_copy					// a copy of the SF profile at the time 'SF copy' was pressed
objref synbox
objref sclbox
objref stdpbox
strdef str_GMAX0
strdef str_subg
strdef strng
strdef range_name
strdef str_scaling_type, str_scaling_copy
strdef subg_filename

// records.hoc
// -----------
objref reclist		   		   // list of ResultRecords
objref rcrd					   // reference to a specific ResultRecord

// configurations.hoc
// -----------------
objref RIP					   // reference to the current Configuration
objref RDP					   // 
objref RIPp					   // reference to a Configuration within a loop
objref RDPp
objref RIP_list				   // the list of the RIP configurations for a given cell
objref browser_RIP_list		   // a list of the current RIP names (for the browser)
objref browser_RDP_list		   // a list of the current RIP RDP namess (for the browser)
objref cfg_file				   // file where RIP_list is saved
objref tmpvec
objref tmplist
objref RDPparamlist
objref RIPparamlist
objref prm

strdef cfg_filename
strdef cell_suffix
strdef record, assign

// plots.hoc
// ---------
objref plotterlist			   // list of Plotters (Graph templates)
objref plotter				   // reference to a Plotter
objref shape_plot			   // reference to a Shape
objref shape_plot_export
objref psfile
objref psgraph
objref seclist

strdef psfilename

// control.hoc
// -----------
objref cellbox
objref cl1box
objref cl2box
objref cl3box
objref cl4box
objref cl5box
objref cl6box

objref ctrlbox
objref prmbox
objref shpbox
objref rtbox,rt1box
objref grfbox
objref genbox

objref rdpbox
objref ridbox
objref cllbox
objref mchbox
objref simbox
objref selbox,sl1box,sl2box
objref tstbox
objref sclbox
objref ripbox
objref cfgbox
objref cpmbox
objref smsbox
objref sm1box,sm2box, sm3box
objref ext1box
objref isibox

objref dbox

strdef lbl,str_synimp, str_RDP, str_RIP

// synapse distribution
// ====================
// distance
// --------
objref dist_vec
objref sorted_indx
objref comp_list
objref temp_comp_list
objref comp,next_comp

// simulations
// ===========
objref prtcllist		  		   // list of all simulation protocols
objref simlist
objref vivbox
objref inpbox, inp1box, inp2box
strdef str_MAVGstart, str_VRECtime
// artificial_vivo.hoc
// -------------------
objref syn,ncrec[1],ncstim[1],nil
objref source,rnd,seeder  		   // reference to NetStim
// *** also in: EPSP.hoc
objref sourcelist			   // list of NetStims so that NetCon can work
//objref syn					   // reference to NetCon representing an actual synapse
objref synlist				   // list of NetCons
// *** also in: EPSP.hoc
objref r1,r2				   // random number generators
objref rand,rand0,intrvl_rand
objref v0rec				   // record of voltage at soma
objref recspikes			   // record of spike times
objref apc					   // reference to APCount														 
objref vivo_time			   // index vector with the record times
objref vivo0_time			   // index vector with the record times
objref vivo_gmax_time
objref mavg_time

strdef str_tstop
strdef str_status
strdef str_vivo_mode
strdef str_RECdt
strdef str_WINDOWstart
strdef str_input

// BPAP.hoc
// --------
objref imp 					   // reference to IClamp
objref BPAP_time			   // index vector with the record times
objref APrec				   // record of AP voltage as measured at soma

// EPSP.hoc
// --------
objref EPSP_time			   // index vector with the record times
objref EPSPrec				   // record of EPSP at a synapse
objref sEPSPrec				   // record of EPSP as measured at soma for a given synapse
objref trvl_syn				   // tarveling synapse

// EPSC.hoc
// --------
objref vclmp
objref sEPSCrec
objref EPSC_time

// EPSP_check.hoc
// --------------
objref check_EPSPrec
objref check_sEPSPrec
objref check_input
objref check_timing
objref g

// BPAP_check.hoc
// --------------
objref check_BPAPrec
objref check_sBPAPrec
objref bbox
strdef str_statistics1
strdef str_statistics2

// resistance.hoc
// --------------
objref res

// 2 points
// --------
objref logsyn1,logsyn2
objref trvl_syn1,trvl_syn2

// I-F curve
// ---------
objref Ivec
objref Fvec