#encoding: utf-8
Mismatch -- Double rotation figure for various mismatch angles
Created by Joe Monaco on 2010-10-12.
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS IS under the terms of the Open Source MIT License.
See http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
# Library imports
import os
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# Package imports
from ..core.analysis import BaseAnalysis
from ..session import VMOSession
from ..remapping.simulate import VMOExperiment
from ..remapping.mismatch import MismatchAnalysis
from ..remapping.trends import MismatchTrends, plot_category_chart
from ..tools.images import array_to_image
class MismatchFigure(BaseAnalysis):
Run symmetric and asymmetric example cue mismatch experiments
label = "mismatch"
def collect_data(self, sym_cues=(4, 10), asym_cues=(4, 20),
mismatch=[45, 90, 135, 180], **kwargs):
"""Run VMOModel mismatch experiment by setting up two sets of cues
that counter-rotate to produce cue conflict
Keyword arguments:
sym_cues/asym_cues -- cue definitions for the two mismatch experiments
that are simulated here: (cue number, cue size) tuples, where cue
size is in degrees; sym_cues definition is used for both local and
distal cue sets in the symmetric cue experiment, and asym_cues
specifies the local cue configuration for the asymmetric experiment
(distal configuration is as specified by sym_cues)
mismatch -- list of mismatch angles to test
Additional keyword arguments are passed on to VMOModel.
N_sym_cues, sym_cue_size = sym_cues
sym_cue_size *= (pi/180)
N_asym_cues, asym_cue_size = asym_cues
asym_cue_size *= (pi/180)
self.results['N_sym_cues'] = N_sym_cues
self.results['sym_cue_size'] = sym_cue_size
self.results['N_asym_cues'] = N_asym_cues
self.results['asym_cue_size'] = asym_cue_size
self.results['mismatch'] = mismatch
pdict = dict( N_outputs=500,
sym_dir = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'symmetric')
if os.path.isdir(sym_dir):
self.out('Found symmetric mismatch experiment...')
sym_exp = VMOExperiment.load_data(
os.path.join(sym_dir, 'analysis.pickle'))
self.out('Starting symmetric mismatch experiment...')
sym_exp = VMOExperiment(datadir=sym_dir)
sym_exp(mismatch=mismatch, **pdict)
asym_dir = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'asymmetric')
pdict['N_cues_local'] = N_asym_cues
pdict['local_cue_std'] = asym_cue_size
if os.path.isdir(asym_dir):
self.out('Found asymmetric mismatch experiment...')
asym_exp = VMOExperiment.load_data(
os.path.join(sym_dir, 'analysis.pickle'))
self.out('Starting asymmetric mismatch experiment...')
asym_exp = VMOExperiment(datadir=asym_dir)
asym_exp(mismatch=mismatch, **pdict)
self.out('Recovering and saving symmetric cues...')
sym_cues = VMOSession.fromfile(os.path.join(sym_dir, 'STD.tar.gz')).recover_cues()
np.savez(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'sym_cues'),
t=sym_cues.t, x=sym_cues.x, y=sym_cues.y,
C_local=sym_cues.C_local, C_distal=sym_cues.C_distal)
self.out('Recovering and saving asymmetric cues...')
asym_cues = VMOSession.fromfile(os.path.join(asym_dir, 'STD.tar.gz')).recover_cues()
np.savez(os.path.join(self.datadir, 'asym_cues'),
t=asym_cues.t, x=asym_cues.x, y=asym_cues.y,
C_local=asym_cues.C_local, C_distal=asym_cues.C_distal)
self.out('Running mismatch analysis on symmetric cues...')
sym_mma = []
for angle in mismatch:
sym_mma_dir = os.path.join(sym_dir, 'mismatch_%03d'%angle)
if os.path.exists(sym_mma_dir):
ana = MismatchAnalysis.load_data(os.path.join(sym_mma_dir, 'analysis.pickle'))
ana = MismatchAnalysis(datadir=sym_mma_dir)
ana(mismatch=angle, load_dir=sym_dir)
self.out('Running mismatch analysis on asymmetric cues...')
asym_mma = []
for angle in mismatch:
asym_mma_dir = os.path.join(asym_dir, 'mismatch_%03d'%angle)
if os.path.exists(asym_mma_dir):
ana = MismatchAnalysis.load_data(os.path.join(asym_mma_dir, 'analysis.pickle'))
ana = MismatchAnalysis(datadir=asym_mma_dir)
ana(mismatch=angle, load_dir=asym_dir)
self.out('Computing symmetric mismatch trends...')
