TITLE Calcium ion accumulation with longitudinal and radial diffusion

: The internal coordinate system is set up in PROCEDURE coord_cadifus()
: The scale factors set up in this procedure do not have to be recomputed
: when diam or DFree are changed.
: The amount of calcium in an annulus is ca[i]*diam^2*vol[i] with
: ca[0] being the second order correct concentration at the exact edge
: and ca[NANN-1] being the concentration at the exact center

	SUFFIX cadifus
	USEION ca READ cao, cai, ica WRITE cai, ica
	RANGE icabar
	GLOBAL vol, Buffer0


	(molar) = (1/liter)
	(mM)	= (millimolar)
	(um)	= (micron)
	(mA)	= (milliamp)
	FARADAY = (faraday)	 (10000 coulomb)
	PI	= (pi) (1)

	DFree = .6	(um2/ms)
	diam		(um)
	cao		(mM)
	ica		(mA/cm2)
	k1buf		(/mM-ms)
	k2buf		(/ms)
	icabar		(mA/cm2)

	cai		(mM)
	vol[NANN]	(1)	: gets extra cm2 when multiplied by diam^2

	ca[NANN]	(mM) : ca[0] is equivalent to cai
	CaBuffer[NANN]  (mM)
	Buffer[NANN]    (mM)

	SOLVE state METHOD sparse
	ica = icabar

LOCAL coord_done

	if (coord_done == 0) {
		coord_done = 1
	: note Buffer gets set to Buffer0 automatically
	: and CaBuffer gets set to 0 (Default value of CaBuffer0) as well
	FROM i=0 TO NANN-1 {
		ca[i] = cai

LOCAL frat[NANN] 	: gets extra cm when multiplied by diam

PROCEDURE coord() {
	LOCAL r, dr2
	: cylindrical coordinate system  with constant annuli thickness to
	: center of cell. Note however that the first annulus is half thickness
	: so that the concentration is second order correct spatially at
	: the membrane or exact edge of the cell.
	: note ca[0] is at edge of cell
	:      ca[NANN-1] is at center of cell
	r = 1/2					:starts at edge (half diam)
	dr2 = r/(NANN-1)/2			:half thickness of annulus
	vol[0] = 0
	frat[0] = 2*r
	FROM i=0 TO NANN-2 {
		vol[i] = vol[i] + PI*(r-dr2/2)*2*dr2	:interior half
		r = r - dr2
		frat[i+1] = 2*PI*r/(2*dr2)	:exterior edge of annulus
					: divided by distance between centers
		r = r - dr2
		vol[i+1] = PI*(r+dr2/2)*2*dr2	:outer half of annulus

LOCAL dsq, dsqvol : can't define local variable in KINETIC block or use
KINETIC state {
	COMPARTMENT i, diam*diam*vol[i] {ca CaBuffer Buffer}
	LONGITUDINAL_DIFFUSION j, DFree*diam*diam*vol[j] {ca}
	~ ca[0] << (-ica*PI*diam*frat[0]/(2*FARADAY))
	FROM i=0 TO NANN-2 {
		~ ca[i] <-> ca[i+1] (DFree*frat[i+1], DFree*frat[i+1])
	dsq = diam*diam
	FROM i=0 TO NANN-1 {
		dsqvol = dsq*vol[i]
		~ ca[i] + Buffer[i] <-> CaBuffer[i] (k1buf*dsqvol,k2buf*dsqvol)
	cai = ca[0]