The XPPAUT code for the paper:
Y.Liu, J. Milton and S.A. Campbell (2019) Outgrowing seizures in Childhood Absence Epilepsy: time delays and bistability Journal of Computational Neuroscience, doi:10.1007/s10827-019-00711-x.

Details on installing XPPAUT can be found on Bard Ermentrout's XPPAUT webpage.

To reproduce figures in paper, all parameters can be left at default values: (Initialconds -> Go)

screenshot 0

except as follows.

Figure 2: (use Parameters menu, type variable name, value) (type escape key "esc" when done/ready to run the model) gd_AMPA=0,ge_AMPA=0.
Left: Itc_ext_c=5;

screenshot 1

Right: Itc_ext_c=6

Top gb_GABAA=0.6;

screenshot 2

Bottom: gb_GABAA=0.1

screenshot 3

Middle gb_GABAA=0.3;

screenshot 4

Figure 3: gd_AMPA=0,ge_AMPA=0.
Itc_ext_c=5, Itc_pert=1.5, ontime=2000, offtime=2500
Left gb_GABAA=0.1; Middle gb_GABAA=0.4; Right: gb_GABAA=0.7
Figure 4: Itc_ext=5, tau1=9, tau2=2.8
Top left gb_GABAA=0.6; Top right gb_GABAA=0.1;
Bottom left: gb_GABAA=0.29; Bottom right: gb_GABAA=0.2;
Figure 5: Itc_ext_c=5, tau2=2.8
Left gb_GABAA=0.6, tau1=4.2
Right gb_GABAA=0.5, tau1=8.4
Figure 6: Itc_ext_c=5, tau2=2.8, Itc_pert=1, ontime=2000, offtime=2300
Left gb_GABAA=0.7; Right: gb_GABAA=0.4
Top tau1=8.4; Bottom: tau1=2.8
To modify the initial conditions for Figure 6 as described on page 7 of the paper, use the "delay ICs" window in XPPAUT.