trends_dir = os.path.join(sym_dir, 'trends')
trends = MismatchTrends(datadir=trends_dir)
self.out('Computing asymetric mismatch trends...')
trends_dir = os.path.join(asym_dir, 'trends')
trends = MismatchTrends(datadir=trends_dir)
def create_plots(self, data_trends=None):
"""Create cue plots and rotation/correlation histogram panels showing
results of simulated mismatch experiments.
data_trends -- MismatchTrends objects for hippocampal mismatch data
(if None, this is not plotted)
# Move into data directoary and start logging
self.out.outfd = file('figure.log', 'w')
# Set up main figure for plotting
self.figure = {}
figsize = 9, 9
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = figsize
self.figure['mismatch'] = f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
# Load the cue data
sym_cue = np.load('sym_cues.npz')
asym_cue = np.load('asym_cues.npz')
self.out('Symmetric local cue max = %.4f'%sym_cue['C_local'].max())
self.out('Symmetric distal cue max = %.4f'%sym_cue['C_distal'].max())
self.out('Asymmetric local cue max = %.4f'%asym_cue['C_local'].max())
self.out('Asymmetric distal cue max = %.4f'%asym_cue['C_distal'].max())
# Load mismatch data
mismatch = self.results['mismatch']
nmismatch = len(mismatch)
def get_mismatch_dict(mdir):
mdict = {}
for angle in mismatch:
mma = MismatchAnalysis.load_data(
os.path.join(mdir, 'mismatch_%03d'%angle,
rc = mma.results['rotcorr']
_r, _c = rc
_r[_r>=180] -= 360 # map [0, 360) angles to [-180, 180)
mdict[angle] = rc
return mdict
sym_data = get_mismatch_dict('symmetric')
asym_data = get_mismatch_dict('asymmetric')
# Plot metadata
nrows = 5
ncols = int(np.ceil(nmismatch/2)) + 1
row = 1
# Plot the cues
def plot_cue(ax, cue, cue_str, skip=4):
ax.scatter(x=cue['x'][::skip], y=cue['y'][::skip], c=cue['C_'+cue_str][::skip],
s=2, linewidths=0)
plot_cue(plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, 0*ncols + 1), sym_cue, 'local')
plot_cue(plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, 1*ncols + 1), sym_cue, 'distal')
plot_cue(plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, 2*ncols + 1), asym_cue, 'local')
plot_cue(plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, 3*ncols + 1), asym_cue, 'distal')
# Plot the rotational correlations
def plot_rot_corr(ax, data, angle):
r, c = data[angle]
H, x, y = np.histogram2d(r, c, bins=16, range=[[-180, 180], [0, 1]])
ax.pcolor(H, cmap=mpl.cm.gray_r)
return H
spix = 2
for angle in mismatch:
if spix % ncols == 1:
spix += 1
H = plot_rot_corr(plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, spix), sym_data, angle)
self.out('Symmetric mismatch %d H_max = %d'%(angle, H.max()))
array_to_image(np.flipud(H), 'sym_rotcorr_%03d.png'%angle, cmap=mpl.cm.gray_r)
spix += 1
spix = 2*ncols + 2
for angle in mismatch:
if spix % ncols == 1:
spix += 1
H = plot_rot_corr(plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, spix), asym_data, angle)
self.out('Asymmetric mismatch %d H_max = %d'%(angle, H.max()))
array_to_image(np.flipud(H), 'asym_rotcorr_%03d.png'%angle, cmap=mpl.cm.gray_r)
spix += 1
# Plot stacked response category charts
figsize = 14, 4
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = figsize
self.figure['categories'] = f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
f.suptitle('Response Categories')
sym_trends = MismatchTrends.load_data(os.path.join('symmetric', 'trends'))
asym_trends = MismatchTrends.load_data(os.path.join('asymmetric', 'trends'))
plot_category_chart(plt.subplot(131), sym_trends.results, False)
plot_category_chart(plt.subplot(132), asym_trends.results, False)
if data_trends is not None:
plot_category_chart(plt.subplot(133), data_trends.results, False)
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = plt.rcParamsDefault['figure.figsize']