if (!name_declared("is_split")) {execute("is_split = 0")}

splitbit = 6e8
func basegid() {
	// from piece gid, return base gid
	return $1 % splitbit
func piecegid() {
	// from base gid return -1 if no piece on this cpu, otherwise
	// the piece gid
	// note that if several pieces of a mitral cell exist on this
	// cpu, then the smallest gid is returned
	if (pc.gid_exists($1)) {
		return $1
	}else if (pc.gid_exists($1 + splitbit)) {
		return $1 + splitbit
	}else if (pc.gid_exists($1 + 2*splitbit)) {
		return $1 + 2*splitbit
		return -1
obfunc gid2piece() {local sgid  localobj nil
	// from base gid return nil if no piece, otherwise
	// the cell piece object
	// note that a cell object may contain 1, 2, or 3 mitral pieces
	sgid = piecegid($1)
	if (sgid >= 0) {
		return pc.gid2cell(sgid)
		return nil

func exists() {localobj cell
	cell = gid2piece($1)
	if (object_id(cell)) if (section_exists($s2, cell)) {
		return 1
	return 0

// split a mitral cell ($1 gid, $o2 whole cell) into three pieces
// destroy the pieces not on this cpu
// and connect pieces with multisplit
// arg is the base gid
proc splitmitral() {localobj cell, sl, nil
	if ($1 >= nmitral) return // it is a granule
	cell = $o2
	if (is_split == 0) {
		//cell.axon pc.cell($1, new NetCon(&v(1), nil), 1)
		cell.soma pc.cell($1, new NetCon(&v(.5), nil), 1)
		// do not split
	// split
	cell.secden[0] disconnect()
	cell.secden[1] disconnect()
	// destroy what is not supposed to exist on this cpu
	if (!pc.gid_exists($1 + splitbit)) {
		cell.secden[0] delete_section()
	if (!pc.gid_exists($1 + 2*splitbit)) {
		cell.secden[1] delete_section()
	if (!pc.gid_exists($1)) {
		sl = new SectionList()
		cell.soma sl.wholetree()
		forsec sl {
	// multisplit connect using the base gid
	// also associate the split gids with the cell object
	if (pc.gid_exists($1))cell.soma {
		pc.multisplit(.5, $1)
		//cell.axon pc.cell($1, new NetCon(&v(1), nil), 1)
		pc.cell($1, new NetCon(&v(.5), nil), 1)
	if (pc.gid_exists($1 + splitbit)) cell.secden[0] {
		pc.multisplit(0, $1)
		pc.cell($1 + splitbit, new NetCon(&v(.5), nil), 0)
	if (pc.gid_exists($1 + 2*splitbit)) cell.secden[1] {
		pc.multisplit(0, $1)
		pc.cell($1 + 2*splitbit, new NetCon(&v(.5), nil), 0)