function [] = plot_Ca_response()
% function to plot calcium response

clear all

format long eng
options = odeset( 'RelTol', 1e-9, 'AbsTol', 1e-9 );

% initial time (negative value indicates the time for steady state)
ti = -100;
% time step (0.0005 s)
dt = 0.5*10^(-3);
% final time 
tf = 300; % 800 for step response
tspan = ti:dt:tf;

% load initial conditons
y0 = LoadInitialConditions; 
% load model parameters
modelparameters = LoadParameters;

AngII100 = [ti:0.01:(tf+1); ti:0.01:(tf+1)]';
AngII100(AngII100(:,1)<0,2) = 0;
AngII100(AngII100(:,1)>0,2) = 0.1; % (uM)
% for step response comment out the following
%AngII100(AngII100(:,1)>300,2) = 0;

y1 = abs (y0);

% run simuations
[t, y] = ode15s(@odemodel, tspan, y1, options, modelparameters, AngII100);

% plot the firing rate
plot(tspan, y(:,7) )
ylabel('Cytosolic calcium (uM)');
xlabel('Time (s)');

