// Author: Ronald van Elburg (RonaldAJ at vanElburg eu) // // Affiliation: // Department of Artificial Intelligence // Groningen University // // Parameter values used in the paper: // // R.A.J. van Elburg and Arjen van Ooyen (2010) `Impact of dendritic size and // dendritic topology on burst firing in pyramidal cells', // PLoS Comput Biol 6(5): e1000781. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000781. // Reconstructed cells: Temperature: celsius = 37 Passive properties: General: ra = 80 ohm cm g_pas = 3.3333 10^-5 S/cm^2 c_m = 0.75 uF/cm^2 Exceptions: myelin c_m = 0.04 uF/cm^2 axon nodes g_pas = 0.02 S/cm^2 Ion channel densities: Soma: gna = 20 pS/um2 gkv = 200 pS/um2 gca = .3 pS/um2 gkm = .1 pS/um2 gkca = 3 pS/um2 Apical dendrites: gna = 20 pS/um2 gca= .3 pS/um2 gkm = .1 pS/um2 gkca = 3 pS/um2 Basal dendrites (passive): gna = 0 pS/um2 gca= 0 pS/um2 gkm = 0 pS/um2 gkca = 0 pS/um2 Axon hillock: gna = 30000 pS/um2 gkv = 2000 pS/um2 Axon initial segment: gkv = 2000 pS/um2 gna = 30000 pS/um2 Axon nodes: gna = 30000 pS/um2 gkv = 2000 pS/um2 Myelinated axon: gna = 20 pS/um2 Reversal potentials: Ek = -90 mV Ena = 60 mV Eca = 140 mV Dendritic and somatic compartment length: segmentlength=50 Number of myelin and node segments: 5 // seems to be necessary for 3d cells to shift Na kinetics -5 mV vshift_na = -5 Experiments: General: Duration: tstop= 10000 ms Somatic stimulus: I=0.2 nA Initial delay stimulus=400 ms Dendritic stimulus: synaptic_density=0.05 synapses/ um^2 mean_interval=1000 ms globSynapseStrength=0.0024 uS tau=0.5 ms E_reversal=0 mV Pruning: Endsegment Pruning probability: p=0.3 pruneSeed=1:1:20 pruneDepth=0:1:20 synaptic density is kept constant during pruning. ReReconstructed Cells: Topologies as shown. synaptic density is kept constant Scaling reconstructed cells: Length scaling factor=0.5:0.1:2.5 For synaptic stimulation the total average current is kept constant by changing the synaptic density. ======================================================== Simplified cells: Temperature: celsius = 37 Passive properties: ra = 80 ohm cm g_pas = 3.3333 10^-5 S/cm^2 c_m = 0.75 uF/cm^2 Active properties: Dendrites: gca = 0.3 pS/um2 gkca = 3 pS/um2 gna = 15 pS/um2 gkm = 0.1 pS/um2 Soma: gkv = 150 pS/um2 gna =3000 pS/um2 Reversal Potentials: ek = -90 mV ena = 60 mV eca = 140 mV eleak = -70 mV Morphology: Number of Endsegments = 8 somaLength = 14 um terminalDiameter = 0.7 um rallPower = 3/2 Compartimentalization: dendNSegLength=50 um // Maximal segment length of dendritic sections // as a consequence there are at least 15 compartments // which are furtherdivided if the length of a section exceeds // 50 um. somaNSeg=1 // Number of segments of axo-somatic section Experiments: General Duration: tstop = 10000 ms Somatic stimulus: I =0.03 nA Initial delay stimulus =400 ms Dendritic stimulus: synapsesPerSection =40 // number synapses per segment mean_interval =1000 ms globSynapseStrength =0.0024 uS tau =0.5 ms E_reversal =0 mV Rall trees: L =1000:25:4000 um Topology=1:1:23 Constant diameter trees: L =500:25:2500 um Topology=1:1:23 I =0.1 nA (Somatic stimulus)