import numpy as np 
import scipy.signal
import thorns

def createStimulus(est, fs):

    if est['filename'] != -1:
        sound = readStimulus(est,fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'PT':
        sound = createPureTone(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'IRN':
        sound = createIRN(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'HCT':
        sound = createHCT(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'altHCT':
        sound = createALTHCT(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'chord':
        sound = createChord(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'noise':
        sound = createNoise(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'noiseIRN':
        sound = createNoiseIRN(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'IRNchord':
        sound = createIRNchord(est, fs)   
    elif est['type'] == 'IRNchordSS':
        sound = createIRNchordSingleSample(est, fs)    
    elif est['type'] == 'HCTchord':
        sound = createHCTchord(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'tricky':
        sound = createTrickyInterval(est, fs)  
    elif est['type'] == 'CT':
        sound = createClickTrain(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'CTchord':
        sound = createCTchord(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'altCT':
        sound = createAltClicks(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'IRNseq':
        sound = createIRNseq(est, fs)
    elif est['type'] == 'FMsweep':
        sound = createFMsweep(est, fs)
        print('WARNING: Stimulus type not recognised, using a pure tone...')
        sound = createPureTone(est, fs)

    if est['filename'] == -1:

        if (type(est['bandpass'])==np.ndarray) and (est['bandpass'][0]!=0):
            sound = filterStim(sound, fs, est['bandpass'])

        sound = thorns.waves.set_dbspl(sound, est['loudness'])
        sound = rampInOut(sound, fs)
        sound = np.concatenate((np.zeros((int(est['onset']*fs),)), 

        if est['save'] == 1:
  './mochStim'+est['type']+'.wav', fs, sound)

    return sound

def createPureTone(est, fs):
    dur = est['duration']
    x   = np.linspace(0, dur, int(dur * fs));
    omega = 2 * np.pi * est['freq']
    sound = np.sin(omega * x)


def createChord(est, fs):
    dur   = est['duration']
    x     = np.linspace(0, dur, int(dur * fs));
    sound = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

    for k in est['notes']:

        f0 = computeNoteFreq(est['freq'], k, est['tuning'])

        omega = 2 * np.pi * f0
        tone = np.sin(omega * x)

        sound = sound + tone


def createHCT(est, fs):

    dur = est['duration']
    f0  = est['freq']
    sound = np.zeros(int(dur * fs))
    x = np.linspace(0, dur, int(dur * fs));

    for k in est['harms']:
        omega = 2 * np.pi * (f0 * (k + 1) + est['shift'])
        h     = np.sin(omega * x)
        sound = sound + h * (est['harmFact'] ** k) / len(est['harms'])


def createHCTchord(est, fs):

    dur = est['duration']
    sound = np.zeros(int(dur * fs))
    x = np.linspace(0, dur, int(dur * fs));

    for n in est['notes']:

        hct = np.zeros(int(dur * fs))
        f0 = computeNoteFreq(est['freq'], n, est['tuning'])

        for k in est['harms']:
            omega = 2 * np.pi * f0 * (k + 1)
            h     = np.sin(omega * x)
            sound = sound + h * (est['harmFact'] ** k)

        sound = sound + hct


def createIRN(est, fs):

    d = int(1. * fs / est['freq'])

    s = np.random.normal(0, 1, int(est['duration'] * fs + d * est['nOfIts']))
    sound = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

    for k in range(est['nOfIts']):
        sound = sound + s[(d*k):(d*k + len(sound))]


def createClickTrain(est, fs):

    sound = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

    clicks = np.arange(1 / fs, est['duration'] * fs, fs / est['freq'])   
    sound[clicks.astype(int)] = 1


def createCTchord(est, fs):

    sound = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

    for k in est['notes']:
        train = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

        f0 = computeNoteFreq(est['freq'], k, est['tuning'])
        clicks = np.arange(fs / f0, est['duration'] * fs, fs / f0)

        train[clicks.astype(int)] = 1

        sound = sound + train


def createNoise(est, fs):

    sound = np.random.normal(0, 1, int((est['duration'] * fs)))


def createNoiseIRN(est, fs):

    noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, int((est['noiseOff'] * fs)))

    d = round(1. * fs / est['freq'])
    s = np.random.normal(0, 1, int((est['duration'] * fs + d * est['nOfIts'])))

