# encoding: utf-8
circstat.py -- Circular statistics functions

Exported namespace: mean, std, var

Note: all functions take an array of radian-angle values on [0, 2*pi] as input.

Written by Joe Monaco, 4/17/2007
Center for Theoretical Neuroscience

Copyright (c) 2007 Columbia University. All rights reserved.

This software is provided AS IS under the terms of the Open Source MIT License. 
See http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.

# Library imports
from numpy import ones, dot, sin, cos, empty, arange, pi
from scipy.stats import histogram

# Package imports
from .radians import xy_to_rad

def mean(theta, w=None):
	"""First circular moment
    Input: theta - array of radian angle values
          w - optional weighting if angle values are binned
    Returns: scalar circular mean of theta

    See:	http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directional_statistics
	sz = theta.shape[0]
	if w is None:
	    w = ones(sz, 'd')
	elif w.size != sz:
	    raise ValueError, 'weight array size mismatch'	    
	s_bar = dot(w, sin(theta))
	c_bar = dot(w, cos(theta))
	return xy_to_rad(c_bar, s_bar)

def std(theta):
	"""Sample circular deviation
    Input: theta - array of radian angle values
    Returns: circular standard deviation
	return (var(theta))**0.5
def var(theta, Nbins=360):
	"""Sample circular variance, second moment
    Calculated using the minimum variance method with moving cut points.
    See: Weber RO (1997). J. Appl. Meteorol. 36(10), 1403-1415.

    Input: theta - array of radian angle values
          numbins - number of intervals across [0, 2pi] to minimize
    Returns: circular variance
	N = len(theta)
	delta_t = 2 * pi / Nbins
	lims = (0, 2 * pi)
	x = arange(delta_t, 2*pi + delta_t, delta_t)
	n, xmin, w, extra = histogram(theta, numbins=Nbins, defaultlimits=lims)
	tbar = empty((Nbins,), 'd')
	S = empty((Nbins,), 'd')
	s2 = empty((Nbins,), 'd')
	tbar[0] = (x*n).sum() / N											# A1
	S[0] = ((x**2)*n).sum() / (N - 1)									# A2
	s2[0] = S[0] - N * (tbar[0]**2) / (N - 1)							# A3
	for k in xrange(1, Nbins):
		tbar[k] = tbar[k-1] + (2*pi) * n[k-1] / N						# A4
		S[k] = S[k-1] + (2*pi) * (2*pi + 2*x[k-1]) * n[k-1] / (N - 1)	# A5
		s2[k] = S[k] - N * (tbar[k]**2) / (N - 1)						# A6
	return s2.min()