This is an upper-level README for the model associated with the paper:

Moren J, Shibata T, Doya K (2013) The mechanism of saccade motor
pattern generation investigated by a large-scale spiking neuron model
of the superior colliculus. PLoS One 8:e57134

A spatial model of the intermediate superior colliculus. It reproduces
the collicular saccade-generating output profile from NMDA
receptor-driven burst neurons, shaped by integrative inhibitory
feedback from spreading buildup neuron activity. The model is
consistent with the view that collicular activity directly shapes the
temporal profile of saccadic eye movements.

We use the Adaptive exponential integrate and fire neuron model,
augmented with an NMDA-like membrane potential-dependent receptor. In
addition, we use a synthetic spike integrator model as a stand-in for
a spike-integrator circuit in the reticular formation.

NOTE: We use a couple of custom neuron models, so the supplied model
file includes an entire version of NEST. I also include a patch that
applies to a clean version of the simulator (see the doc/readme for
installation and usage).