This is the readme for the author's model which replicates Figure 3 and Supplementary 9 in the paper:

Gidon A, Zolnik TA, Fidzinski P, Bolduan F, Papoutsi A, Poirazi P, Holtkamp M, Vida I, Larkum ME (2020) Dendritic action potentials and computation in human layer 2/3 cortical neurons Science 367:83-87

The author's models associated with supplementary figure 12 is available here:

Model usage:
This code was written in and requires NEURON (tested in version 7.4, 7.7) which is freely available from This model was run under the unix/linux and windows 10 operating system.

Proceed as follows:
- Download and expand this archive and compile the mod files located in the "_mod" folder with nrnivmodl ("nrnivmodl _mod" or "nrnivmodl ../_mod" if running in the Fig3andS9 subfolder)).

or for windows double click mosinit.hoc

If you need more help running NEURON on your platform please consult:

Once the code is running you can select a simulation from a menu of buttons to click:

menu screenshot

After each simulation is run you will need to restart to generate another simulation. As examples clicking the first, second, and fith buttons quickly generates these figures:


