This is the readme for the models associated with:

 Dynamic mechanisms of neocortical focal seizure onset
 Y. Wang, M. Goodfellow, P.N. Taylor, G. Baier                                 
 PLOS Computational Biology (2014)                                          

This MATLAB code was contributed by Yujiang.Wang at

To run this code, it is important to includ the lib folder in your
path (as done in startup.m).

Some of the scripts require a lot of memory (up to 2GB), and can be
very slow depending on the machine you run it on. An easy way to get
around this is to reduce the system size (e.g. n=50).

basicSim.m and basicSimDelay.m demonstrate how a basic simulation can
be obtained. To understand the functions in lib, it is recommended to
go through these two files step by step. basicSimDelay.m essentially
simulates the same system as basicSim.m, only with delay times

The lib folder includes the functions to create your own patchy remote
connectivity matrices. To download the code version with all the
precalculated connectivity matrices, please go to the code & resources
section on the author's website

The files Fig*.m can be used to reproduce the time series in the
figures 4-8 in the publication.

Example run:
Type at the matlab command prompt:


After a little while (30 seconds on a 2013 MacBook Pro laptop) a few
figures appear including this one:

screenshot 4