    IRN = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))
    for k in range(est['nOfIts']):
        IRN = IRN + s[int((d*k)):int((d*k + len(IRN)))]

    IRN = thorns.waves.set_dbspl(IRN, est['loudness'])
    noise = thorns.waves.set_dbspl(noise, est['loudness'])

    sound = np.concatenate((noise, IRN))


def createIRNchordSingleSample(est, fs):

    # Uses the same noise sample for all notes of the chord

    maxd = round((1. * fs) / (est['freq'])) + 1
    s = np.random.normal(0, 1, int(est['duration'] * fs + maxd * est['nOfIts']))
    sound = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

    for k in est['notes']:

        f0 = computeNoteFreq(est['freq'], k, est['tuning'])
        d = int((1. *  fs) / f0)
        h = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

        for l in range(est['nOfIts']):
            h = h + s[(d*l):(d*l+ len(sound))]

        sound = sound + h


def computeNoteFreq(f0, note, tuning):

    just = (1., 16./15, 9./8, 6./5, 5./4, 4./3, 25./18, 
            3./2, 8./5, 5./3, 9./5, 15./8, 2.) 
    pythagorean = (1., 256./243, 9./8, 32./27, 81./64, 4./3, 1024./729,
                   3./2, 128./81, 27./16, 16./9, 243./128, 2.)

    if tuning == 'just':
        r = just[note]
    elif tuning == 'pyth':
        r = pythagorean[note]
        r = 2. ** ((1. * note) / 12)
        if tuning != 'equal':
            print('Warning: intonation not recognised, using equal temperament')
    f1 = r * f0

    return f1

def createIRNchord(est, fs):

    # Samples different noises for each note of the chord
    maxd = round((1. * fs) / (est['freq'])) + 1
    sound = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

    for k in est['notes']:

        s = np.random.normal(0, 1, int(est['duration']*fs + maxd*est['nOfIts']))
        f0 = computeNoteFreq(est['freq'], k, est['tuning'])
        d = int((1. *  fs) / f0)        
        h = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

        for l in range(est['nOfIts']):
            h = h + s[(d*l):(d*l+ len(sound))]

        sound = sound + h


def createTrickyInterval(est, fs):

    tramps = 0.01
    tn = 0.3
    ttrans = est['duration'] - 2 * tramps - 2 * tn

    duration = tramps + tn + ttrans + tn + tramps;
    N = duration * fs;

    maxd = round((1. *  fs) / (est['freq'])) + 1
    s = np.random.normal(0, 1, int((duration * fs + maxd * est['nOfIts'])))
    tone = [np.zeros(int(duration * fs)), np.zeros(int(duration * fs))] 

    for i, k in enumerate(est['notes']):

        d = round((1. *  fs) / (est['freq'] * 2. ** (1. * k / 12)))
        h = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

        for l in range(est['nOfIts']):
            h = h + s[int(d*l):int(d*l + duration*fs)]

        tone[i] = filterStim(h, fs, est['loudness'], bandpass = (100, 4000))

    onN = tramps * fs
    toN = tn     * fs   
    trN = ttrans * fs

    on    = np.sin(0.5 * np.pi * np.arange(tramps*fs) / (tramps*fs)) ** 2
    off   = on[::-1]
    trOn  = np.sin(0.5 * np.pi * np.arange(ttrans*fs) / (ttrans*fs)) ** 2
    trOff = 1 - trOn; 

    a1 = np.concatenate([on, np.ones(int(tn*fs)), trOff, \
    a2 = np.concatenate([np.zeros(int((tn+tramps)*fs)), trOn, \
                         np.ones(int(tn*fs)), off])

