Models for the paper:

Phillips AJ, Robinson PA (2008) Sleep deprivation in a quantitative physiologically based model of the ascending arousal system. J Theor Biol 255:413-23[PubMed]

are available at the website:


Sleep deprived:

Example: Open the baseline model file in opencor. Change the ending point to 96 Hours, the point interval to 0.01, and open three graphs (click plus sign three times). For the first graph right-clicking Vm in m list (select Plot against integration variable), and for the second right click Vv in the v list and select to plot against integration variable, and for the third graph select H in the H list, and again plot against integration variable. Finaly run (click upper left play triangle) creates the following graph similar to fig 2 a, b, c (the graph's axes can be changed by drag with the left mouse button to pan and the right mouse button to zoom):
