// $Id: instrument_spiketuft.hoc,v 1.1 2007/03/11 04:38:42 ted Exp ted $

// based on instrument_probetuft.hoc

// this assumes that geometry will not be changed
// otherwise, it would be necessary to calculate distance in proc init()

soma {
  area(0.5)  // force initialization of geometry
  distance(0, 0.5)  // origin is mid-soma
  // origin needs to be default (i.e. 0) for ready comparison with Impedance tool GUI
  distance()  // origin is soma(0)

forsec tuft {
  insert monx
  for (x,0) dist_monx(x) = distance(x)  // avoid 0 & 1 ends; otherwise overwrites adjacent internal nodes

// we've given up on RangeVarPlots of peak amplitude, 
// so call the distance tuftorigin rather than rvporigin
apic[1] {
//  insert monx
//  for (x,0) dist_monx(x) = distance(x)
//  rvporigin = distance(1) // use apic[1](1) as origin of RangeVarPlot of vmax_monx
  tuftorigin = distance(1) // use apic[1](1) as origin of tuft for scatterplots

// <<>> is this needed for init_spiketuft.hoc?
// create a List of SectionRefs that point to terminal branches in tuft
objref tempref, terminalreflist
terminalreflist = new List()
forsec tuft {
  tempref = new SectionRef()
  if (tempref.nchild() == 0) {
//    tempref.sec print secname()  // for development/diagnostic purposes only
objref tempref