    sound = a1 * tone[0] + a2 * tone[1]
    sound = rampInOut(sound, fs)


def createALTHCT(est, fs):

    dur = est['duration']
    f0  = est['freq']
    sound = np.zeros(int(dur * fs))
    x = np.linspace(0, dur, int(dur * fs));

    for k in est['harms']:
        omega = 2 * np.pi * f0 * (k + 1)
        phi   = (np.pi / 2) * (k % 2)
        h     = np.sin(omega * x + phi)
        sound = sound + h


def createAltClicks(est, fs):

    d1 = 0.004
    d2 = 0.006

    sound = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))
    clks1 = np.arange(int((d1 + d2) * fs), int(est['duration'] * fs), \
                      int((d1 + d2) * fs))
    clks2 = np.arange(int(d1 * fs), int(est['duration'] * fs), \
                      int((d1 + d2) * fs))
    sound[clks1.astype(int)] = 1
    sound[clks2.astype(int)] = 1


def createIRNseq(est, fs):

    # Samples different noises for each note of the chord
    maxd = round((1. * fs) / (est['freq'])) + 1
    dur = est['duration'] * len(est['notes'])    
    sound = np.zeros(int(dur * fs))

    for k in range(len(est['notes'])):

        s = np.random.normal(0, 1, \
                         (int(est['duration'] * fs + maxd * est['nOfIts'])))
        h = np.zeros(int(est['duration'] * fs))

        f0 = computeNoteFreq(est['freq'], est['notes'][k], est['tuning'])
        d = round((1. *  fs) / f0)

        for l in range(est['nOfIts']):
            h = h + s[int(d*l):int(d*l+ len(h))]

        if k == 1:
            h = rampInOut(h, fs, ramp = False, damp = True)
        elif k == len(est['notes']):
            h = rampInOut(h, fs, ramp = True, damp = False)
            h = rampInOut(h, fs, ramp = True, damp = True)

        h = np.concatenate((np.zeros(int(k * est['duration'] * fs)), h, \
              np.zeros(int((len(est['notes'])-k-1) * est['duration'] * fs))))
        sound = sound + h


def createFMsweep(est, fs):

    tau = est['noiseOff']
    dur = est['duration'] + 2 * tau

    f0 = est['freq'] - 0.5 * est['shift']
    f1 = est['freq'] + 0.5 * est['shift']

    f = np.concatenate((f0 * np.ones(int(tau * fs)), \
                        np.linspace(f0, f1, int(est['duration'] * fs)), \
                        f1 * np.ones(int(tau * fs))))

    sound = np.sin(2 * np.pi * np.cumsum(f) / fs);
    return sound

def rampInOut(sound, fs, ramp = True, damp = True, tau = 0.0025):

    L = int(tau * fs)
    hw = np.hamming(2 * L)
    sound[:L ] = sound[:L ] * hw[:L]
    sound[-L:] = sound[-L:] * hw[L:]

    return sound

def readStimulus(est, fs):

    (readfs, signal) =['filename'])
    sound = np.array(signal, dtype = float)

    if (est['intv'].size) == 2:
        sound = sound[int(est['intv'][0]*readfs):int(est['intv'][1]*readfs)]

    if est['loudness'] != -1:
        sound = thorns.waves.set_dbspl(sound, est['loudness'])

    sound = rampInOut(sound, fs)

    if not('off' in est.keys()):
        est['onset'] = 0
    if not('tail' in est.keys()):
        est['tail'] = 0

    sound = np.concatenate((np.zeros((int(est['onset']*readfs),)), 

    sound = thorns.waves.resample(sound, readfs, fs)


def filterStim(sound, fs, bandpass = (125, 2000)):

    fNyq = (bandpass[0] / (2. * fs), bandpass[1] / (2. * fs))
    b, a = scipy.signal.butter(2, fNyq, 'bandpass', analog=False)
    sound = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, sound)
