Model Code: Ca2+ current vs. Ca2+ channel cooperativity
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The scripts following below reproduce the simulation results presented in the manuscript:

Victor V. Matveev, Richard Bertram and Arthur Sherman (2009)
Ca2+ current vs. Ca2+ channel cooperativity of exocytosis
Journal of Neuroscience, 29(39): 12196-12209. [ Abstract ] [ Full Text ]

 Fig1.par This CalC script generates the first figure of the manuscript. It requires a single command-line parameters, the total buffer concentration (in μM) (e.g. run calc Fig1.par 100). The simulation produces an ASCII data file with five columns: (1) single-channel Ca2+ current (varied from 0.001 to 1 pA); (2) maximal release produced by a 1ms-long current pulse; (3) corresponding maximal [Ca2+] at release site, 30 nm from channel; (4) maximal volume-averaged [Ca2+]; (5) time to peak release after simulation start.

 Fig1.m A MATLAB m-file that generates Figure 1 using data produced by CalC script Fig1.par above.

 Fig7_8.par This CalC script generates data for Figures 7 and 8 of the manuscript. The simulation produces an ASCII data file used by MATLAB script Fig7_8.m below.

 Fig7_8.m A MATLAB m-file that generates Figures 7 and 8 using data produced by CalC script Fig7_8.par above.

 process2D.m A simple MATLAB data parsing script required by MATLAB m-files and Fig1.m and Fig7_8.m.

Supported in part by the National Science Foundation grant DMS 0817703 to Victor Matveev

Victor Matveev
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Last modified: January 8, 2010