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Calcium Calculator Simulation Script Files
CalC Download CalC Manual CalC Scripts CalC Publications Victor's Homepage

The scripts following below reproduce the simulation results presented in the manuscript:

V. Matveev, R. Bertram, A. Sherman (2006)
Residual Bound Ca2+ Can Account for the Effects of Ca2+ Buffers on Synaptic Facilitation
Journal of Neurophysiology, 96: 3389-3397. [ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF ]

The comments in these script files provide a detailed step-by-step description of the simulations.

 ode.BCM.par This script file contains all ODE definitions (implementation of Eqs. 6-9). Place it in the same directory with the files below before running the infividual figure scripts.

 pde.BCM.par This script file contains all PDE definitions (implementation of Eqs. 2-5). Place it in the same directory with the files below before running the infividual figure scripts.

 demo.BCM.par reproduces Figures 2 and 3 of the manuscript. Use fura-2 concentration as command-line parameter. Execute calc demo.BCM.par 0 to reproduce Fig. 2 and control data in Fig. 3. Execute calc demo.BCM.par 400 to reproduce fura-2 data in Fig. 3.

Victor Matveev
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Last modified: Oct 14, 2006