Model program for the paper:

Tsutsui H, Oka Y.
Effects of characteristic dendritic tip geometry on the electrical
properties of teleost thalamic neurons.
J Neurophysiol 2001 May;85(5):2289-92

Running the mosinit.hoc program with Neuron recreates Fig 2A.
The file can also be run by itself with Neuron.

The abstract from the paper:

 Of the factors that characterize the properties and functions of 
 neurons, dendritic geometry is one of the most critical. We used 
 simulations employing the multi-compartment model to study the 
 effects of dendritic tip geometry on the electrical properties of 
 the "large cell" in a teleost thalamic nucleus from the corpus 
 glomerulosum. We demonstrated a dramatic geometrical "boosting" 
 effect; passive propagation of the synaptic inputs from the 
 dendritic tip to the soma through the dendritic stalk is less 
 attenuated in cells with larger tips.