ReMoto - Simulation system of spinal cord motor nuclei (source code and working version available at This project was developed by Rogerio R. L. Cisi and Andre F. Kohn, from the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, under the financing of FAPESP (Sao Paulo, Brazil). The paper describing the system is: Cisi, R.R.L., Kohn, A. F. "Simulation system of spinal cord motor nuclei and associated nerves and muscles, in a web-based architecture". Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 2008 []. See also the ReMoto Introductory Page and a broader tutorial in PDF. The system is available for anyone to use it, provided a citation of the paper above is given in any publication that relies on results obtained from this simulator. Any suggestions for improvement are extremely welcome. Please contact: or