This is the readme for the simulation code associated with the paper:

Bush D, Burgess N (2014) A hybrid oscillatory interference/continuous
attractor network model of grid cell firing. J Neurosci 34:5065-79

This Matlab code was contributed by Dr Daniel Bush.


Download and extract this archive and cd to the extracted folder. 
Type HybridModel on the Matlab command line.

After a minute or two the graph below should appear (cf. Fig 3f in
Bush & Burgess, 2014).


To run simulations with 2D tracking data, or with a different grid
scale, simply edit the options on the first lines of the HybridModel
Matlab script.

Changing the top line in the code of HybridModel.m to 2D, e.g.
Environment     = '2D';         % Environment type (1D or 2D)
and running, generates after 20 minutes or so (cf. Fig 3e in Bush &
Burgess, 2014)

screenshot 2

Comments, criticisms and questions should be directed to
drdanielbush at