This is the readme for the model associated with the paper:

Ait Ouares K, Filipis L, Tzilivaki A, Poirazi P, Canepari M (2019) Two distinct sets of Ca2+ and K+ channels are activated at different membrane potentials by the climbing fibre synaptic potential in Purkinje neuron dendrites. J Neurosci

This model was contributed by Luiza Filipis and reproduces Cell1 of Figure 9 on paper. If you need more help than the below in running the model please consult the web page:


Run mknrndll, cd to the expanded directory and click on the make nrnmech.dll button. Under windows explorer double click on the mosinitD.hoc, mosinitH.hoc or mosinitI.hoc file to see the result for the Depolarised, Hyperpolarised or Intermediate state respectively.


Run nrnivmodl in the expanded archive folder. Then type nrngui mosinitD.hoc, mosinitH.hoc or mosinitI.hoc file to see the result for the Depolarised, Hyperpolarised or Intermediate state respectively.


Drag and drop the expanded folder onto the mknrndll icon. Drag and drop the mosinitD.hoc, mosinitH.hoc or mosinitI.hoc file onto the nrngui icon to see the result for the Depolarised, Hyperpolarised or Intermediate state respectively.


screenshot depolarized


screenshot hyperpolarized


screenshot intermediate Changelog

* cdp5.mod is updated due to issue mentioned in CONSTANT block has no effect in the initialization of ion variables.