Sequential discrimination model: computer code

The codes simulate neurons involved in a task requiring an initial stimulus (f1), retention of the value of the inititial stimulus in memory during a delay, followed by a second stimulus (f2). The codes use integral feedback control to produce neurons tuned to the difference of the two stimuli. This allows a response to be made based on which of the two stimuli was greater.
The xppaut codes are based on firing rate models.
The C++ code simulates a network of spiking neurons.

xppaut code
  • 2-unit integral feedback control with a continuous integrator.
  • 2-unit integral feedback control with a discrete integrator.
  • C++ code

    To run the code:
    1) Download all files.
    2) Compile eg:
    g++ netinmain.cpp discrimnet.cpp structure.cpp -O3 -o dis
    3) Run the executable followed by a number. Last 4 digits, N, encode the stimulus set where N=2(f1)+1,odd, if f2>f1 and N= 2(f1), even, if f1>f2. The first digits form the randum number seed.
    eg ./dis 150021 > dis.out &
    will run the code with random number seed of 15, using f1=10Hz and f2>f1, in the present version f2=18Hz. Alternatively:
    ./dis 3310044 > dis.out &
    will run the code with random number seed of 331 and uses f1=22Hz and f1>f2 such that f2=14Hz in this version.
    Adjustments: at present, the code is designed to run using the script, with f2=f1+8Hz or f2=f1-8Hz. As of now, to change the frequency difference, the code in netinmain.cpp should be altered, where the variable istrength2 is set.

  • script to run C++ code: runs 14 jobs in parallel with Mosix
  • C++ code with comments on how to run it: discrimnet.cpp
  • C++ startup code containing `main': netinmain.cpp
  • C++ code with connectivity profile setup: structure.cpp
  • Header file with most parameters and their purpose: dnet.h
  • Random Number generator file: MersenneTwister.h
  • Input file with single neuron properties and simulation times: discrimnet_in.dat
  • Input file with connection strengths: connections_in.dat

  • Last modified August 23, 2005

    Paul Miller,

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