strdef model, simpref, file_prefix
simpref		= "hh10000-noisecur-scan55-step0.1.csv"
file_prefix	= "HH10000,noisecur,-5,5,0.1," 

model = "hhcell.hoc"
dt = 0.005 		// integration step 5 mks(us)
tstop = 80		// full time of simulation
ncells = 10000		// number of cells
NITD = -5.0		//a scanning range in ms,
PITD =  5.0		//left and right boundary
scan_step=0.1		//scanning step 100 mks(us)
Relevant_ITD = 0.8	//a boundary (symmetric) of biological relevant intervals

run_flag = 0
gui_flag = 0		// 0 - batch mode

//Optimal values
//for HH  ex=0.002 ih=0.00389
//for MSO ex=0.009 ih=0.00395

//Synaptic conduct. linearly distribution and normal deviation
//Delay of spike propagation linearly distribution and normal deviation

//Left Excitation
LE_conduc_a		= 0.002	
LE_conduc_b		= 0.002
LE_conduc_sd		= 0.0
LE_delay_a		= 2
LE_delay_b		= 2
LE_delay_sd		= 0.0000

//Right Inhibition
RI_conduc_a		= 0.004
RI_conduc_b		= 0.004
RI_conduc_sd		= 0.0
RI_delay_a		= 2
RI_delay_b		= 2
RI_delay_sd		= 0.0000

//Right Excitation
RE_conduc_a		= 0.0
RE_conduc_b		= 0.0
RE_conduc_sd		= 0.0
RE_delay_a		= 2
RE_delay_b		= 2
RE_delay_sd		= 0.0000

//Left Inhibition
LI_conduc_a		= 0.00000
LI_conduc_b		= 0.00000
LI_conduc_sd		= 0.000
LI_delay_a		= 2
LI_delay_b		= 2
LI_delay_sd		= 0.0000

//Number of stimuli, interval between
//and Jitter Variation
RI_stimuli_number	= 1.0
RI_isi			= 2.0
LI_stimuli_number	= 1
LI_isi			= 2
RE_stimuli_number	= 1
RE_isi			= 2	//(ms)
RE_jitter_sd		= 0.0000	//max value of phase noise

RI_jitter_sd		= 0.0
LE_stimuli_number 	= 1.0
LE_isi			= 2.0

//Neuron noise current paramters
nrn_idc 		= 0
nrn_isd			= 0.003

