//  mosinit.hoc
//  -------------
//  Runs the model with the assumptions underlying fig 1b from Reetz et al 2014 (TODO insert doi)
//  Data are stored in 
//  - CCctrl.txt (native neuron - traces)
//  - CCctrl_AP.txt (native neuron - FI curve)
//  - CCpkc.txt  (CCIV with PKC induced changes of channel properties)
//  - CCpkc_AP.txt (CCIV with PKC induced changes of channel properties- FI curve)
//  Fig 1b. shows a subset of traces from both trace files.
//  NB: The model runs for about two hours
//  Author: Konstantin Stadler
//  Version: 20131108

// Init the neuron:
//      - load geometry
//      - assign cell/channel parameter
//      - load init/util functions from ./sub


_OverallStartTime = ParaCont.time()
// opens most used windows to visualize the model run
// inits a pointprocessmanager on the default section
// set Tstop and dt


// extra code for ModelDB auto-launch/demo

IStim = new IClamp(.5)
IStim.amp= -0.25

xpanel("Stadler et al. 2014")
  xbutton("run simulation","run_simulation()")
  xlabel("press above button to run 2 hour simulation")
  xlabel("which recreates data for fig 1b")
  xlabel("or explore the model with the gui:")
  xlabel("vary amp from -.25 to 1.")
  xbutton("switch to PKC","switch_to_PKC()")
  xlabel("Note if you switch to PKC and want to go")
  xlabel("back to normal then quit with below and restart")

proc run_simulation() {
// run a CCIV with initial cell parameter


// simulate channel modulation due to PKC and rerun CCIV


_OverallEndTime = ParaCont.time()
print "\n: Overall Execution time:", _OverallEndTime - _OverallStartTime


proc switch_to_PKC() {

    // Redfactors and shift values for assumed PKC affect
    //      RedFactor ... gpeak will be set to previous gpeak * redfactor
    RedFactorHCN1 = 0.425 // Reduction Factor HCN1 channels (peak conductance)
    RedFactorKM   = 0.76  // Reduction Factor M channels (peak conductance)
    RedFactorBK   = 0.5   // Reduction of BK channels
    ShiftVhNap    = -2     // shift of VhNap in mV (neg val here hyperpolarises Vh)

    // Assign new values
    forall gbar_km = gbar_km * RedFactorKM

    forsec SomaDend gpeak_hcn1 = gpeak_hcn1 * RedFactorHCN1
    forsec SomaDend gpeak_kBK  = gpeak_kBK  * RedFactorBK
    forsec Soma     Vh_nap     = Vh_nap     + ShiftVhNap

    print "PKC state set: quit and restart NEURON if desired to go back to Normal"