// assume AII has Quadroni's Type B morphology
// assign soma & dendrites anatomical properties
CM = 1 // uF/cm2
RA = 150
proc define_AII() {
ctyp = 1 //Type B cell flag, for parameter assignments
// assign soma's biophysical properties, copy to dendrites
proc biophysics() {
v0 = -52
v_init = v0
ca_init = 1e-5
forall {
// set passive params
Ra = RA
cm = CM
// insert channels
insert pas
insert fn
insert ka
insert kca
insert cahi
insert nap
// insert calcium handling
insert cad
Kp_cad = 0.05
Rca_cad = 0.0186
// params for channel kinetics, see Av-Ron & Vidal 1999
vhm_fn = -33
am_fn = 0.055
an_fn = 0.055
vhn_fn = -35
lamb_fn = 0.2
vhb_ka = -70
ab_ka = -0.1
btau_ka = 10
vhx_cahi = -30
ax_cahi = 0.08
Kc_cahi = 1
xtau_cahi = 10
vha_ka = -40
aa_ka = 0.05
Kd_kca = 0.0005
vhp_nap = -56
ap_nap = 0.075
ptau_nap = 5
// set maximal conductances for AII
gkbar_fn = 0.0026
g_pas = 0.0003
gbar_kca = 0.001316
gnabar_fn = 0.010
gbar_cahi = 0.00025
gbar_ka = 0
gbar_nap = 5e-7
// reversal potentials
forall {
e_pas = -50
ena = 55
ek = -80
// apply the d_lambda rule for setting number of segments
proc geom_nseg() {
soma area(0.5) // make sure diam reflects 3d points
forall { nseg = int((L/(0.1*lambda_f(100))+0.9)/2)*2 + 1 }
proc typeB_slow() {
forall {
Kp_cad = 0.05
Rca_cad = 0.0125
gkbar_fn = 0.004
g_pas = 0.0003
gbar_kca = 0.001
gnabar_fn = 0.010
gbar_cahi = 0.00025
gbar_ka = 1e-9
gbar_nap = 0.00005