objref hidden_graph_list, hidden_xvec, hidden_yvec, hidden_g1, hidden_g2
hidden_xvec = new Vector()
hidden_yvec = new Vector()

// calling format is graphlinecopy(graphObject1, graphObject2)
// all the lines are copied from the 1 graph to the 2 graph

proc graphlinecopy() {	local j, i
//	hidden_g2.exec_menu("Erase")
	hidden_g2.exec_menu("Keep Lines")
	for (i=-1; (i = hidden_g1.getline(j, hidden_xvec, hidden_yvec) != -1)&&(j<200) ; j+=1 ) {
		// xvec and yvec contain the line with Graph internal index i.
		// and can be associated with the sequential index j.
		// print i,j
		if (j>=1) {
			hidden_yvec.label("")	// blank out labels
		hidden_yvec.line(hidden_g2,hidden_xvec)	// use default color on $o2